Migrant workers' smoking status in Guangdong Province and impact of migrant characteristics and psychological state on it
摘要: 目的 了解广东省珠三角及周边产业转移地区制造业流动工人的吸烟现状,探索其迁移特征、心理特征等因素对吸烟行为的影响,为制定进一步控烟措施提供参考依据。方法 采用多阶段抽样方法,在广东省内珠三角及周边产业转移地区选取4个城市的10家制造企业的888名流动工人进行统一问卷调查,采用描述性统计分析描述流动工人一般特征和吸烟现状,采用单因素和多因素Logistic回归分析流动特征、心理特征等影响因素。结果 流动工人总吸烟率较高(42.2%);单身或离异者、文化程度为高中、迁移城市> 3个的流动工人发生吸烟行为的可能性更大;个人月收入越高,发生吸烟行为的可能性越大。而心理状况好、和家人一起发生迁移的流动工人发生吸烟行为的可能性更小。结论 流动人口的迁移特征、心理特征等与现在吸烟行为有关,应开展有针对性的控烟干预,降低烟草相关健康风险。
- 吸烟 /
- Logistic模型 /
- 流行病学方法
Abstract: Objective To assess the smoking status of migrant workers, toexplore the impact of migrant characteristics and psychological state on them in manufacturing factories in Guangdong Province, and to provide reference for further tobacco control measures. Methods In a cross-sectional study between April and December 2012, 888 migrant workers in 10 factories from 4 cities were selected. A structured questionnaire was used to assess the smoking status and explore the associated factors of smoking behaviors. One-way and Logistic regression analysis were used to explore the associated factors. Results Current smoking rate of migrant workers was high (42.2%). Migrants who were single or divorced,senior high school educated and worked in more than 3 migratory cities were more likely to smoke. Workers who are in better psychological condition and migrate with families were less likely to smoke. Conclusions Migrant characteristics, and psychological state are associated with current smoking behaviors. The identifications of risk factors for current smoking may help to target health promotion interventions and decrease health risk of tobacco.-
Key words:
- Smoking /
- Logistic models /
- Epidemiologic methods
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