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梅欣 钟庆 李俊林 李毅琳

梅欣, 钟庆, 李俊林, 李毅琳. 武汉市从不吸烟青少年吸烟易感性[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2023, 27(9): 1045-1051. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.09.011
引用本文: 梅欣, 钟庆, 李俊林, 李毅琳. 武汉市从不吸烟青少年吸烟易感性[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2023, 27(9): 1045-1051. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.09.011
MEI Xin, ZHONG Qing, LI Junlin, LI Yilin. Assessing susceptibility to smoking among non-smoking youth in Wuhan City, China[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2023, 27(9): 1045-1051. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.09.011
Citation: MEI Xin, ZHONG Qing, LI Junlin, LI Yilin. Assessing susceptibility to smoking among non-smoking youth in Wuhan City, China[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2023, 27(9): 1045-1051. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.09.011


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.09.011



  • 中图分类号: R179

Assessing susceptibility to smoking among non-smoking youth in Wuhan City, China

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  了解武汉市从不吸烟青少年(年龄范围为11~20岁)吸烟易感性以及主要影响因素。  方法  采用横断面研究设计,运用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法,于2019年9―11月在武汉市15个行政区所有公立和私立的初中和高中抽取调查对象,对样本数据进行加权处理,采用复杂抽样设计的logistic回归分析模型分析从不吸烟青少年吸烟易感性的影响因素。  结果  武汉市从不吸烟青少年吸烟易感率为6.2%(95% CI:5.324~7.131),其中男性吸烟易感率为6.8%(95% CI:5.460~8.186),女性吸烟易感率为5.6%(95% CI:4.644~6.489)。多因素logistic回归分析模型分析结果显示,从不吸烟青少年吸烟易感性升高的危险因素包括好朋友吸烟(OR=2.981,95% CI:2.269~3.917,P < 0.001)、在学校看到老师吸烟(OR=1.626,95% CI:1.302~2.029,P < 0.001)、看见过烟草广告或促销(OR=1.442,95% CI:1.189~1.750,P < 0.001)和暴露于二手烟(OR=1.267,95% CI:1.021~1.573,P=0.032);保护因素包括在媒体上看过控烟信息(OR=0.722,95% CI:0.602~0.866,P < 0.001)和每周较低可支配收入(1~<20元)(OR=0.690,95% CI:0.487~0.978,P=0.037)。  结论  应加强媒体控烟宣传教育,全面禁止所有形式的烟草广告、促销和赞助; 并在学校实施全面无烟校园政策,开展同伴和教师健康教育以帮助戒烟; 尽快通过全面无烟立法,创造无烟环境,以降低青少年吸烟的易感性。
  • 表  1  武汉市从不吸烟青少年的基本特征

    Table  1.   Basic characteristics of non-smoking youth in Wuhan, China

    组别Group 类别Category 已加权Weighted 未加权样本量
    Unweighted sample size
    Sample size
    95% CI
    居住地Residence 农村Country 165 756 46.9 35.0~58.8 5 161
    城市City 187 845 53.1 41.2~65.0 5 237
    性别Sex 女Female 167 457 47.4 45.1~49.6 5 098
    男Male 186 143 52.6 50.4~54.9 5 300
    学校类型School type 初中Junior high school 205 552 58.1 46.6~69.7 5 632
    高中Senior high school 94 241 26.7 17.0~36.3 3 474
    职高Professional high school 53 807 15.2 6.6~23.8 1 292
    学校性质Nature of school 公立学校Public school 315 900 89.3 81.7~97.0 9 044
    私立学校Private school 37 701 10.7 3.0~18.3 1 354
    每周可支配收入/元Weekly disposable income/yuan ≥50 112 749 31.9 26.7~37.1 3 464
    20~<50 84 224 23.8 22.2~25.4 2 504
    1~<20 97 160 27.5 23.1~31.9 2 680
    < 1 59 468 16.8 15.3~18.3 1 750
    暴露于二手烟Exposure to second-hand smoking 否No 159 418 45.1 40.2~50.0 4 442
    是Yes 194 183 54.9 50.0~59.8 5 956
    知晓吸烟烟雾危害Be aware of the dangers of smoking smoke 否No 8 402 2.4 2.0~2.8 236
    是Yes 345 199 97.6 97.2~98.0 10 162
    在媒体上看过控烟信息Have seen tobacco control information in the media 否No 86 900 24.6 22.6~26.6 2 700
    是Yes 266 700 75.4 73.4~77.4 7 698
    看到过烟草广告或促销Have seen tobacco advertisements or promotions 否No 128 057 36.2 33.6~38.8 3 783
    是Yes 173 822 49.2 45.6~52.7 5 208
    父母吸烟Parental smoking 否No 196 251 55.5 52.3~58.7 5 655
    是Yes 157 350 44.5 41.3~47.7 4 743
    好朋友吸烟Good friends smoking 否No 287 489 81.3 77.6~85.0 8 395
    是Yes 66 112 18.7 15.0~22.4 2 003
    在学校看到老师吸烟Observed teachers smoking at school 否No 234 779 66.4 61.9~70.9 6 601
    是Yes 118 822 33.6 29.1~38.1 3 797
    合计Total 353 601 100.0 10 398
    Note: Some percentages add up to<100% due to missing values.
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    表  2  武汉市从不吸烟青少年吸烟易感性的单因素分析

    Table  2.   Univariate of susceptibility to smoking among non-smoking youth in Wuhan, China

    组别Group 类别Category 未加权样本量Unweightedsample size 加权Weighted χ2值value P值value
    率/%Rate /% 95% CI
    居住地Residence 农村Country 326 6.5 5.009~7.895 0.214 0.644
    城市City 304 6.0 4.905~7.154
    性别Sex 女Female 279 5.6 4.644~6.489 2.930 0.087
    男Male 351 6.8 5.460~8.186
    学校类型School type 初中Junior high school 276 5.0 4.079~5.982 20.968 < 0.001
    高中Senior high school 248 7.0 5.794~8.143
    职高Professional high school 106 9.5 6.677~12.329
    学校性质Nature of school 公立学校Public school 555 6.3 5.364~7.303 0.650 0.420
    私立学校Private school 75 5.3 3.204~7.475
    每周可支配收入/元Weekly disposable income/yuan ≥50 284 8.5 7.323~9.652 45.091 < 0.001
    20~<50 137 5.7 4.424~6.928
    1~<20 103 4.0 2.916~5.034
    < 1 106 6.4 4.789~8.020
    暴露于二手烟Exposure to second-hand smoking 否No 183 4.0 3.245~4.664 57.014 < 0.001
    是Yes 447 8.1 6.765~9.423
    知晓吸烟烟雾危害Be aware of the dangers of smoking smoke 否No 20 7.9 3.929~11.938 1.023 0.312
    是Yes 610 6.2 5.292~7.080
    在媒体上看过控烟信息Have seen tobacco control information in the media 否No 210 8.3 6.723~9.918 20.365 < 0.001
    是Yes 420 5.5 4.692~6.399
    看到过烟草广告或促销Have seen tobacco advertisements or promotions 否No 159 4.2 3.433~4.945 136.910 < 0.001
    是Yes 417 8.6 7.340~9.806
    父母吸烟Parental smoking 否No 285 4.8 4.011~5.561 26.537 < 0.001
    是Yes 345 8.0 6.543~9.510
    好朋友吸烟Good friends smoking 否No 323 4.0 3.384~4.604 386.368 < 0.001
    是Yes 307 15.9 14.105~17.778
    在学校看到老师吸烟Observed teachers smoking at school 否No 266 4.2 3.437~4.925 98.036 < 0.001
    是Yes 364 10.3 8.574~11.969
    合计Total 630 6.2 5.324~7.131
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    表  3  武汉市从不吸烟青少年吸烟易感性多因素分析(加权后)

    Table  3.   Multivariable logistic regression analysis on smoking susceptibility of non-smoking youth in Wuhan, China (Weighted)

    影响因素Influence factor 类别Category β s Wald
    (95% CI)
    居住地Residence 农村Country 1.000
    城市City -0.080 0.110 0.529 0.923 (0.745~1.145) 0.467
    性别Sex 女Female 1.000
    男Male -0.017 0.145 0.014 0.983 (0.741~1.305) 0.907
    学校类型School type 初中Junior high school 1.000
    高中Senior high school -0.148 0.126 1.381 0.863 (0.675~1.104) 0.240
    职高Professional high school 0.126 0.185 0.465 1.134 (0.790~1.629) 0.495
    学校性质Nature of school 公立学校Public school 1.000
    私立学校Private school -0.134 0.118 1.293 0.875 (0.694~1.102) 0.255
    每周可支配收入/元Weekly disposable income/yuan ≥50 1.000
    20~<50 -0.186 0.129 2.070 0.830 (0.645~1.070) 0.150
    1~<20 -0.371 0.178 4.352 0.690 (0.487~0.978) 0.037
    < 1 0.032 0.142 0.051 1.033 (0.782~1.364) 0.822
    暴露于二手烟Exposure to second-hand smoking 否No 1.000
    是Yes 0.237 0.110 4.614 1.267 (1.021~1.573) 0.032
    知晓吸烟烟雾危害Be aware of the dangers of smoking smoke 否No 1.000
    是Yes -0.277 0.352 0.620 0.758 (0.380~1.511) 0.431
    在媒体上看过控烟信息Have seen tobacco control information in the media 否No 1.000
    是Yes -0.325 0.093 12.332 0.722 (0.602~0.866) < 0.001
    看到过烟草广告或促销Have seen tobacco advertisements or promotions 否No 1.000
    是Yes 0.366 0.099 13.790 1.442 (1.189~1.750) < 0.001
    父母吸烟Parental smoking 否No 1.000
    是Yes 0.178 0.113 2.487 1.195 (0.958~1.490) 0.115
    好朋友吸烟Good friends smoking 否No 1.000
    是Yes 1.092 0.139 61.442 2.981 (2.269~3.917) < 0.001
    在学校看到老师吸烟Observed teachers smoking at school 否No 1.000
    是Yes 0.486 0.113 18.442 1.626 (1.302~2.029) < 0.001
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