目的 了解2015―2021年江苏省未成年人伤害发生情况及特点,为制定未成年人伤害预防措施提供依据。 方法 收集2015―2021年江苏省伤害监测系统中0~17岁未成年人伤害首诊病例资料,内容包括患者的一般信息、伤害事件基本情况、伤害临床信息和填报人信息。采用频数和频率描述伤害发生的分布特征;组间频率的比较采用χ2检验,通过秩和检验比较不同类别间未成年人伤害严重程度的差异。 结果 2015―2021年共收集江苏省5个监测点12家哨点医院未成年人伤害病例98 954例次,其中男性60 380例次(61.02%),男女比例为1.57∶1。伤害发生原因构成前3位的是动物伤(35.38%)、跌倒/坠落伤(32.00%)和钝器伤(10.81%)。8―10月是未成年人伤害发生的高峰季节,不同原因所致伤害类型在不同月份的分布也不同。不同年龄组未成年人伤害主要发生在家中,分别占78.13%(0~<4岁组)、68.00%(4~<7岁组)、52.98%(7~<13岁组)和36.27%(13~17岁组),≥7岁组伤害发生于学校与公共场所所占比例较<7岁组显著增加,分别为84.96%和15.04%。未成年人伤害发生时活动主要是休闲活动,占66.88%。 结论 江苏省未成年人伤害病例以男性居多,以动物伤为主要原因,夏秋季是高峰季节,多发生在家中,应有针对性地开展安全教育和加强保护。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the occurrence and characteristics of minor injury cases in Jiangsu Province from 2015 to 2021, providing basis for developing strategies and measures for preventing Injury among minors. Methods All the first diagnosed injury cases of minors aged 0-17 years reported by outpatient and emergency departments of injury surveillance sentinel hospitals in Jiangsu province from 2015 to 2021 were collected and analyzed. The content includes general information of patients, basic information and clinical information of injury cases, and information of the reporting persons.We used the composition ratio to describe the distribution characteristics of injuries. And rank sum test were used to compare the differences in the severity of minor injuries between different categories. Results A total of 98 954 cases of minor injuries were collected from 12 sentinel hospitals in 5 monitoring points in Jiangsu Province from 2015 to 2021, with 60 380 were males(61.02%). The ratio of male to female was 1.57∶1. Most injuries were caused by animal bite, drop and blunt, respectively accounted for 35.38%, 32.00% and 10.81%. August to October of each year is the peak season for minor injuries. The distribution of injuries caused by different reasons were varied in different months. Injuries in different age groups were mainly occurred at home, accounting for 78.13% (0- < 4 years old), 68.00% (4- < 7 years old), 52.98% (7- < 13 years old), and 36.27% (13-17 years old). The proportion of minor injuries aged 7 and above occurred in schools and public places were increased to those aged 7 and below, with 84.96% and 15.04% respectively. The main activity of injury was leisure, accounting for 66.88%. Conclusions Most minor injuries in Jiangsu Province were male, mainly caused by animal bite and occurred at home in summer and autumn.Safety education and protection should be carried out. -
Key words:
- Minor /
- Injure /
- Monitoring and analysis
表 1 研究对象基本特征
Table 1. Basic characteristics of research subjects
Cause人数 ①
Number of people ①年份① Year① 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 道路交通伤Traffic injury 6 786(6.86) 553(8.81) 656(8.38) 625(7.25) 1 005(8.40) 1 311(7.96) 1 277(6.35) 1 359(4.90) 跌倒/坠落伤Fall injury 31 661(32.00) 2 643(42.11) 3 003(38.37) 3 435(39.83) 4 576(38.26) 4 833(29.35) 5 557(27.66) 7 614(27.48) 钝器伤Blunt force injury 10 700(10.81) 658(10.49) 967(12.36) 1 166(13.52) 1 687(14.10) 1 885(11.45) 1 794(8.93) 2 543(9.18) 刀/锐器伤Knife/Sharp tool injury 7 564(7.64) 644(10.26) 797(10.18) 861(9.98) 1 129(9.44) 1 170(7.10) 1 219(6.07) 1 744(6.29) 烧烫伤Burn and scald injury 1 879(1.90) 135(2.15) 149(1.90) 129(1.50) 182(1.52) 173(1.05) 285(1.42) 826(2.98) 溺水Drown 29(0.03) 1(0.02) 6(0.08) 6(0.07) 5(0.04) 3(0.02) 1(0.00) 7(0.03) 动物伤Animal injury 35 010(35.38) 1 444(23.01) 1 708(21.83) 1 817(21.07) 2 372(19.83) 6 173(37.48) 9 025(44.92) 12 471(45.01) 窒息/悬吊/中毒Suffocation/Suspension/Poisoning 807(0.81) 22(0.35) 184(2.35) 132(1.53) 156(1.31) 90(0.55) 104(0.52) 119(0.43) 火器伤/性侵犯Firearm injury/Sexual assault 20(0.02) 4(0.06) 2(0.03) 2(0.02) 5(0.04) 4(0.02) 0(0.00) 3(0.01) 其他/不清楚Other/Unclear 4 498(4.55) 172(2.74) 354(4.52) 451(5.23) 844(7.06) 826(5.02) 829(4.13) 1 022(3.69) 合计Total 98 954(100.00) 6 276(6.34) 7 826(7.91) 8 624(8.72) 11 961(12.09) 16 468(16.64) 20 091(20.30) 27 708(28.00) χ2值value 6 212.14 P值value <0.001 原因
Cause人数 ①
Number of people ①性别 ① Gender ① 年龄组/岁 ① Age group/years ① 男Male 女Female 0~<4 4~<7 7~<13 13~17 道路交通伤Traffic injury 6 786(6.86) 4 310(7.14) 2 476(6.42) 792(4.07) 1 096(5.50) 2 090(6.29) 2 808(10.66) 跌倒/坠落伤Fall injury 31 661(32.00) 20 864(34.55) 10 797(27.99) 6 195(31.83) 5 905(29.65) 10 037(30.20) 9 524(36.17) 钝器伤Blunt force injury 10 700(10.81) 7 527(12.47) 3 173(8.22) 1 959(10.07) 1 733(8.70) 3 439(10.35) 3 569(13.55) 刀/锐器伤Knife/Sharp tool injury 7 564(7.64) 4 997(8.28) 2 567(6.65) 1 122(5.76) 1 324(6.65) 2 532(7.62) 2 586(9.82) 烧烫伤Burn and scald injury 1 879(1.90) 1 082(1.79) 797(2.07) 675(3.47) 351(1.76) 449(1.35) 404(1.53) 溺水Drown 29(0.03) 17(0.03) 12(0.03) 14(0.07) 4(0.02) 8(0.02) 3(0.01) 动物伤Animal injury 35 010(35.38) 18 450(30.56) 16 560(42.93) 7 304(37.53) 8 549(42.92) 13 145(39.54) 6 012(22.83) 窒息/悬吊/中毒Suffocation/Suspension/Poisoning 807(0.81) 425(0.70) 382(0.99) 210(1.08) 106(0.53) 137(0.41) 354(1.35) 火器伤/性侵犯Firearm injury/Sexual assault 20(0.02) 14(0.02) 6(0.02) 1(0.01) 7(0.04) 7(0.02) 5(0.02) 其他/不清楚Other/Unclear 4 498(4.55) 2 694(4.46) 1 804(4.68) 1 190(6.11) 843(4.23) 1 396(4.20) 1 069(4.06) 合计Total 98 954(100.00) 60 380(61.02) 38 574(38.98) 19 462(19.67) 19 918(20.13) 33 240(33.59) 26 334(26.61) χ2值value 1 861.799 3 969.349 P值value <0.001 <0.001 注:①以人数(占比/%)表示。
Note: ① Number of people (proportion/%).表 2 不同性别和不同年龄组未成年人伤害发生空间分布
Table 2. Spatial distribution of minor injuries in different genders and age groups
Cause人数 ①
Number of people ①性别 ① Gender ① 年龄组/岁 ① Age group/years ① 男Male 女Female 0~<4 4~<7 7~<13 13~17 家中At home 55 910(56.50) 31 713(52.52) 24 197(62.73) 15 206(78.13) 13 545(68.00) 17 609(52.98) 9 550(36.27) 公共居住场所 ② Public residential areas ② 8 722(8.81) 5 433(9.00) 3 289(8.53) 1 835(9.43) 1 998(10.03) 3 127(9.41) 1 762(6.69) 学校与公共场所Schools and public places 18 506(18.70) 12 703(21.04) 5 803(15.04) 736(3.78) 2 048(10.28) 7 749(23.31) 7 973(30.28) 体育和运动场所Sports venues 2 739(2.77) 2 145(3.55) 594(1.54) 96(0.49) 222(1.12) 861(2.59) 1 560(5.92) 公路/街道Road/Street 9 945(10.05) 6 341(10.50) 3 604(9.34) 1 166(5.99) 1 637(8.22) 3 085(9.28) 4 057(15.41) 贸易和服务场所Trade and service venues 1 515(1.53) 971(1.61) 544(1.41) 209(1.08) 228(1.15) 367(1.10) 711(2.70) 工业和建筑场所Industrial and construction sites 639(0.65) 507(0.84) 132(0.34) 39(0.20) 56(0.28) 74(0.22) 470(1.78) 农场/农田Farm/Farmland 60(0.06) 37(0.06) 23(0.06) 12(0.06) 12(0.06) 23(0.07) 13(0.05) 其他/不清楚Other/Unclear 918(0.93) 530(0.88) 388(1.01) 163(0.84) 172(0.86) 345(1.04) 238(0.90) 合计Total 98 954(100.00) 60 380(61.02) 38 574(38.98) 19 462(19.67) 19 918(20.13) 33 240(33.59) 26 334(26.61) χ2值value 1 368.447 13 304.716 P值value <0.001 <0.001 注:①以人数(占比/%)表示; ②公共居住场所包括宿舍、疗养院、养老院、孤儿院、监狱、教养院等公共居住设施。
Note: ① Number of people (proportion/%); ②Public residential areas include dormitories, sanatoriums, nursing homes, orphanages, prisons, correctional facilities, and other public residential facilities.表 3 不同性别和不同年龄组未成年人伤害发生时的活动分布
Table 3. Distribution of activities during the occurrence of minor injury in different genders and age groups
Cause人数 ①
Number of people ①性别 ① Gender ① 年龄组/岁 ① Age group/years ① 男Male 女Female 0~<4 4~<7 7~<13 13~17 家务Housework 2 170(2.19) 1 278(2.12) 892(2.31) 197(1.01) 328(1.65) 784(2.36) 861(3.27) 学习Study 4 029(4.07) 2 744(4.54) 1 285(3.33) 33(0.17) 336(1.69) 2 127(6.40) 1 533(5.82) 体育活动Sports activities 7 739(7.82) 5 777(9.57) 1 962(5.09) 116(0.60) 474(2.38) 2 859(8.60) 4 290(16.29) 休闲活动Leisure activities 66 180(66.88) 39 168(64.87) 27 012(70.03) 14 836(76.23) 15 688(78.76) 22 361(67.27) 13 295(50.49) 生命活动 ② Life activities ② 7 141(7.22) 4 077(6.75) 3 064(7.94) 2 369(12.17) 1 230(6.17) 1 881(5.66) 1 661(6.31) 驾乘交通工具Driving and riding vehicles 5 743(5.81) 3 633(6.02) 2 110(5.47) 1 087(5.59) 901(4.52) 1 550(4.66) 2 205(8.37) 步行 ③ Walk③ 3 186(3.22) 1 930(3.19) 1 256(3.26) 403(2.07) 542(2.72) 900(2.71) 1 341(5.09) 其他/不清楚Other/Unclear 2 766(2.79) 1 773(2.94) 993(2.57) 421(2.16) 419(2.11) 778(2.34) 1 148(4.36) 合计Total 98 954(100.00) 60 380(61.02) 38 574(38.98) 19 462(19.67) 19 918(20.13) 33 240(33.59) 26 334(26.61) χ2值value 874.721 10 578.397 P值value <0.001 <0.001 注:①以人数(占比/%)表示; ②生命活动包括吃饭、睡觉、休息、洗漱、如厕、性生活、家中走路、排除家务和娱乐活动中走动; ③步行是一种室外交通方式,排除体育活动、休闲活动等。
Note: ① Number of people (proportion/%); ② Life activities include eating, sleeping, resting, washing, toileting, having sex, walking at home, eliminating household chores, and moving around in recreational activities; ③Walking is an outdoor mode of transportation that excludes walking from physical exercise, leisure activities, etc.表 4 不同性别、年龄和原因未成年人伤害严重程度分布
Table 4. Distribution of injury severity of minor injury in different genders, age groups and causes
Statistical indicators人数 ①
Number of people ①伤害严重程度 ① Injury severity ① Z/H值
value轻度Mild 中度Moderate 重度Severe 性别Gender 13.512 <0.001 男Male 60 380(61.02) 53 737(89.00) 6 449(10.68) 194(0.32) 女Female 38 574(38.98) 35 353(91.65) 3 082(7.99) 139(0.36) 年龄组/岁Age group/ years 600.283 <0.001 0~<4 19 462(19.67) 17 891(91.93) 1 525(7.83) 46(0.24) 4~<7 19 918(20.13) 18 212(91.44) 1 634(8.20) 72(0.36) 7~<13 33 240(33.59) 30 291(91.13) 2 858(8.60) 91(0.27) 13~17 26 334(26.61) 22 696(86.19) 3 514(13.34) 124(0.47) 原因Cause 2 864.333 <0.001 道路交通伤Traffic injury 6 786(6.86) 5 865(86.43) 885(13.04) 36(0.53) 跌倒/坠落伤Fall injury 31 661(32.00) 27 323(86.30) 4 298(13.57) 40(0.13) 钝器伤Blunt force injury 10 700(10.81) 9 203(86.01) 1 476(13.79) 21(0.20) 刀/锐器伤Knife/Sharp tool injury 7 564(7.64) 6 403(84.65) 1 117(14.77) 44(0.58) 烧烫伤Burn and scald 1 879(1.90) 1 755(93.40) 122(6.49) 2(0.11) 溺水Drown 29(0.03) 9(31.04) 10(34.48) 10(34.48) 动物伤Animal injury 35 010(35.38) 33 556(95.85) 1 282(3.66) 172(0.49) 窒息/悬吊/中毒Suffocation/Suspension/Poisoning 807(0.81) 612(75.84) 189(23.42) 6(0.74) 火器伤/性侵犯Firearm injury/Sexual assault 20(0.02) 16(80.00) 3(15.00) 1(5.00) 其他/不清楚Other/Unclear 4 498(4.55) 4 348(96.67) 149(3.31) 1(0.02) 合计Total 98 954(100.00) 89 090(90.03) 9 531(9.63) 333(0.34) 注:①以人数(占比/%)表示。
Note: ① Number of people (proportion/%). -
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