The prevalence of hyperuricemia and its influencing factors among the employees in a large state-owned enterprise of western China
摘要: 目的 了解西部某大型国企员工高尿酸血症(hyperuricemia,HUA)患病率及其影响因素。方法 采用横断面调查的方法,对西部某大型国企参加体检的员工进行调查。调查内容包括问卷调查、体格检查以及生化指标测定。结果 本次共调查4 180名员工,HUA患病率为16.6%,年龄标化患病率为13.2%;其中男性患病率为21.5%,标化后患病率为21.8%;女性患病率为4.0%,标化后患病率为4.1%,男性患病率高于女性,差异有统计学意义(χ2=187.608,P<0.001)。单因素分析结果显示,吸烟、夜班、野外工作、工作场所海拔≥3 500 m的员工HUA患病率较高(均有P<0.05),分别为61.3%、20.0%、21.5%和19.7%;高胆固醇、高甘油三酯、高血压以及超重/肥胖者HUA患病率均高于正常对照组(均有P<0.05),分别为27.3%、31.1%、21.2%和24.7%。非条件Logistic回归分析显示,在控制其它混杂因素后,性别、年龄、血清胆固醇和甘油三酯水平、高血压、超重/肥胖、工作类型与HUA密切相关,其中性别因素影响最大(OR=4.879,95% CI:3.538~6.728)。结论 该大型国企员工尤其是男性中青年人群HUA患病率较高,建议针对重点人群和相关危险因素开展基于工作场所的健康促进活动。Abstract: Objective To explore the prevalence of hyperuricemia (HUA) and its risk factors among the employees of a state-owned enterprise of western China. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted among the employees in a large stated-owned enterprise of western China. Questionnaire, physical examination and biochemical index determination were performed. Results 4 180 employees were included in this study. The prevalence (age standardized prevalence) of HUA was 16.6% (13.2%), and 21.5% (21.8%) for male and 4.0% (4.1%) for female, respectively (χ2=187.608,P<0.001). The HUA prevalence was significantly higher among the employees who were smokers (61.3%), doing the night shift (20.0%) and field work (21.5%), working at a high altitude (≥3 500 m,19.7%), with high total cholesterol (TC) (27.3%) and triglyceride (TG) (31.1%), hypertension (21.2%) and overweight/obesity (24.7%) (all P<0.05). The Logistic analysis showed that, after adjusting other factors, gender, age, TC and TG, hypertension, obesity and job type were closely associated with HUA, in which the maximum influence was gender (OR=4.879,95% CI:3.538-6.728). Conclusions The HUA prevalence was higher among the middle-aged male employees in this enterprise. Worksite based intervention program should be conducted.
Key words:
- Workplace /
- Hyperuricemia /
- Risk factors
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