目的 初步评估珠三角某市生活饮用水中化学污染物对人体健康产生的潜在风险。方法 于2015年1~12月,对该市水源水、出厂水和末梢水中5种基因毒物质(砷、六价铬、镉、三氯甲烷和四氯化碳)及12种躯体毒物质(铅、汞、硒、氰化物、氟化物、硝酸盐、铁、氨氮、锰、铜、锌和挥发酚)进行检测,采用美国国家环境保护局推荐的健康风险评价模型对上述17种化学污染物通过饮水途径所引起的健康风险做出初步评价。结果 水源水中化学污染物所引起的致癌风险、非致癌风险和总健康风险分别为3.75×10-5/a、206.27×10-11/a和3.75×10-5/a,出厂水中化学污染物所引起的致癌风险、非致癌风险和总健康风险分别为3.32×10-5/a、142.68×10-11/a和3.32×10-5/a,末梢水中化学污染物所引起的致癌风险、非致癌风险和总健康风险分别为3.37×10-5/a、150.34×10-11/a和3.37×10-5/a。致癌风险、非致癌风险和总健康风险由高到低均分别为水源水>末梢水>出厂水。结论 珠三角某市水源水、出厂水和末梢水中17种化学污染物对人体健康产生的健康风险水平均在国际辐射防护委员会规定的最大可接受风险水平(5.0×10-5/a)范围内。
Objective To give an initial evaluation on the potential health risk of chemical pollutants in drinking water in a Pearl River Delta city. Methods The concentration of 5 genetic toxic substances (As, Cr6+, Cd, CHCl3, CCl4) and 12 non-carcinogenic substances (Pb, Hg, Se, CN-, F-, NO-3, Fe, NH3-N, Mn, Cu, Zn, volatile phenol) in source water, finished water and tap water in a Pearl River Delta city were tested from January to December, 2015. The health risk of exposure to chemical pollutants through oral route was assessed according to the evaluation models recommended by United States Environmental Protection Agency. Results The carcinogenic risk, non-carcinogenic risk and total health risk caused by chemical pollutants in source water were 3.75×10-5/a,206.27×10-11/a and 3.75×10-5/a respectively. The carcinogenic risk, non-carcinogenic risk and total health risk caused by chemical pollutants in finished water were 3.32×10-5/a,142.68×10-11/a and 3.32×10-5/a respectively. The carcinogenic risk, non-carcinogenic risk and total health risk caused by chemical pollutants in tap water were 3.37×10-5/a,150.34×10-11/a and 3.37×10-5/a respectively. The carcinogenic risk, non-carcinogenic risk and total health risk caused by chemical pollutants ranked from high to low as source water > tap water > finished water. Conclusions The health risk caused by 17 chemical pollutants in source water, finished water and tap water were below the maximal acceptable value recommended by International Commission on Radiological Protection (5.0×10-5/a) in a Pearl River Delta city.