目的 调查西藏日喀则市18岁以上世居居民高血压患病率,探究不同影响因素与高血压发病率之间的关联程度。 方法 采用问卷调查和实地血压测量的方法收集到日喀则市391位居民的年龄、文化程度、职业、吸烟、饮酒、体重指数(body mass index,BMI)、盐摄入量等信息。数据分析采用SPSS的Logistic回归分析模型进行统计处理。 结果 391份调查问卷显示,高血压患病率为38.36%,其中男性患病率为39.91%,女性患病率为36.52%。多因素Logistic回归模型分析结果显示,与日喀则居民高血压相关的危险因素包括年龄、BMI、吸烟、饮酒,其中年龄、BMI、吸烟与高血压成正相关,饮酒与高血压呈负相关。 结论 在日喀则地区世居居民中,年龄、BMI、吸烟这三种因素均为高血压的危险因素,饮酒则为高血压的保护因素。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the prevalence of hypertension among residents over 18 years of age in Shigatse, Tibet, and to explore the correlation between different influencing factors and the incidence of hypertension. Methods A questionnaire survey and field blood pressure measurements were used to collect the information of age, education, occupation, smoking, drinking, body mass index (BMI) and salt intake were collected from 391 residents in Shigatse area. Logistic regression analysis of SPSS was used for statistical analysis. Results 391 questionnaires showed that the prevalence of hypertension was 38.36%, of which 39.91% was male and 36.52% was female. The results of multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that the factors associated with hypertension in Shigatse residents included age, BMI, smoking and drinking, in which age and BMI, smoking were positively correlated with hypertension. Alcohol consumption was negatively correlated with hypertension. Conclusion In Shigatse area, age, BMI and smoking were the risk factors of hypertension, while drinking alcohol was protective factor of hypertension. -
Key words:
- Tibet /
- Shigatse /
- Hypertension /
- Prevalence /
- Risk factors
表 1 日喀则被调查人群特征及血压情况
Table 1. Characteristics and prevalence of population investigated in Shigatse
因素 被调查人数 患病人数 患病率(%) 性别 男 213 85 39.91 女 178 65 36.52 年龄 青年组 130 27 20.77 中年组 153 69 45.10 老年组 108 54 50.00 职业 无 122 41 33.61 农牧民 181 74 40.88 上班族 84 35 41.67 其他 4 0 0 文化程度 小学及以下 280 111 39.64 初高中 68 24 35.29 大学及以上 43 15 34.88 体重指数(BMI) 偏低 29 6 20.69 正常 203 65 32.02 超重 124 60 48.39 肥胖 35 19 54.29 食盐摄入量 轻 121 53 43.8 中 162 57 35.19 重 108 40 37.04 饮酒 是 148 21 14.19 否 243 129 53.09 吸烟 是 135 90 66.67 否 256 60 23.44 表 2 血压值偏高的相关因素多元Logistic回归分析
Table 2. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis of hypertension related factors
相关因素 β值 sx值 Wald值 P值 OR(95% CI)值 年龄 0.882 0.194 20.664 < 0.001 1.189(0.640~2.208) BMI 0.612 0.177 12.020 0.001 1.844(1.305~2.607) 吸烟 2.159 0.284 57.908 < 0.001 8.661(4.967~15.102) 饮酒 -2.209 0.314 49.356 < 0.001 0.110(0.059~0.203) -
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