Comparison of antibiotic resistance spectrum between methicillin-resistant and methicillin-susceptible coagulase-negative staphylococci nasal isolates among 1 001 HIV infectors
目的 探究广州市人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)感染者鼻腔凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌(coagulase-negative staphylococci,CoNS)携带情况和耐药谱特征。 方法 对广州市某医院艾滋病门诊部HIV感染者鼻腔分离出的CoNS进行药敏试验和耐药基因检测。 结果 1 001名HIV感染者鼻腔CoNS和耐甲氧西林凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌(methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci,MRCoNS)携带率分别为57.44%和48.15%,MRCoNS对青霉素、红霉素和复方新诺明耐药率较高,主要携带Aac(6')-aph(2')、ermC和linA耐药基因。MRCoNS(80.69%)与甲氧西林敏感凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌(methicillin-susceptible coagulase-negative staphylococci,MSCoNS)(39.66%)多重耐药率差异有统计学意义(χ2=100.27,P < 0.001)。 结论 广州市HIV感染者鼻腔CoNS和MRCoNS携带率及多重耐药率均较高,与MSCoNS相比MRCoNS可增加6.36倍多重耐药风险。 -
- HIV感染者 /
- 凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌 /
- 耐甲氧西林凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌 /
- 耐药谱
Abstract:Objective We aimed to elucidate the prevalence and the antibiotic resistance spectrum of nasal coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) colonization among HIV infectors in Guangzhou. Method After isolation and identification, all CoNS isolates were tested for the antibiotic susceptibility, and the antibiotic resistance genes. Result Among the 1 001 HIV infectors, the prevalence of CoNS and MRCoNS were 57.44% and 48.15%, respectively. The three predominant resistant antibiotics of MRCoNS isolates were penicillin, erythromycin and trimethoprim-sulfame thoxazole, while predominant detection rates of genes were Aac(6')-aph(2')、ermC and linA genes. The multidrug resistance rate of MRCoNS isolates were significantly higher than methicillin-susceptible coagulase-negative staphylococci (MSCoNS) isolates (80.69% versus 39.66%, P < 0.001, OR=6.36). Conclusions The prevalence and multidrug resistant rates of nasal colonization CoNS and MRCoNS are high among HIV infectors in Guangzhou. MRCoNS isolates were 6.36 times more likely to be of multidrug resistance than MSCoNS isolates. -
表 1 MRCoNS与MSCoNS抗生素耐药情况比较[株(%)]
Table 1. Antimicrobial resistance between MRCoNS and MSCoNS [strain (%)]
抗生素 MRCoNS MSCoNS 合计 χ2值 OR(95%CI)值 P值 青霉素 432(93.71) 118(67.82) 550(86.61) 73.05 7.07(4.32~11.56) < 0.001 头孢西丁 352(76.36) 0(0.00) 352(55.43) - 1.00(0.00~+∞) a < 0.001b 替考拉宁 113(24.51) 32(18.39) 145(22.83) 2.68 1.44(0.93~2.23) 0.101 庆大霉素 176(38.18) 66(37.93) 242(38.11) 0.00 1.01(0.71~1.45) 0.954 红霉素 336(72.89) 82(47.13) 418(65.83) 37.26 3.02(2.10~4.33) < 0.001 四环素 161(34.92) 26(14.94) 187(29.45) 24.28 3.05(1.93~4.83) < 0.001 莫西沙星 182(39.48) 18(10.34) 200(31.50) 49.70 5.65(3.35~9.53) < 0.001 呋喃妥因 30(6.51) 5(2.87) 35(5.51) 3.20 2.35(0.90~6.16) 0.073 克林霉素 155(33.62) 34(19.54) 189(29.76) 11.98 2.09(1.37~3.18) 0.001 复方新诺明 250(54.23) 39(22.41) 289(45.51) 51.56 4.10(2.75~6.12) < 0.001 利福平 54(11.71) 10(5.75) 64(10.08) 4.96 2.18(1.08~4.38) 0.026 利奈唑胺 9(1.95) 0(0.00) 9(1.42) - 4.79(0.75~+∞) a 0.124b 多重耐药 372(80.69) 69(39.66) 441(69.45) 100.27 6.36(4.34~9.32) < 0.001 注:a表示使用Exact logistic regression得出OR值和95%CI值;b表示使用Fisher确切概率法。 表 2 MRCoNS与MSCoNS耐药基因及耐消毒基因携带情况比较[株(%)]
Table 2. Genetic characteristics between MRCoNS and MSCoNS [strain (%)]
基因 MRCoNS MSCoNS 合计 χ2值 P值 耐药基因 Aac(6’)-aph(2’) 305(66.16) 94(54.02) 399(62.83) 7.97 0.005 tetM 16(3.47) 5(2.87) 21(3.31) - 0.808a tetK 222(48.16) 61(35.06) 283(44.57) 8.77 0.003 ermA 3(0.65) 0(0.00) 3(0.47) - 0.566a ermC 258(55.97) 66(37.93) 324(51.02) 16.44 < 0.001 linA 227(49.24) 78(44.83) 305(48.03) 0.99 0.321 耐消毒基因 qacA/B 243(52.71) 65(37.36) 308(48.50) 11.92 0.001 smr 49(10.63) 10(5.75) 59(9.29) 3.57 0.059 注:a表示使用Fisher确切概率法。 表 3 MRCoNS和MSCoNS抗生素种类耐药分布对比[株(%)]
Table 3. Antibiotics resistance antibiotics distribution of MRCoNS and MSCoNS [strain(%)]
耐药类别 MRCoNS MSCoNS 合计 χ2值 P值 0 4(0.87) 13(7.47) 17(2.68) 21.14 < 0.001 1 31(6.72) 43(24.71) 74(11.65) 39.70 < 0.001 2 54(11.71) 49(28.16) 103(16.22) 25.15 < 0.001 3 98(21.26) 23(13.22) 121(19.06) 5.29 0.021 4 99(21.48) 22(21.48) 121(19.06) 6.39 0.011 5 65(14.10) 16(9.20) 81(12.76) 2.73 0.098 6 59(12.80) 5(2.87) 64(10.08) 13.73 < 0.001 7 32(6.94) 2(1.15) 34(5.35) 8.36 0.004 8 12(2.60) 1(0.57) 13(2.05) 2.59 0.107 9 3(0.65) 0(0.00) 3(0.47) - 0.566a 10 1(0.22) 0(0.00) 1(0.16) - 1.000a 11 3(0.65) 0(0.00) 3(0.47) - 0.566a 注:a表示使用Fisher确切概率法。 -
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