The influence of childhood family relations on depression of middle-aged and elderly people
目的 通过定量分析儿童期家庭关系对中老年抑郁的影响,为中老年人心理健康的促进策略提供全生命周期视角。 方法 基于“中国健康与养老追踪调查”(China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study, CHARLS)(2013、2014和2015)数据,运用单因素分析和二元Logistic回归分析模型分析。 结果 中老年人抑郁发生率为31.2%;单因素分析显示,中老年抑郁发生风险在不同年龄、性别、婚姻状况、受教育程度、父母受教育程度、出生地、儿童期家庭经济状况、健康状况、与不同性别抚养人的关系、父母间的关系差异具有统计学意义(均有P < 0.05);回归分析模型分析结果显示,儿童期与抚养人关系差和父母间关系差是中老年抑郁发生的危险因素。儿童期与女性抚养人关系差是关系好的1.95倍,儿童期与男性抚养人关系差是关系好的1.58倍,儿童期父母间关系差是关系好的1.40倍。 结论 儿童期家庭关系对生命中后期的心理健康状况具有重要影响,儿童期不良的父母关系及代际关系,特别是母子关系是中老年期抑郁发生的危险因素;应以全生命周期为视角,理解和制定中老年健康促进策略。 Abstract:Objective Through quantitative analysis of the influence of childhood family relationship on depression in middle-aged and elderly people, this paper aims to provide a life-cycle perspective for the promotion strategies of mental health in middle-aged and elderly people. Methods Based on the data of the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study(CHARLS) (2013, 2014, and 2015), Logistic regression model were used to evaluate the relationship between childhood family relationship and mental health in the middle and later stages of life. Results The incidence of depression in middle-aged and older people was 31.2%. Univarriate Logistic regression analysis showed that factors including age, gender, marital status, education level, parents' education level, birthplace, childhood family economic status, health status, relationship with parents of different genders, and the relationship between parents were risk factors for depression in middle-aged and older people (all P<0.05). The binary Logistic regression results showed that poor relationships with caregivers and poor relationships between parents in childhood were risk factors for depression in middle-aged and older people. Specifically, the risk of depression in middle-aged and older people who have a "poor relationship" with a male caregiver during childhood was 1.58 times that of a "good relationship, " and this risk increased to 1.95 times when they have a "poor relationship" with a female caregiver during childhood.In addition, the risk of depression in middle-aged and older people with "poor relationship" between parents in childhood was 1.40 times that of a "good relationship". Conclusion Family relationship in childhood plays a vital role in mental health in the middle and later life. In childhood, the bad inter-generations, especially the bad mother-child relationship, are the risk factors of depression for middle-aged and older people. We should understand and formulate health promotion strategies for middle-aged and older adults from the whole life cycle perspective. -
Key words:
- Family relations in childhood /
- Depression /
- Middle aged and elderly people /
- Life course
表 1 中老年人一般人口学特征及抑郁状况分析[n(%)]
Table 1. The general demographic characteristics and depression of middle-aged and elderly people [n(%)]
变量 人数 正常 抑郁 χ2 P值 年龄(岁) 82.668 < 0.001 45~<55 4 427(29.6) 3 224(72.8) 1 203(27.2) 55~<65 5 422(36.3) 3 774(69.6) 1 648(30.4) ≥65 5 098(34.1) 3 279(64.3) 1 819(35.7) 性别 353.044 < 0.001 男 7 098(47.5) 5 412(76.2) 1 686(23.8) 女 7 849(52.5) 4 865(62.0) 2 984(38.0) 婚姻状况 100.894 < 0.001 有配偶 13 042(87.3) 9 157(70.2) 3 885(29.8) 无配偶 1 905(12.7) 1 120(58.8) 785(41.2) 受教育程度 368.381 < 0.001 小学及以下 9 508(63.6) 6 026(63.4) 3 482(36.6) 中学 5 114(34.2) 3 964(77.5) 1 150(22.5) 大专及以上 325(2.2) 287(88.3) 38(11.7) 母亲受教育状况 44.880 < 0.001 未受过教育 13 235(88.5) 8 979(67.8) 4 256(32.2) 受过教育 1 712(11.5) 1 298(75.8) 414(24.2) 父亲受教育状况 45.248 < 0.001 未受过教育 8 285(55.4) 5 507(66.5) 2 778(33.5) 受过教育 6 662(44.6) 4 770(71.6) 1 892(28.4) 出生地 70.283 < 0.001 农村 13 735(91.9) 9 314(67.8) 4 421(32.2) 城市 1 212(8.1) 963(79.5) 249(20.5) 儿童期家庭经济状况 202.439 < 0.001 差 6 016(40.2) 3 741(62.2) 2 275(37.8) 好 8 931(59.5) 6 536(73.2) 2 395(26.8) 儿童期健康状况 99.982 < 0.001 差 9 753(65.3) 6 436(66.0) 3 317(34.0) 好 5 193(34.7) 3 841(74.0) 1 353(26.0) 儿童期与女性抚养人关系 72.712 < 0.001 差 137(0.9) 59(43.1) 78(56.9) 一般 2 324(16.2) 1 557(64.3) 866(35.7) 好 12 387(82.9) 8 661(69.9) 3 726(30.1) 儿童期与男性抚养人关系 65.025 < 0.001 差 176(1.2) 84(47.7) 92(52.3) 一般 2 762(18.5) 1 789(64.8) 973(35.2) 好 12 009(80.3) 8 404(70.0) 3 605(30.0) 儿童期父母间关系 76.886 0.001 差 451(3.0) 252(55.9) 199(44.1) 一般 3 292(22.0) 2 127(64.6) 1 165(35.4) 好 11 204(75.0) 7 898(70.5) 3 306(29.5) 表 2 儿童期家庭关系与中老年人抑郁状况的Logistic回归分析模型分析
Table 2. Logistic regression analysis of family relationship in childhood and depression of middle-aged
变量 模型1 模型2 模型3 OR值 (95% CI) 值 OR值 (95% CI) 值 OR值 (95% CI) 值 儿童期与女性抚养人关系 好 1.000 1.000 1.000 一般 1.132 c 0.992~1.292 1.107 0.967~1.267 1.094 0.954~1.254 差 2.210a 1.539~3.173 1.948a 1.347~2.818 1.945a 1.339~2.825 儿童期与男性抚养人关系 好 1.000 1.000 1.000 一般 1.057 0.930~1.200 1.103 0.968~1.257 1.087 0.953~1.240 差 1.657a 1.198~2.291 1.641a 1.180~2.283 1.579a 1.131~2.205 儿童期父母间关系 好 1.000 1.000 1.000 一般 1.206a 1.101~1.322 1.205a 1.097~1.323 1.167a 1.062~1.283 差 1.617a 1.326~1.972 1.464a 1.195~1.793 1.399a 1.141~1.717 年龄(岁) 45~<55 0.810a 0.734~0.893 0.792a 0.717~0.874 55~<65 0.864a 0.792~0.942 0.856a 0.784~0.934 ≥65 1.000 1.000 性别 男 1.000 1.000 女 1.810a 1.679~1.952 1.866a 1.730~2.014 婚姻状况 有配偶 1.000 1.000 无配偶 1.309a 1.177~1.455 1.309a 1.176~1.456 受教育状况 大专及以上 1.000 1.000 中学 1.930a 1.361~2.735 1.925a 1.356~2.733 小学及以下 2.879a 2.032~4.078 2.697a 1.901~3.828 母亲受教育状况 受过教育 1.000 1.000 未受过教育 1.061 0.933~1.207 1.029 0.904~1.172 父亲受教育状况 受过教育 1.000 1.000 未受过教育 1.117a 1.038~1.202 1.083 b 1.005~1.166 出生地 城市 1.000 1.000 农村 1.442a 1.240~1.678 1.411a 1.211~1.643 儿童期家庭经济状况 好 1.000 差 1.551a 1.441~1.668 儿童期健康状况 好 1.000 差 1.386a 1.282~1.497 注:a P < 0.01; b P < 0.05; c P < 0.1。 -
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