Epidemiological characteristics analysis of hepatitis C in Chongqing from 2004 to 2021 and prediction
目的 分析重庆市丙型病毒性肝炎(丙肝)流行特征,并预测发病趋势,为丙肝防控工作提供科学参考。 方法 在中国疾病预防控制信息传染病监测系统中收集2004-2021年现住址为重庆市的丙肝病例资料,分析其时间、人群和地区分布特征,并预测2025年发病率。 结果 2004-2021年重庆市共报告丙肝病例59 663例,报告发病率从2004年的1.64/105上升至2021年的19.10/105,报告发病率年均变化百分比为15.50%(95% CI: 12.90%~18.20%)。病例以25~ < 65岁为主,占病例总数的85.59%,年龄构成从2004年以25~ < 35岁为主(34.89%)逐渐转变成2021年以45~ < 55岁为主(39.04%)。病例主要分布在主城区及渝西片区,职业主要为农民(31.23%)、家务及待业(30.72%)。报告病例数居前5位的地区为大足区(3 881例)、江北区(3 771例)、渝中区(3 646例)、江津区(3 207例)、沙坪坝区(3 113例)。如不采取有效控制措施,预测到2025年重庆市发病率将上升至24.45/105(95% CI: 22.24/105~26.66/105)。 结论 重庆市丙肝疫情呈上升趋势,病例主要为中老年、农民人群,病例主要分布在主城区及渝西片区。如不加强防控,发病率会持续升高,今后应重点针对主城区及渝西片区的中老年、农民人群加强防控。 -
- 丙型病毒性肝炎 /
- 流行特征 /
- 求和自回归移动平均模型
Abstract:Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of hepatitis C in Chongqing, predict its incidence, and provide scientific reference for prevention and control. Methods Data of hepatitis C cases was collected from the Direct Reporting System of Infectious Disease Information Network in China. We then analyzed the time, groups, and regional distributions, and predicted the incidence rate for 2025. Results From 2004 to 2021, 59 663 cases of hepatitis C were reported in Chongqing, with the reported incidence rising from 1.64/100 000 in 2004 to 19.10/100 000 in 2021, exhibiting an average annual percent change rate of 15.50% (95% CI: 12.90%-18.20%). The majority of cases were within the 25- < 65 age range (85.59%), with the primary age group shifting from 25- < 35 years (34.89%) in 2004 to 45- < 55 years (39.04%) in 2021. Farmers (31.23%) and the unemployed (30.72%) constituted the major occupational categories. Most cases were reported from the central urban area and western Chongqing, with the top five districts in terms of case numbers being Dazu (3 881 cases), Jiangbei (3 771 cases), Yuzhong (3 646 cases), Jiangjin (3 207 cases), and Shapingba (3 113 cases). If no effective interventions are implemented, the projected incidence rate would rise to 24.45/100 000 (95% CI: 22.24/100 000-26.66/100 000) by 2025. Conclusions The incidence of hepatitis C in Chongqing is rising, with the majority of cases being middle-aged and elderly farmers mostly residing in the central urban and western areas. The incidence is projected to continue rising in the absence of effective measures. Therefore, future intervention efforts should target middle-aged and elderly farmers residing in these areas. -
表 1 2004-2021年重庆市丙肝报告发病情况
Table 1. The reported incidence of hepatitis C in Chongqing from 2004 to 2021
年份Year 男性Male 女性Female 合计Total 发病数Numberof cases 发病率/10-5Incidence/10-5 发病数Numberof cases 发病率/10-5Incidence/10-5 发病数Numberof cases 发病率/10-5Incidence/10-5 2004 334 2.05 179 1.64 513 1.64 2005 385 2.67 214 1.59 599 2.15 2006 482 3.42 267 1.92 749 2.68 2007 804 5.54 429 3.16 1 233 4.39 2008 1 061 7.29 604 4.44 1 665 5.91 2009 1 087 7.42 632 4.60 1 719 6.06 2010 1 312 8.90 785 5.67 2 097 7.34 2011 1 647 11.28 1 128 7.92 2 775 9.62 2012 2 018 13.65 1 175 8.16 3 193 10.94 2013 2 207 14.80 1 468 10.10 3 675 12.48 2014 2 487 16.54 1 553 10.59 4 040 13.60 2015 2 716 17.65 1 877 12.92 4 593 15.35 2016 3 104 20.34 2 078 13.94 5 182 17.18 2017 3 389 21.95 2 290 15.22 5 679 18.63 2018 3 142 20.26 1 987 13.04 5 129 16.68 2019 3 379 21.61 2 066 13.43 5 445 17.55 2020 3 303 20.97 1 952 12.60 5 255 16.82 2021 3 850 23.76 2 272 14.33 6 122 19.10 -
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