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杨世泽 马斌忠 王兆芬 魏於家 李尔琛 王朝才 蒋明霞

杨世泽, 马斌忠, 王兆芬, 魏於家, 李尔琛, 王朝才, 蒋明霞. 青海省藏族人群结核病治疗转归及影响因素[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2023, 27(7): 850-853. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.07.018
引用本文: 杨世泽, 马斌忠, 王兆芬, 魏於家, 李尔琛, 王朝才, 蒋明霞. 青海省藏族人群结核病治疗转归及影响因素[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2023, 27(7): 850-853. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.07.018
YANG Shize, MA Binzhong, WANG Zhaofen, WEI Yujia, LI Erchen, WANG Zhaocai, JIANG Mingxia. Analysis of treatment outcome and influencing factors of Tibetan tuberculosis patients in Qinghai Province[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2023, 27(7): 850-853. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.07.018
Citation: YANG Shize, MA Binzhong, WANG Zhaofen, WEI Yujia, LI Erchen, WANG Zhaocai, JIANG Mingxia. Analysis of treatment outcome and influencing factors of Tibetan tuberculosis patients in Qinghai Province[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2023, 27(7): 850-853. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.07.018


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.07.018

青海省高端创新人才千人计划 2017-2


    马斌忠,E-mail: qhxnmbz@126.com

  • 中图分类号: R183.1

Analysis of treatment outcome and influencing factors of Tibetan tuberculosis patients in Qinghai Province


the Qinghai Provincial Thousand Talents Program for High-level Innovative Talents 2017-2

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  分析青海省藏族人群结核病治疗转归及影响因素,为藏族结核病的防治提供参考。  方法  回顾性分析2016―2020年青海省藏族人群结核病治疗转归情况,采用Cochran-Armitage趋势检验分析成功治疗率随时间变化的趋势,χ2检验初步筛选可能的影响因素,采用多因素logistic回归分析模型进行影响因素分析,方差膨胀系数(variance inflation factor, VIF)检验共线性。  结果  2016―2020年青海省藏族人群肺结核成功治疗率为96.841%,成功治疗率呈上升趋势。多因素logistic回归分析模型显示,年龄≥60岁(OR=2.467, 95% CI: 1.333~4.889, P=0.006)、就诊延迟(OR=1.364, 95% CI: 1.096~1.702, P=0.006)、Ⅲ型结核病(OR=2.659, 95% CI: 1.190~7.584, P=0.034)、Ⅳ型结核病(OR=4.457, 95% CI: 1.921~12.988, P=0.002)、Ⅴ型结核病(OR=4.671, 95% CI: 1.976~13.747, P=0.001)和复治(OR=1.868, 95% CI: 1.219~2.763, P=0.003)为不良结局的危险因素,流动人口(OR=0.603, 95% CI: 0.453~0.794, P<0.001)、疾病预防控制机构管理(OR=0.211, 95% CI: 0.081~0.661, P=0.003)、医院管理(OR=0.313, 95% CI: 0.125~0.962, P=0.023)、全程管理(OR=0.146, 95% CI: 0.100~0.213, P<0.001)、强化期督导(OR=0.543, 95% CI: 0.373~0.795, P=0.002)和全程督导(OR=0.374, 95% CI: 0.252~0.556, P<0.001)为保护因素。  结论  青海省藏族结核病成功治疗率较高,重点关注老年患者、就诊延迟患者、Ⅲ型结核病患者、Ⅳ型结核病患者、Ⅴ型结核病患者和复治患者;提高基层医疗机构的结核病治疗管理能力,采取督导和全程管理的治疗管理方式,以进一步提高成功治疗率。
  • 表  1  青海省2016―2020年藏族人群结核病治疗转归情况

    Table  1.   The treatment outcome of Tibetan tuberculosis in Qinghai Province from 2016 to 2020

    Number of treatment cases
    成功治疗Successful treatment 不良结局Adverse outcome
    治愈Cure 完成疗程
    Treatment completed
    失败Failure 死亡
    Adverse reaction
    2016 1 289 185(14.352) 1 032(80.062) 1 217(94.414) 9(0.698) 10(0.776) 25(1.939) 7(0.543) 21(1.629) 72(5.586)
    2017 1 928 185(9.595) 1 627(84.388) 1 812(93.983) 5(0.259) 9(0.467) 25(1.297) 12(0.622) 65(3.371) 116(6.017)
    2018 2 528 365(14.438) 2 087(82.555) 2 452(96.994) 7(0.277) 10(0.396) 12(0.475) 16(0.633) 31(1.226) 76(3.006)
    2019 3 605 554(15.368) 2 968(82.330) 3 522(97.698) 10(0.277) 27(0.749) 12(0.333) 5(0.139) 29(0.804) 83(2.302)
    2020 2 364 467(19.755) 1 874(79.272) 2 341(99.027) 3(0.127) 4(0.169) 7(0.296) 1(0.042) 8(0.338) 23(0.973)
    合计Total 11 714 1 756(14.991) 9 588(81.851) 11 344(96.841) 34(0.290) 60(0.512) 81(0.691) 41(0.350) 154(1.315) 370(3.159)
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    表  2  青海省2016―2020年藏族人群结核病治疗转归多因素logistic回归分析

    Table  2.   Multivariate logistic regression analysisof treatment outcome for Tibetan tuberculosis among Tibetan population in Qinghai Province from 2016 to 2020

    因素Factor β sx Wald
    Wald value
    OR值(95% CI)
    OR value (95% CI)
    P value
    年龄组/岁Age group /years
      <14 1.000
      14~<45 0.160 0.301 0.283 1.174(0.675~2.220) 0.595
      45~<60 0.329 0.330 0.993 1.389(0.749~2.755) 0.319
      ≥60 0.903 0.329 7.527 2.467(1.333~4.889) 0.006
      非农牧民Non agro-pastoralist 1.000
      农牧民Agro-pastoralist 0.217 0.136 2.539 1.243(0.955~1.631) 0.111
    流动人口Transient population
      非流动人口Not transient population 1.000
      流动人口Transient population -0.506 0.143 12.489 0.603(0.453~0.794) < 0.001
    患者来源Patient source
      其他Other 1.000
      检查发现Examination revealed -0.480 1.206 0.158 0.619(0.071~13.235) 0.691
      督促就诊Urge medical treatment -0.551 1.062 0.270 0.576(0.107~10.722) 0.604
      主动就诊Active visiting -0.326 1.054 0.096 0.722(0.137~13.328) 0.757
    就诊延迟Health-care seeking delay
      无就诊延迟Not health-care seeking delay 1.000
      就诊延迟Health-care seeking delay 0.310 0.112 7.641 1.364(1.096~1.702) 0.006
    诊断分型Diagnosis and classification
      Ⅰ型Model Ⅰ 1.000
      Ⅱ型Model Ⅱ 0.904 0.506 3.190 2.469(0.986~7.491) 0.074
      Ⅲ型Model Ⅲ 0.978 0.462 4.474 2.659(1.190~7.584) 0.034
      Ⅳ型Model Ⅳ 1.495 0.477 9.801 4.457(1.921~12.988) 0.002
      Ⅴ型Model Ⅴ 1.541 0.484 10.122 4.671(1.976~13.747) 0.001
    现管理单位性质The property of the current management unit
      基层医疗机构Primary medical institutions 1.000
      疾病预防控制机构Disease control institutions -1.558 0.525 8.799 0.211(0.081~0.661) 0.003
      医院Hospitals -1.163 0.512 5.160 0.313(0.125~0.962) 0.023
    治疗分类Treatment classification
      初治Initial treatment 1.000
      复治Repeated treatment 0.625 0.208 9.019 1.868(1.219~2.763) 0.003
    实际治疗管理方案Actual treatment management plan
      自服药Self-administered 1.000
      全程管理Whole course management -1.927 0.191 101.770 0.146(0.100~0.213) < 0.001
      强化期督导Intensify phase direct -0.610 0.193 10.051 0.543(0.373~0.795) 0.002
      全程督导Whole course supervision -0.985 0.202 23.840 0.374(0.252~0.556) < 0.001
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