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龙梦雅 王惠群 周婕 吴延莉 余丽莎 刘涛

龙梦雅, 王惠群, 周婕, 吴延莉, 余丽莎, 刘涛. 口腔卫生行为与脑卒中发病的前瞻性队列研究[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2023, 27(10): 1167-1174. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.10.009
引用本文: 龙梦雅, 王惠群, 周婕, 吴延莉, 余丽莎, 刘涛. 口腔卫生行为与脑卒中发病的前瞻性队列研究[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2023, 27(10): 1167-1174. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.10.009
LONG Mengya, WANG Huiqun, ZHOU Jie, WU Yanli, YU Lisha, LIU Tao. A prospective cohort study on the association between oral hygiene behaviors and the incidence of stroke[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2023, 27(10): 1167-1174. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.10.009
Citation: LONG Mengya, WANG Huiqun, ZHOU Jie, WU Yanli, YU Lisha, LIU Tao. A prospective cohort study on the association between oral hygiene behaviors and the incidence of stroke[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2023, 27(10): 1167-1174. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.10.009


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2023.10.009

贵州省科技计划项目 Supported by Qiankehe [2018] 2819



  • 中图分类号: R195

A prospective cohort study on the association between oral hygiene behaviors and the incidence of stroke


Guizhou Provincial Science and Technology Plan Project Supported by Qiankehe [2018] 2819

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  探讨贵州省人群口腔卫生行为与脑卒中发病的关系,为脑卒中的预防控制提供参考依据。  方法  采用分层随机整群抽样方法,2010年对抽取的贵州省12个县(市、区)18岁及以上常住居民共9 280人进行基线调查,于2016―2020年对该队列所有人群进行随访。运用SPSS 21.0软件进行数据分析,计量资料以(x±s)表示,多组间比较采用单因素方差分析。计数资料以构成比和率表示,组间比较采用χ2检验。采用Cox比例风险回归模型分析口腔卫生行为与脑卒中发病的关系,用Graphpad Prism 10.0.2软件绘制脑卒中发病风险森林图。  结果  最终纳入分析人群共7 970人,脑卒中发病204人,发病密度为3.62/1 000人年,多因素Cox回归分析结果显示,与每天刷牙1次以下的人群相比,每天刷牙1次可以降低34.3%的脑卒中发病风险(HR=0.657, 95% CI: 0.459~0.941),每天刷牙2次及以上可以降低50.8%的脑卒中发病风险(HR=0.492, 95% CI: 0.307~0.789)。每天刷牙2次及以上的人群缺血性脑卒中的发病风险是刷牙不足1次人群的0.515倍(HR=0.515, 95% CI: 0.298~0.891),口腔卫生行为与出血性脑卒中的发病无相关性。  结论  刷牙是脑卒中发病的保护性因素,每天刷牙2次及以上可以有效降低缺血性脑卒中的发病风险。
  • 图  1  敏感性分析


    Figure  1.  Sensitivity analysis

    Adjusted age, gender, urban and rural areas, ethnicity, marital status and education, excessive oil and salt intake, BMI, physical activity, smoking, drinking, insufficient daily vegetable and fruit intake, baseline hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia.

    表  1  基线情况

    Table  1.   Baseline characteristics

    变量 Variable 刷牙频率 Brushing frequency t/χ2
    合计 Total
    (n=7 970)
    <once per day
    (n=1 032)
    once per day
    (n=4 729)
    ≥2次/d ≥
    two times per day
    (n=2 209)
    年龄/岁 Age/years 44.50±15.15 55.86±15.01 44.02±14.15 40.23±14.66 420.105 <0.001
    性别 Gender 40.740 <0.001
       男 Male 3 791(47.57) 540(52.33) 2 322(49.10) 929(42.06)
       女 Female 4 179(52.43) 492(47.67) 2 407(50.90) 1 280(57.94)
    城乡 Urban and rural 185.443 <0.001
       城市 Urban 2 650(33.25) 270(26.16) 1 392(29.44) 988(44.73)
       农村 Rural 5 320(66.75) 762(73.84) 3 337(70.56) 1 221(55.27)
    民族 Ethnicity 41.339 <0.001
       少数民族 Ethnic minority 3 917(49.15) 559(54.17) 2 394(50.62) 964(43.64)
       汉族 The Han nationality 4 053(50.85) 473(45.83) 2 335(49.38) 1 245(56.36)
    婚姻状态 Marriage 93.949 <0.001
       未婚/丧偶/独居/离婚 Unmarried/Widowed/Living alone/Divorced 1 536(19.27) 192(18.60) 768(16.24) 576(26.08)
       已婚/同居 Married/cohabitation 6 434(80.73) 840(81.40) 3 961(83.76) 1 633(73.92)
    文化程度 Education 792.688 <0.001
       九年及以下≤9 years 6 924(86.88) 1 019(98.74) 4 358(92.15) 1547(70.03)
       九年以上>9 years 1 046(13.12) 13(1.26) 371(7.85) 662(29.97)
    油摄入过量 Excess oil intake 2.219 0.330
       否 No 2 363(29.65) 303(29.36) 1 378(29.14) 682(30.87)
       是 Yes 5 607(70.35) 729(70.64) 3 351(70.86) 1 527(69.13)
    盐摄入过量 Excess salt intake 75.646 <0.001
       否 No 2 268(28.46) 214(20.74) 1 288(27.24) 766(34.68)
       是 Yes 5 702(71.54) 818(79.26) 3 441(72.76) 1 443(65.32)
    BMI/(kg·m-2) 22.89±3.36 22.31±3.24 22.90±3.35 23.11±3.41 20.322 <0.001
    总活动时间过少 Less total physical activity time 50.852 <0.001
       否 No 5 956(74.73) 773(74.90) 3 653(77.25) 1 530(69.26)
       是 Yes 2 014(25.27) 259(25.10) 1 076(22.75) 679(30.74)
    饮酒 Drinking 15.837 <0.001
       否 No 5 406(67.83) 652(63.18) 3 277(69.30) 1 477(66.86)
       是 Yes 2 564(32.17) 380(36.82) 1 452(30.70) 732(33.14)
    吸烟 Smoking 15.935 <0.001
       否 No 7 537(94.57) 1 002(97.09) 4 464(94.40) 2 071(93.75)
       是 Yes 433(5.43) 30(2.91) 265(5.60) 138(6.25)
    每日蔬果摄入不足 Insufficient daily intake of fruits and vegetables 103.871 <0.001
       否 No 3 889(48.97) 352(34.17) 2 418(51.34) 1 119(50.84)
       是 Yes 4 052(51.03) 678(65.83) 2 292(48.66) 1 082(49.16)
    高血压 Hypertension 53.603 <0.001
       否 No 5 890(73.90) 667(64.63) 3 545(74.96) 1 678(75.96)
       是 Yes 2 080(26.10) 365(35.37) 1 184(25.04) 531(24.04)
    糖尿病 Diabetes 10.683 0.005
       否 No 6 535(82.17) 810(78.56) 3 896(82.58) 1 829(82.99)
       是 Yes 1 418(17.83) 221(21.44) 822(17.42) 375(17.01)
    血脂异常 Dyslipidemia 28.612 <0.001
       否 No 2 058(27.38) 312(31.87) 1 249(28.30) 497(23.41)
       是 Yes 5 458(72.62) 667(68.13) 3 165(71.70) 1 626(76.59)
    牙龈出血 Gingival bleeding 73.244 <0.001
       从无 Never 5 479(68.82) 808(78.37) 3 267(69.16) 1 404(63.64)
       有时 Sometimes 2 240(28.14) 205(19.88) 1 319(27.92) 716(32.46)
       总是 Always 242(3.04) 18(1.75) 138(2.92) 86(3.90)
    因疾病拔牙 Tooth extraction due to illness 163.931 <0.001
       否 No 5 949(75.45) 596(59.24) 3 640(77.56) 1 713(78.36)
       是 Yes 1 936(24.55) 410(40.76) 1 053(22.44) 473(21.64)
    一年内看过牙 Dental examination within a year 54.897 <0.001
       否 No 7 610(95.59) 992(96.59) 4 570(96.66) 2 048(92.84)
       是 Yes 351(4.41) 35(3.41) 158(3.34) 158(7.16)
    注:BMI, 体质指数。
    ① 以[人数(占比/%)]表示;② 表示该变量有缺失值
    Note: BMI, body mass index.
    ① [Number of people (proportion/%)]; ② Indicates that the variable has a missing value.
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    表  2  口腔卫生行为与脑卒中发病的Cox回归分析

    Table  2.   Cox regression analysis of oral hygiene behavior and stroke incidence

    特征 Characteristics 发病人数/调查人数
    Number of patients/survey Total
    (1 000人年)
    Incidence density
    (1 000PYs)
    Unadjusted model
    模型1 Model 1 模型2 Model 2 模型3 Model 3
    HR值 value
    (95% CI)
    HR值 value
    (95% CI)
    HR值 value
    (95% CI)
    HR值 value
    (95% CI)
    刷牙频率 Brushing frequency
       <1次/d<Once per day 51/1 032 7.41 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
       1次/d Once per day 112/4 729 3.35 0.430
    <0.001 0.697
    0.043 0.683
    0.036 0.657
       ≥2次/d ≥Two times per day 41/2 209 2.56 0.319
    <0.001 0.547
    0.010 0.559
    0.014 0.492
       P趋势Ptrend value <0.001 0.010 0.014 0.003
    牙龈出血 Gingival bleeding
       从无 Never 147/5 479 3.83 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
       有时 Sometimes 49/2 240 3.03 0.795
    0.166 0.964
    0.826 0.971
    0.861 0.971
       总是 Always 8/242 4.71 1.218
    0.587 1.470
    0.293 1.444
    0.315 1.256
       P趋势Ptrend value 0.445 0.679 0.670 0.847
    因疾病拔牙 Tooth extraction due to illness
       否 No 126/5 949 2.96 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
       是 Yes 75/1 936 5.67 1.960
    <0.001 1.227
    0.184 1.195
    0.251 1.207
       P趋势Ptrend value <0.001 0.184 0.251 0.229
    一年内看过牙 Dental examination within a year
       否 No 188/7 610 3.49 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
       是 Yes 15/351 6.23 1.778
    0.032 1.473
    0.154 1.391
    0.226 1.365
       P趋势Ptrend value 0.032 0.154 0.226 0.255
    Note: ① Adjust age, gender, urban and rural areas, ethnicity, marital status and educational level. ② Regulating excessive oil and salt intake, BMI, physical activity, smoking, drinking and insufficient daily vegetable and fruit intake on the basis of model 1. ③ Adjust baseline hypertension, diabetes and dyslipemia on the basis of model 2.
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    表  3  口腔卫生行为与脑卒中亚型发病的Cox回归分析

    Table  3.   Cox regression analysis of oral hygiene behavior and incidence of stroke subtype

    特征 Characteristics 发病人数
    Number of patients
    (1 000人年)
    Incidence density
    (1 000PYs)
    Unadjusted model
    模型1 Model 1 模型2 Model 2 模型3 Model 3
    HR值 value
    (95% CI)
    HR值 value
    (95% CI)
    HR值 value
    (95% CI)
    HR值 value
    (95% CI)
    出血性脑卒中 Hemorrhagic stroke
      刷牙频率 Brushing frequency
        <1次/d<Once per day 15 2.18 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
        1次/d Once per day 30 0.90 0.389
    0.003 0.672
    0.233 0.688
    0.266 0.625
        ≥2次/d ≥Two times per day 14 0.87 0.362
    0.007 0.777
    0.537 0.809
    0.609 0.658
        P趋势Ptrend value 0.014 0.548 0.617 0.327
      牙龈出血 Gingival bleeding
        从无 Never 41 1.07 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
        有时 Sometimes 14 0.86 0.816
    0.513 0.981
    0.952 1.007
    0.982 1.012
        总是 Always 4 2.35 2.172
    0.139 2.953
    0.041 3.018
    0.038 2.348
        P趋势Ptrend value 0.713 0.276 0.239 0.420
      因疾病拔牙 Tooth extraction due to illness
        否 No 36 0.85 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
        是 Yes 21 1.59 1.908
    0.019 1.210
    0.508 1.218
    0.499 1.284
        P趋势Ptrend value 0.019 0.508 0.499 0.400
      一年内看过牙 Dental examination within a year
        否 No 56 1.04 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
        是 Yes 3 1.25 1.184
    0.776 1.083
    0.894 1.085
    0.892 1.096
        P趋势Ptrend value 0.776 0.894 0.892 0.880
    缺血性脑卒中 Ischemic stroke
      刷牙频率 Brushing frequency
        <1次/d<Once per day 36 5.24 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
        1次/d Once per day 85 2.54 0.463
    <0.001 0.755
    0.180 0.724
    0.132 0.712
        ≥2次/d ≥Two times per day 31 1.94 0.345
    <0.001 0.564
    0.038 0.561
    0.038 0.515
        P趋势Ptrend value <0.001 0.037 0.038 0.018
      牙龈出血 Gingival bleeding
        从无 Never 108 2.82 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
        有时 Sometimes 38 2.35 0.841
    0.360 1.029
    0.882 1.020
    0.918 1.027
        总是 Always 6 3.53 1.247
    0.599 1.448
    0.381 1.405
    0.422 1.389
        P趋势Ptrend value 0.682 0.546 0.596 0.585
      因疾病拔牙 Tooth extraction due to illness
        否 No 96 2.26 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
        是 Yes 54 4.08 1.853
    <0.001 1.130
    0.497 1.091
    0.627 1.083
        P趋势Ptrend value <0.001 0.497 0.627 0.659
      一年内看过牙 Dental examination within a year
        否 No 138 2.56 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
        是 Yes 13 5.40 2.103
    0.010 1.668
    0.082 1.534
    0.147 1.490
        P趋势Ptrend value 0.010 0.082 0.147 0.179
    Note: ① Adjust age, gender, urban and rural areas, ethnicity, marital status and educational level. ② Regulating excessive oil and salt intake, BMI, physical activity, smoking, drinking and insufficient daily vegetable and fruit intake on the basis of model 1. ③ Adjust baseline hypertension, diabetes and dyslipemia on the basis of model 2.
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  • 收稿日期:  2022-10-18
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