A study on the prevalence rate of anxiety and depression status and influencing factors of COVID-19 patients in Fangcang shelter hospitals in Hainan
目的 调查海南省COVID-19疫情期间三亚方舱医院COVID-19患者的焦虑和抑郁现患率及相关影响因素。 方法 2022年8―10月,通过问卷星网络平台对收治于海南省三亚第二方舱医院的COVID-19轻型患者和无症状感染者进行心理状况问卷调查。焦虑及抑郁的判定及严重程度分别通过焦虑自评量表和抑郁自评量表评估。采用多因素logistic回归分析模型分析影响焦虑、抑郁发生的因素。 结果 在纳入的569例患者中,焦虑和抑郁的整体检出率分别为14.9%和55.4%,以轻、中度为主。多因素logistic回归分析模型分析结果显示,女性、已婚者、饮酒及存在既往慢性病病史的患者更易出现焦虑情绪(均P<0.05)。已婚者、体力劳动者及独居者更易出现抑郁情绪,而经常参加体育锻炼者出现抑郁情绪的风险较低(均P<0.05)。 结论 COVID-19疫情期间,方舱医院内患者焦虑和抑郁不良情绪的患病率高,对高风险人群的不良心理状况应依据高危和诱发因素进行早期识别及干预。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the anxiety and depression status of asymptomatic and light COVID-19 patients admitted to Fangcang shelter hospitals in Hainan during the COVID-19 outbreak, and analyze the related influencing factors. Methods From August to October 2022, an online survey of anxiety and depression status using the Questionnaire Star program was conducted. The severity of anxiety and depression were assessed by Self-Rating Anxiety Scale and Self-Rating Depression Scale, respectively. A multivariable logistic regression model was used to analyze the influencing factors. Results Of the 569 patients included, 14.9% and 55.4% had COVID-19-related anxiety and depression symptoms, mainly mild and moderate. Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that female sex, being married, alcohol consumption and past medical history were independent risk factors for anxiety symptoms (all P < 0.05). Additionally, being married, manual occupation and living alone were risk factors, while frequent physical exercises appeared as protective factors (all P < 0.05) related to depression symptoms. Conclusions The COVID-19 outbreak resulted in a related widespread increase in anxiety and depression in patients admitted to Fangcang shelter hospitals, and early identification and intervention of adverse psychological status in high-risk groups should be achieved. -
Key words:
- COVID-19 /
- Fangcang shelter hospitals /
- Anxiety /
- Depression /
- Adverse psychological status
表 1 方舱医院569名无症状感染者和轻型患者的一般情况
Table 1. Basic information of 569 asymptomatic and light COVID-19 patients admitted to Fangcang shelter hospitals
项目Factor 人数(占比/%) Number of people (proportion/%) 年龄组/岁Age group/years <20 106(18.6) 20~<40 223(39.2) 40~<60 205(36.0) ≥60 35(6.2) 性别Gender 男Male 295(51.8) 女Female 274(48.2) 民族Ethnicity 汉族Han 508(89.3) 其他Others 61(10.7) 文化程度Education level 初中及以下Junior middle school or below 296(52.0) 高中或中专Higher school or technical school 150(26.4) 大学及以上University and above 123(21.6) 婚姻状况Marital status 已婚Married 327(57.5) 其他(离异、丧偶、未婚等)Others (divorced, widowed, unmarried, et al) 242(42.5) 居住状况Residential type 同居(与家人或他人同居)Living together (with family or others) 499(87.7) 独居Living alone 70(12.3) 工作性质Work-related nature 脑力劳动为主Mental labor 204(35.9) 轻中度体力劳动为主Light and moderate physical labor 330(58.0) 重度体力劳动为主Heavy physical labor 35(6.2) 吸烟Smoking 110(19.3) 饮酒Drinking 107(18.8) 经常参加体育锻炼Regular physical exercise 162(28.5) 既往慢性病病史Previous chronic disease history 35(6.2) 注:既往慢性病病史包括恶性肿瘤、冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(冠心病)、高血压、糖尿病、脑卒中、精神类疾病及痴呆。
Note: previous chronic disease history included malignant neoplasm, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, psychiatric disorders, and dementia.表 2 方舱医院不同特征无症状感染者和轻型患者焦虑、抑郁情绪的检出情况
Table 2. Detection of anxiety and depression in patients with different characteristics in Fangcang helter hospitals
变量Variable 焦虑情绪Anxiety 抑郁情绪Depression 无 ① No ① 有 ① Yes ① P值value 无 ① No ① 有 ① Yes ① P值value 年龄组/岁Age group/years 0.009 <0.001 <20 101(95.3) 5(4.7) 67(63.2) 39(36.8) 20~<40 186(83.4) 37(16.6) 95(42.6) 128(57.4) 40~<60 170(82.9) 35(17.1) 80(39.0) 125(61.0) ≥60 27(77.1) 8(22.9) 12(34.3) 23(65.7) 性别Gender 0.033 0.287 男Male 260(88.1) 35(11.9) 138(46.8) 157(53.2) 女Female 224(81.8) 50(18.2) 116(42.3) 158(57.7) 民族Ethnicity 0.473 0.450 汉族Han 434(85.4) 74(14.6) 224(44.1) 284(55.9) 其他Others 50(82.0) 11(18.0) 30(49.2) 31(50.8) 文化程度Education level 0.260 <0.001 初中及以下Junior middle school or below 258(87.2) 38(12.8) 109(36.8) 187(63.2) 高中或中专Higher school or technical school 122(81.3) 28(18.7) 69(46.0) 81(54.0) 大学及以上University and above 104(84.6) 19(15.4) 76(61.8) 47(38.2) 婚姻状况Marital status 0.002 <0.001 已婚Married 265(81.0) 62(19.0) 124(37.9) 203(62.1) 其他(离异、丧偶、未婚等)Others (divorced, widowed, unmarried) 219(90.5) 23(9.5) 130(53.7) 112(46.3) 居住状况Residential type 0.379 0.018 同居(与家人或他人同居)Living together (with family or others) 422(84.6) 77(15.4) 232(46.5) 267(53.5) 独居Living alone 62(88.6) 8(11.4) 22(31.4) 48(68.6) 工作性质Work-related nature 0.037 <0.001 脑力劳动为主Mental labor 182(89.2) 22(10.8) 128(62.7) 76(37.3) 轻中度体力劳动为主Light and moderate physical labor 270(81.8) 60(18.2) 119(36.1) 211(63.9) 重度体力劳动为主Heavy physical labor 32(91.4) 3(8.6) 7(20.0) 28(80.0) 吸烟Smoking 0.288 0.507 否No 394(85.8) 65(14.2) 208(45.3) 251(54.7) 是Yes 90(81.8) 20(18.2) 46(41.8) 64(58.2) 饮酒Drinking 0.003 0.417 否No 403(87.2) 59(12.8) 210(45.5) 252(54.5) 是Yes 81(75.7) 26(24.3) 44(41.1) 63(58.9) 经常参加体育锻炼Regular physical exercise 0.958 0.029 否No 346(85.0) 61(15.0) 170(41.8) 237(58.2) 是Yes 138(85.2) 24(14.8) 84(51.9) 78(48.1) 既往慢性病病史Previous chronic disease history <0.001 0.105 否No 462(86.5) 72(13.5) 243(45.5) 291(54.5) 是Yes 22(62.9) 13(37.1) 11(31.4) 24(68.6) 注:既往慢性病病史包括恶性肿瘤、冠状动脉粥样硬化心脏病(冠心病)、高血压、糖尿病、脑卒中、精神类疾病及痴呆。
Note: Previous chronic disease history included malignant neoplasm, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, psychiatric disorders, and dementia.
① [Number of people (proportion /%)].表 3 方舱医院无症状感染者和轻型患者焦虑、抑郁多因素logistic回归模型分析
Table 3. Multivariate logistic regression analysis of influencing factors for anxiety and depression status in patients of Fangcang shelter hospitals
变量Variable β值
valuesx Wald
value95% CI P值
value焦虑Anxiety 性别Gender 男Male 1.000 女Female 1.048 0.300 12.183 2.851 1.583~5.135 0.001 婚姻状况Marital status 其他(离异、丧偶、未婚等)Others (divorced, widowed, unmarried) 1.000 已婚Married 0.651 0.268 5.899 1.917 1.134~3.241 0.015 饮酒Drinking 否No 1.000 是Yes 1.306 0.333 15.387 3.690 1.922~7.086 <0.001 既往慢性病病史Previous chronic disease history 否No 1.000 是Yes 1.323 0.395 11.210 3.755 1.731~8.148 0.001 抑郁Depression 婚姻状况Marital status 其他(离异、丧偶、未婚等)Others (divorced, widowed, unmarried) 1.000 已婚Married 0.403 0.189 4.541 1.496 1.033~2.167 0.033 工作性质Work-related nature 脑力劳动为主Mental labor 1.000 轻中度体力劳动为主Light and moderate physical labor 0.963 0.195 24.314 2.618 1.786~3.839 <0.001 重度体力劳动为主Heavy physical labor 1.693 0.454 13.890 5.434 2.231~13.235 <0.001 居住状况Residential type 同居(与家人或他人同居)Living together (with family or others) 1.000 独居Living alone 0.676 0.292 5.373 1.966 1.110~3.480 0.020 经常参加体育锻炼Regular physical exercise 否No 1.000 是Yes -0.413 0.196 4.413 0.662 0.450~0.973 0.036 焦虑伴随抑郁Anxiety accompanied by depression 性别Gender 男Male 女Female 1.292 0.327 15.609 3.640 1.918~6.910 <0.001 婚姻状况Marital status 其他(离异、丧偶、未婚等) Others (divorced, widowed, unmarried, et al) 1.000 已婚Married 0.730 0.282 6.676 2.074 1.193~3.607 0.010 饮酒Drinking 否No 1.000 是Yes 1.532 0.354 18.723 4.629 2.312~9.268 <0.001 既往慢性病病史Previous chronic disease history 否No 1.000 是Yes 0.964 0.424 5.185 2.623 1.144~6.017 0.023 注:既往慢性病病史包括恶性肿瘤、冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(冠心病)、高血压、糖尿病、脑卒中、精神类疾病及痴呆。
Note: Previous chronic disease history included malignant neoplasm, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, psychiatric disorders, and dementia. -
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