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王影 胡皖琴 孙浩翔 杨吉丹 康芮含 胡华青

王影, 胡皖琴, 孙浩翔, 杨吉丹, 康芮含, 胡华青. 相邻日间温度变化对缺血性脑卒中的影响[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(6): 678-684. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.06.010
引用本文: 王影, 胡皖琴, 孙浩翔, 杨吉丹, 康芮含, 胡华青. 相邻日间温度变化对缺血性脑卒中的影响[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(6): 678-684. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.06.010
WANG Ying, HU Wanqin, SUN Haoxiang, YANG Jidan, KANG Ruihan, HU Huaqing. Impact of temperature changes between neighboring days on ischemic stroke[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(6): 678-684. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.06.010
Citation: WANG Ying, HU Wanqin, SUN Haoxiang, YANG Jidan, KANG Ruihan, HU Huaqing. Impact of temperature changes between neighboring days on ischemic stroke[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(6): 678-684. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.06.010


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.06.010

国家重点研发计划 2020YFC2006506


    胡华青, E-mail: huhuaqing_ayfy@163.com

  • 中图分类号: R122

Impact of temperature changes between neighboring days on ischemic stroke


National Key Research and Development Program of China 2020YFC2006506

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  评估相邻日间温度变化(temperature changes between neighboring days, TCN)对缺血性脑卒中门诊就诊风险的影响。  方法  利用合肥市一所大型三甲医院缺血性脑卒中门诊就诊数据进行分析,采用分布滞后非线性模型结合泊松广义线性回归模型分析TCN与缺血性脑卒中门诊就诊人次之间的关系,对相关环境因素进行校正,并对不同性别和年龄的人群进行了分层分析。  结果  合肥市2014—2018年共有32 560例缺血性脑卒中患者,其中男性占57.2%,≥65岁的人群占49.7%,平均每日就诊人数为17.8人次。暴露-反应关系曲线显示TCN与缺血性脑卒中门诊就诊量相关。以TCN无变化(0)为参考,极端负TCN(P5,-3.9 ℃)的相对风险在累计滞后7 d达到最大(RR=1.796, 95% CI:1.150~2.805),而极端正TCN(P95,3.0 ℃)的相对风险在累计滞后6 d达到最大(RR=0.686, 95% CI:0.499~0.945)。亚组分析显示,男性和≥65岁缺血性脑卒中患者更易受负TCN的影响。  结论  合肥市TCN与缺血性脑卒中呈非线性关系; 负TCN增加缺血性脑卒中患者的门诊就诊风险,当气温骤降时注意缺血性脑卒中的发生; 正TCN降低缺血性脑卒中患者的门诊就诊风险,当气温升高时需要注意防暑降温,避免高温引起的其他健康问题。
  • 图  1  合肥市TCN与缺血性脑卒中就诊的暴露-反应关系

    TCN: 相邻日间温度变化;图A: TCN与缺血性脑卒中总体暴露-反应3D图;图B: TCN与缺血性脑卒中总体暴露-反应曲线图。

    Figure  1.  Exposure-response relationships between TCN and visits with ischemic stroke in Hefei City

    TCN: temperature changes between neighboring days; Figure A: the 3D graph of the overall exposure response between TCN and ischemic stroke; Figure B: the overall exposure response curve of TCN and ischemic stroke.

    图  2  合肥市各亚组缺血性脑卒中就诊者与TCN暴露-反应关系


    Figure  2.  Exposure-response relationships between ischemic stroke visits and TCN in a subgroup of patients, in Hefei City

    TCN: temperature changes between neighboring days; A represents male; B represents female; C represents < 65 years old; D represents ≥ 65 years old.

    表  1  合肥市缺血性脑卒中就诊人次、气象数据的统计资料

    Table  1.   Statistics on outpatient ischemic stroke visits, climate data in Hefei City

    变量 Variable 总计 Total x±s P1 P5 P25 P50 P75 P95 P99
    总就诊人次 Total population 32 560 17.80±11.10 0 2.0 8.0 17.0 26.0 38.0 45.0
      男性 Male 18 645 10.20±6.80 0 1.0 4.0 10.0 15.0 22.0 28.0
      女性 Female 13 915 7.60±5.20 0 0 3.0 7.0 11.0 17.0 22.0
    年龄组/岁 Age group/years
      <65 16 377 9.00±6.00 0 1.0 4.0 8.0 13.0 19.0 25.0
      ≥65 16 183 8.90±6.10 0 0 4.0 8.0 13.0 20.0 25.0
    TCN/℃ 0.00±2.30 -6.4 -3.9 -1.1 0.2 1.4 3.0 4.2
    平均温度/℃ Mean temperature/℃ 16.90±9.20 -1.1 2.0 8.9 17.9 24.6 30.5 33.0
    最高温度/℃ Maxmum temperature/℃ 21.60±9.60 1.0 5.7 13.9 22.9 29.4 35.3 37.7
    最低温度/℃ Minimum temperature/℃ 13.10±0.30 -5.2 -2.2 5.1 13.9 21.2 26.8 28.5
    风速/(m·s-1) Wind speed/(m·s-1) 1.90±0.80 0.7 0.9 1.4 1.8 2.3 3.3 4.1
    相对湿度/% Relative humidity/% 75.50±18.40 42.0 53.0 68.0 76.0 85.0 95.0 98.0
    日照时数/h Sunlight hours/h 4.09±4.07 0 0 0 4.3 8.3 11.0 11.9
    降雨量/mm Rainfall/mm 3.50±10.60 0 0 0 0 1.0 20.1 48.8
    注:TCN, 相邻日间温度变化;P1,第1百分位数;P5,第5百分位数;P25,第25百分位数;P50,第50百分位数;P75,第75百分位数;P95,第95百分位数;P99,第99百分位数。
    Note:TCN, temperature changes between neighboring days;P1, 1th percentile; P5, 5th percentile; P25, 25th percentile; P50, 50th percentile; P75, 75th percentile; P95, 95th percentile; P99, 99th percentile.
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    表  2  合肥市气象因素间的Spearman相关系数

    Table  2.   Coefficients of spearman correlation between meteorological factors in Hefei City

    变量 Variable 平均温度/℃ Mean temperature/℃ TCN/℃ 相对湿度/% Relative humidity/% 日照时数/h Sunlight hours/h 风速/(m·s-1) Wind speed/(m·s-1) 降雨量/mm Rainfall/mm
    平均温度/℃ Mean temperature/℃ 1.00
    TCN/℃ 0.09 1.00
    相对湿度/% Relative humidity/% 0.01 -0.22 1.00
    日照时数/h Sunlight hours/h 0.30 0.38 -0.63 1.00
    风速/(m·s-1) Wind speed/(m·s-1) 0.03 -0.21 -0.02 -0.23 1.00
    降雨量/mm Rainfall/mm -0.03 -0.39 0.65 -0.60 0.18 1.00
    注:TCN, 相邻日间温度变化。
    Note:TCN, temperature changes between neighboring days.
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    表  3  不同亚组中TCN对缺血性脑卒中就诊的单日滞后效应

    Table  3.   Single day lag effect of TCN on ischemic stroke visits in different subgroups

    项目 Project 滞后天数 Lag days RR值 value(95% CI)
    Lag0 Lag1 Lag2 Lag3
    总就诊人次 Total population
      P5(-3.9 ℃) 1.049(0.975~1.129) 1.040(0.979~1.105) 1.039(0.973~1.109) 1.048(0.977~1.123)
      P95(3.0 ℃) 0.934(0.862~1.103) 0.958(0.904~1.015) 0.972(0.922~1.024) 0.971(0.920~1.024)
    男性 Male
      P5(-3.9 ℃) 1.082(0.999~1.173) 1.063(0.995~1.136) 1.054(0.981~1.132) 1.063(0.982~1.145)
      P95(3.0 ℃) 0.889(0.814~0.972) 0.926(0.870~0.987) 0.951(0.898~1.009) 0.958(0.902~1.016)
    女性 Female
      P5(-3.9 ℃) 1.007(0.927~1.094) 1.010(0.944~1.081) 1.017(0.946~1.095) 1.030(0.953~1.114)
      P95(3.0 ℃) 0.996(0.910~1.090) 1.001(0.939~1.067) 0.999(0.942~1.059) 0.988(0.930~1.049)
    <65岁 years
      P5(-3.9 ℃) 1.037(0.954~1.126) 1.026(0.959~1.098) 1.024(0.902~1.102) 1.103(0.957~1.119)
      P95(3.0 ℃) 0.904(0.825~0.990) 0.946(0.887~1.009) 0.973(0.917~1.003) 0.978(0.921~1.039)
    ≥65岁 years
      P5(-3.9 ℃) 1.059(0.976~1.150) 1.053(0.984~1.127) 1.053(0.979~1.133) 1.061(0.981~1.148)
      P95(3.0 ℃) 0.963(0.880~1.053) 0.969(0.909~1.033) 0.970(0.915~1.030) 0.964(0.907~1.024)
    项目 Project 滞后天数 Lag days RR值 value(95% CI)
    Lag4 Lag5 Lag6 Lag7
    总就诊人次 Total population
      P5(-3.9 ℃) 1.066(0.995~1.141) 1.091(1.023~1.164) 1.122(1.052~1.197) 1.156(1.074~1.244)
      P95(3.0 ℃) 0.957(0.909~1.008) 0.935(0.890~0.980) 0.907(0.862~0.953) 0.877(0.825~0.932)
    男性 Male
      P5(-3.9 ℃) 1.079(1.001~1.163) 1.107(1.032~1.188) 1.143(1.065~1.226) 1.183(1.092~1.283)
      P95(3.0 ℃) 0.947(0.895~1.003) 0.926(0.878~0.976) 0.897(0.848~0.948) 0.865(0.808~0.926)
    女性 Female
      P5(-3.9 ℃) 1.048(0.971~1.132) 1.070(0.995~1.150) 1.095(1.018~1.177) 1.122(1.032~1.219)
      P95(3.0 ℃) 0.970(0.915~1.027) 0.946(0.896~0.999) 0.920(0.870~0.973) 0.893(0.834~0.955)
    <65岁 years
      P5(-3.9 ℃) 1.056(0.978~1.139) 1.085(1.010~1.116) 1.121(1.043~1.205) 1.161(1.069~1.261)
      P95(3.0 ℃) 0.963(0.909~1.021) 0.934(0.885~0.987) 0.898(0.847~0.951) 0.858(0.978~0.922)
    ≥65岁 years
      P5(-3.9 ℃) 1.077(0.997~1.162) 1.097(1.021~1.180) 1.122(1.004~1.207) 1.150(1.058~1.249)
      P95(3.0 ℃) 0.951(0.897~1.008) 0.934(0.885~0.986) 0.914(0.865~0.965) 0.893(0.836~0.953)
    注:TCN, 相邻日间温度变化; P5,第5百分位数;P95,第95百分位数。
    Note:TCN, temperature changes between neighboring days; P5, 5th percentile; P95, 95th percentile.
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    表  4  不同亚组中TCN对缺血性脑卒中就诊的累积滞后效应

    Table  4.   Cumulative lag effect of TCN on ischemic stroke visits in different subgroups

    项目 Project 滞后天数 Lag days RR值 value(95% CI)
    Lag0 Lag0~1 Lag0~2 Lag0~3
    总就诊人次 Total population
      P5(-3.9 ℃) 1.049(0.975~1.129) 1.091(0.960~1.241) 1.134(0.947~1.358) 1.189(0.938~1.506)
      P95(3.0 ℃) 0.934(0.862~1.103) 0.895(0.783~1.024) 0.870(0.731~1.037) 0.845(0.684~1.045)
    男性 Male
      P5(-3.9 ℃) 1.082(0.999~1.173) 1.151(1.000~1.325) 1.214(0.996~1.479) 1.288(0.997~1.669)
      P95(3.0 ℃) 0.889(0.814~0.972) 0.825(0.711~0.956) 0.785(0.648~0.952) 0.752(0.595~0.950)
    女性 Female
      P5(-3.9 ℃) 1.007(0.927~1.094) 1.018(0.881~1.176) 1.036(0.846~1.394) 1.068(0.818~1.394)
      P95(3.0 ℃) 0.996(0.910~1.090) 0.997(0.858~1.159) 0.996(0.820~1.211) 0.985(0.777~1.248)
    <65岁 years
      P5(-3.9 ℃) 1.037(0.954~1.126) 1.064(0.921~1.126) 1.090(0.891~1.335 1.129(0.866~1.471)
      P95(3.0 ℃) 0.904(0.825~0.990) 0.856(0.973~0.995) 0.833(0.684~1.014) 0.815(0.642~1.035)
      P5(-3.9 ℃) 1.059(0.976~1.150) 1.117(0.967~1.289) 1.177(0.961~1.440) 1.250(0.958~1.629)
      P95(3.0 ℃) 0.963(0.880~1.053) 0.933(0.803~1.084) 0.906(0.746~1.101) 0.874(0.689~1.108)
    项目 Project 滞后天数 Lag days RR值 value(95% CI)
    Lag0~4 Lag0~5 Lag0~6 Lag0~7
    总就诊人次 Total population
      P5(-3.9 ℃) 1.268(0.944~1.701) 1.384(0.976~1.961) 1.553(1.043~2.313) 1.796(1.150~2.805)
      P95(3.0 ℃) 0.809(0.630~1.039) 0.757(0.569~1.007) 0.686(0.499~0.945) 0.602(0.423~0.858)
    男性 Male
      P5(-3.9 ℃) 1.390(1.007~1.919) 1.540(1.051~2.256) 1.760(1.138~2.724) 2.084(1.279~3.396)
      P95(3.0 ℃) 0.713(0.541~0.939) 0.660(0.482~0.905) 0.592(0.417~0.842) 0.513(0.347~0.757)
    女性 Female
      P5(-3.9 ℃) 1.120(0.805~1.559) 1.199(0.810~1.775) 1.314(0.840~2.056) 1.474(0.893~2.434)
      P95(3.0 ℃) 0.955(0.722~1.262) 0.904(0.657~1.244) 0.832(1.583~1.188) 0.743(0.501~1.103)
    <65岁 years
      P5(-3.9 ℃) 1.192(0.858~1.657) 1.294(0.876~1.912) 1.452(0.930~2.664) 1.686(1.024~2.776)
      P95(3.0 ℃) 0.785(0.593~1.040) 0.734(0.532~1.012) 0.659(0.460~0.944) 0.566(0.379~0.845)
    ≥65岁 years
      P5(-3.9 ℃) 1.134(0.967~1.873) 1.478(0.999~2.816) 1.659(1.061~2.595) 1.908(1.156~3.418)
      P95(3.0 ℃) 0.832(0.629~1.099) 0.777(0.565~1.069) 0.711(0.498~1.014) 0.635(0.428~0.940)
    注:TCN, 相邻日间温度变化; P5,第5百分位数;P95,第95百分位数。
    Note:TCN, temperature changes between neighboring days; P5, 5th percentile; P95, 95th percentile.
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