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CN 34-1304/RISSN 1674-3679

Volume 25 Issue 2
Feb.  2021
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Article Contents
JING Ao, WU Hong-guo, ZHAN Yong-le, CHEN Yun-li, SHI Ying-jie, YUE He-xin, LIU Xuan, LYU Tian-chen, MENG Yao-han, QU Yi-min, MA Liang-kun, HUANG Ping, JIANG Yu. Cohort study on the impact of nutrient supplement use during pregnancy on anemia in pregnant women[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2021, 25(2): 128-132. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2021.02.002
Citation: JING Ao, WU Hong-guo, ZHAN Yong-le, CHEN Yun-li, SHI Ying-jie, YUE He-xin, LIU Xuan, LYU Tian-chen, MENG Yao-han, QU Yi-min, MA Liang-kun, HUANG Ping, JIANG Yu. Cohort study on the impact of nutrient supplement use during pregnancy on anemia in pregnant women[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2021, 25(2): 128-132. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2021.02.002

Cohort study on the impact of nutrient supplement use during pregnancy on anemia in pregnant women

doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2021.02.002
JING Ao and WU Hong-guo contributed equally to this article

CAMS Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences 2019-I2M-2-007

More Information
  • Corresponding author: HUANG Ping,; JIANG Yu,
  • Received Date: 2020-12-30
  • Rev Recd Date: 2021-01-07
  • Publish Date: 2021-02-10
  •   Objective  To investigate the relationship between the use of nutrient supplements and anemia in pregnant women in China.  Methods  A self-designed questionnaire on the use of nutrient supplements during pregnancy was used on pregnant women in the Chinese Pregnant Women Cohort Study. The use of nutrient supplements and the diagnosis of anemia during pregnancy were followed up and the data were analyzed by Logistic liner regression model.  Results  A total of 3 321 subjects were included in the study. The incidence of anemia with pregnancy was 14.0%. The results of Logistic liner regression model showed that compared with the women who used folic acid throughout pregnancy, those who did not use folic acid throughout pregnancy were more likely to have anemia (OR=1.362, 95% CI: 1.096-1.691, P=0.005).  Conclusions  Failure in continuous use of folic acid throughout pregnancy is a risk factor for anemia in pregnancy. Pregnant women should be encouraged to use folic acid throughout pregnancy to reduce the risk of anemia.
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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