Assessment on the effect of malaria control in China-Myanmar border areas
摘要: 目的 分析中缅边境地区疟疾防控成效,为今后边境地区疟疾消除工作提供参考。方法 选择云南省中缅边境12个县市,收集2007-2013 年疟疾防控相关资料以及疫情相关数据,评价边境地区疟疾控制消除工作成效。结果 2007-2013年云南省中缅边境12个县中,血检发热病人915 270人次,治疗现症患者13 146例,休止期根治121 894人,预防服药292 720人,室内杀虫剂喷洒和药物浸泡蚊帐保护人数分别为1 408 573人、1 114 360人。疟疾发病率由2007年的11.35/10 000降至2013年的0.88/10 000,下降了92.24%,疟疾病例数由2007年6 108例减少到2013年290例,减少了95.25%;其中本地感染病例3 546例减少到32例,减少了99.10%。输入性疟疾病例占总病例的比例由2007年的41.95%上升至2013年的88.97%,主要来源地为缅甸。结论 中缅边境地区疟疾疫情有好转,应重点关注输入性疟疾的传播风险,进一步完善边境地区疟疾联防联控机制,确保消除疟疾,并巩固消除成果。Abstract: Objective To assess the effect of malaria control activities in China-Myanmar border areas and provide references for the following related work. Methods Data on the epidemic situation and malaria control activities was collected from 12 counties along China-Myanmar border, Yunnan Province during 2007 to 2013. And then the effect of prevention was evaluated. Results There were 915 270 febrile patients indentified through microscopy examination in twelve counties along China-Myanmar border, Yunnan Province, 13 146 malaria cases were treated, 121 894 cases were cured in the resting phase, and 292 720 received preventive medication. Meanwhile, 1 408 573 were protected by indoor residual spraying and 1 114 360 were protected by insecticide-treated nets. Malaria incidence decreased from 11.35/10 000 in 2007 to 0.88/10 000 in 2013, with a reduction rate of 92.24%. The total number of malaria cases decreased from 6 108 in 2007 to 290 in 2013, with a reduction rate of 95.25%. The total number of indigenous infection cases decreased from 3 546 in 2007 to 32 in 2013, with a reduction rate of 99.10%. The imported malaria cases proportion in total cases increased from 41.95% in 2007 to 88.97% in 2013. And they were mostly came from Myanmar. Conclusions The malaria burden in the China-Myanmar border area was dramatically reduced from 2007 to 2013. However, the surveillance on the transmission risk bought from imported malaria still needs to be reinforced. The mechanism for malaria joint prevention and control should be improved in the China-Myanmar border areas for continuous maintenance of malaria elimination.
Key words:
- Malaria /
- Communicable disease control /
- Epidemiologic methods
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