Spatial and temporal distribution and epidemic intensity of hand, foot and mouth disease in Shaanxi Province from 2009 to 2018
目的 描述陕西省2009-2018年手足口病流行特征,探索其在时间、空间上的变化趋势。 方法 对2009-2018年陕西省手足口病疫情进行描述性分析,使用移动流行区间法(moving epidemic method, MEM)判断手足口病流行季节,使用时空扫描方法对手足口病时空聚集区域进行探索。 结果 2009-2018年,陕西省手足口病年平均报告发病率为143.01/10万,男、女性别比1.47:1。患者年龄最大80岁,最小1 d,中位年龄2岁。2009-2018年疫情总体呈上升趋势,每年4月底-7月是陕西省手足口病流行高峰期。MEM模型显示,2018年陕西省手足口病在19周突破流行阈值,20周直接跨越低流行进入中流行,并持续11周,2018年31周进入低流行阶段,33周跌破流行阈值。时空扫描分析探测到时间维度为2010年4月-2010年7月,空间维度覆盖西安、咸阳和渭南部分县区的聚集区(RR=5.71, 95% CI:5.70~5.73, P < 0.001),主要聚集区在10年中位置相对固定。 结论 陕西省手足口病发病存在明显时间和地区分布规律,关中地区为发病聚集区域,是手足口病的重点防控地区。 Abstract:Objective To describe the epidemiological characteristics of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) and explore the spatial-temporal change tendency from 2009 to 2018 in Shaanxi Province. Methods The descriptive statistic method was used to describe epidemic situation of HFMD and moving epidemiological method (MEM) was used to detect the epidemic season, and possible spatial-temporal clusters of HFMD among down towns in Shaanxi Province from 2009 to 2018. Results The average morbidity from 2009 to 2018 was 143.01 per 100 000.The male-female ratio of HFMD was 1.47:1. The age of patients ranged from 1 day to 80 years old and the median age was 2 years old. The incidence of HFMD was increasing generally from 2009 to 2018, and from the end of April to July every year was the peak of HFMD in Shaanxi Province. The results from MEM model showed that the incidence of HFMD exceeded the given threshold value of low epidemic situation at 19th week, then reached to medium epidemic situation in the next week and lasted for 11 weeks. After that, the incidence rate came down back to low epidemic and normal situation at 31th and 33 th week respectively in the year of 2018. The results from the space-time scanning analysis showed that the epidemic period was from April 2010 to July 2010 from the time dimension, and some counties in Xi'an, Xianyang and Weinan (RR=5.71, 95% CI: 5.70-5.73, P < 0.001) were the main gathering areas of HFMD, and the main gathering areas were relatively fixed in 10 years. Conclusions There are significant spatial-temporal cluster patterns for the distribution of HFMD incidence in Shaanxi. The Guanzhong area is the main gathering area. The prevention and control intervention should be strengthened accordingly. -
表 1 2009-2018年陕西省手足口病发病的时空聚类分析结果
Table 1. Results of temporal and spatial cluster analysis of the incidence of hand, foot and mouth disease in Shaanxi Province from 2009 to 2018
聚集区 时间 聚集区域 实际病例数 理论病例数 LLR值 RR值 P值 一类聚集区 2010年4-7月 西安、咸阳、渭南(15个县区) 22 203 4 030.94 20 040.49 5.71 < 0.001 二类聚集区 2014年4-6月 宝鸡、汉中、咸阳(30个县区) 11 441 3 478.45 5 721.99 3.34 < 0.001 二类聚集区 2014年5-7月 延安、榆林(39个县区) 11 148 3 755.19 4 791.62 3.01 < 0.001 表 2 2018年陕西省手足口病流行强度分析
Table 2. Analysis of the prevalence of hand, foot and mouth disease in Shaanxi Province in 2018
周 流行强度 发病率(/10万) 1-18 流行前期 0.04~3.61 19 低流行期 4.56 20~ 中流行期 7.56~11.70 31~ 低流行期 5.29~7.03 33~52 流行后期 0.84~4.00 -
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