Diet and physical activity in Chinese people with different risks of cardiovascular disease
目的 评价中国不同风险人群心血管疾病(cardiovascular disease, CVD)理想生活方式中膳食和体力活动的分布状况,为CVD的防治提供科学依据。 方法 利用来自全国22 220名35~74岁既往无CVD个体的调查资料,使用中国动脉粥样硬化性心血管疾病风险预测(prediction for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk in China, China-PAR)模型进行10年CVD风险评估并分组: < 5%为低风险,5%~ < 10%为中风险,≥10%为高风险。比较不同风险人群中膳食(蔬菜水果、鱼类、红肉、豆制品和茶)和体力活动指标分布情况。 结果 中国35~74岁人群中,10年CVD风险低、中、高风险者分别占75.6%、14.9%和9.4%。与女性相比,男性的膳食(56.6% vs. 75.6%)、体力活动(46.2% vs. 57.6%)理想比例均较高(均有P < 0.05)。蔬菜水果和鱼类理想率均随着CVD风险水平的升高呈现下降趋势(均有P < 0.05),其中水果和鱼类摄入不足在CVD高风险和低风险人群中差异最大。体力活动理想率随风险水平升高呈现下降趋势(P < 0.001),其中女性高、低风险组体力活动理想率差异较大(28.7% vs. 48.4%)。 结论 CVD高风险组人群的膳食、体力活动理想率最低,女性尤为严重,应积极引导高风险人群摄入蔬菜水果和鱼类,参与体育锻炼。 Abstract:Objective To describe the distribution of two ideal health behaviors: diet and physical activity in Chinese adults with cardiovascular disease (CVD) risks, and to further provide evidence for CVD prevention. Methods The study included 22 220 adults aged 35 to 74 years without CVD from 14 Provinces or cities in China. The 10-year CVD risks for all participants were estimated using the Prediction for Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk in China (China-PAR) equations, and participants were subsequently divided into low (< 5%), moderate (5- < 10%) and high risk (≥10%) groups. Sex-specific distribution of five ideal diet metrics (vegetables and fruits, fish, red meat, soybean products, and tea) and physical activity were compared among participants at different CVD risk groups. Results Among Chinese population aged 35-74 years, there were 75.6%, 14.9% and 9.4% of participants with low, moderate, and high risk of 10-year CVD, respectively. Compared with women, the ideal proportion of male diet (56.6% vs. 75.6%) physical activity (46.2% vs. 57.6%) was higher(all P < 0.05). Ideal intake of vegetable, fruits and fish decreased with the 10-year CVD risk (P < 0.05) in both sexes. Inadequate intake of fruit and fish among participants with high CVD risk was the most serious problem. A decreasing trend was observed for the ideal physical activity with the 10-year CVD risk (P < 0.001). Women with high CVD risk had substantial difference of ideal physical activity than those with low CVD risk (28.7% vs. 48.4%). Conclusion Low prevalence of ideal diet and physical activity occurred in population with high 10-year CVD risk in China, especially in women. It is imperative to implement healthy lifestyle measures among high-risk population, such as enhancing intake of vegetable, fruits, fish and promoting physical activity. -
Key words:
- Cardiovascular disease /
- CVD risk /
- Diet /
- Physical activity
表 1 10年CVD不同风险人群基线特征[n (%)]
Table 1. Baseline characteristics of participants with different 10-year CVD risks [n (%)]
特征 低风险(n=16 804) 中风险(n=3 317) 高风险(n=2 099) 合计(N=22 220) F/χ2值 P值 年龄(岁) 45.5±7.2 57.4±7.8 a 61.9±7.8 a 48.9±9.5 7 254.21 < 0.001 男性 7 299(43.4) 1 891(57.0) a 1 367(65.1) a 10 557(47.5) 493.06 < 0.001 北方 6 626(39.4) 1 934(58.3) a 1 584(75.5) a 10 144(45.7) 1 228.07 < 0.001 城市 7 826(46.6) 1 600(48.2) 1 011(48.2) 10 437(47.0) 4.41 0.110 吸烟 4 593(27.3) 1 280(38.6) a 866(41.3) a 6 739(30.3) 297.14 < 0.001 饮酒 3 888(23.2) 873(26.3) a 581(27.8) a 5 342(24.0) 32.75 < 0.001 高中及以上文化程度 5 599(33.6) 783(24.0) a 432(21.0) a 6 814(30.7) 225.04 < 0.001 年收入≥6 000(元/年) 5 152(31.0) 1 004(30.5) 634(30.6) 6 790(30.6) 0.41 0.813 BMI(kg/m2) 23.1±3.3 24.4±3.9 a 25.2±3.9 a 23.5±3.5 512.82 < 0.001 SBP(mm Hg) 116.9±14.2 137.3±17.6 a 154.1±23.1 a 123.4±20.0 6 696.99 < 0.001 DBP(mm Hg) 75.9±9.8 83.8±11.9 a 88.5±14.1 a 78.2±11.4 1 888.97 < 0.001 FPG(mmol/L) 5.1±1.1 5.6±1.8 a 6.2±2.3 a 5.3±1.4 720.08 < 0.001 TC(mmol/L) 4.8±0.9 5.1±1.0 a 5.2±1.1 a 4.8±1.0 329.02 < 0.001 理想生活方式 吸烟 11 992(71.4) 1 986(59.9) a 1 193(56.8) a 15 171(68.3) 308.92 < 0.001 膳食 11 254(67.0) 2 079(62.7) a 1 252(59.6) a 14 585(65.6) 59.55 < 0.001 体力活动 9 161(54.5) 1 524(46.0) a 783(37.3) a 11 468(51.6) 271.50 < 0.001 BMI(kg/m2) 12 534(74.6) 1 929(58.2) a 1 000(47.6) a 15 463(69.6) 881.23 < 0.001 注:连续变量表示为(x±s),采用单因素方差分析比较组间差异,统计量为F值;分类变量表示为[n (%)],采用χ2检验比较组间差异,统计量为χ2值;a与低风险组比较P < 0.05。 表 2 男女性不同CVD风险组膳食和体力活动因素分布
Table 2. Distribution of diet and physical activity according to CVD risk categories among men and women
项目 男性 女性 低风险(%) 中风险(%) 高风险(%) 合计(%) χ2趋势值 P趋势值 低风险(%) 中风险(%) 高风险(%) 合计(%) χ2趋势值 P趋势值 理想膳食ab 78.1 71.8 66.5 75.6 51.51 < 0.001 59.6 46.6 38.1 56.6 111.56 < 0.001 蔬菜水果ab 64.5 62.0 56.5 63.0 19.56 < 0.001 66.8 62.1 57.1 65.6 23.30 < 0.001 蔬菜a 78.4 69.8 54.6 74.0 185.94 < 0.001 78.0 62.9 53.1 74.7 167.89 < 0.001 水果a 31.1 24.3 16.3 27.8 87.17 < 0.001 29.2 22.7 16.4 28.0 44.27 < 0.001 鱼类ab 55.9 36.3 27.5 48.6 255.26 < 0.001 47.1 29.5 18.2 42.9 224.81 < 0.001 豆制品b 2.1 2.6 2.7 2.2 1.50 0.221 1.3 1.9 1.7 1.4 1.31 0.253 红肉ab 56.2 62.7 66.0 58.6 31.42 < 0.001 45.6 39.8 37.0 44.3 19.47 < 0.001 茶b 40.6 39.7 38.0 40.1 2.01 0.157 15.8 14.4 18.1 15.8 1.04 0.307 体力活动ab 58.6 58.4 52.0 57.6 12.07 < 0.001 48.4 39.1 28.7 46.2 84.98 < 0.001 注:各风险组变量均校正年龄。a男女性不同风险组人群中,膳食因素、体力活动组间差异比较均有P < 0.05;b男女性总体膳食、体力活动因素差异比较均有P < 0.05。 -
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