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彭辕 罗曼君 阮霄睿 李柳萱 刘涵君 唐嘉鹏 秦家碧

彭辕, 罗曼君, 阮霄睿, 李柳萱, 刘涵君, 唐嘉鹏, 秦家碧. 母亲围孕期吸烟和饮酒及其交互作用与新生儿低出生体重关联的前瞻性队列研究[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(11): 1257-1263. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.11.003
引用本文: 彭辕, 罗曼君, 阮霄睿, 李柳萱, 刘涵君, 唐嘉鹏, 秦家碧. 母亲围孕期吸烟和饮酒及其交互作用与新生儿低出生体重关联的前瞻性队列研究[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(11): 1257-1263. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.11.003
PENG Yuan, LUO Manjun, RUAN Xiaorui, LI Liuxuan, LIU Hanjun, TANG Jiapeng, QIN Jiabi. A prospective cohort study on the association of maternal perinatal cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption and their interactions with risk of neonatal low birth weight[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(11): 1257-1263. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.11.003
Citation: PENG Yuan, LUO Manjun, RUAN Xiaorui, LI Liuxuan, LIU Hanjun, TANG Jiapeng, QIN Jiabi. A prospective cohort study on the association of maternal perinatal cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption and their interactions with risk of neonatal low birth weight[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(11): 1257-1263. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.11.003


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.11.003

国家自然科学基金 82073653

国家自然科学基金 81803313

湖南省杰出青年基金 2022JJ10087


    秦家碧,E-mail: qinjiabi123@163.com

  • 中图分类号: R714

A prospective cohort study on the association of maternal perinatal cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption and their interactions with risk of neonatal low birth weight


National Natural Science Foundation of China 82073653

National Natural Science Foundation of China 81803313

Hunan Provincial Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars 2022JJ10087

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  探究母亲围孕期吸烟和饮酒及其交互作用对新生儿低出生体重(low birth weight, LBW)的影响。  方法  在湖南省内招募首次参与孕早期产检的孕妇以构建孕早期队列,通过问卷和病历系统收集信息,通过电话随访孕妇以监测LBW等妊娠结局。采用logistic回归分析模型分析母亲围孕期吸烟和饮酒及其交互作用与LBW的关联。采用分层分析评估关联的稳定性。  结果  共纳入34 104对单胎孕妇及新生儿进行分析。新生儿中有3 020例被诊断为LBW,发生率为8.9%(95% CI: 8.6%~9.2%)。多因素logistic回归分析模型分析结果显示,母亲围孕期主动吸烟(OR=1.428, 95% CI: 1.147~1.777)、被动吸烟(OR=1.128, 95% CI: 1.031~1.235)和饮酒(OR=2.297, 95% CI: 1.949~2.706)均是新生儿LBW的危险因素(均P<0.05)。交互作用分析结果显示,主动吸烟与饮酒存在拮抗效应的交互作用(OR=0.117, 95% CI: 0.049~0.278)。  结论  母亲围孕期主动吸烟、被动吸烟和饮酒及其交互作用与新生儿LBW的发生风险有关,提示母亲围孕期应保持健康行为方式,以预防LBW。
  • 表  1  不同暴露组基线特征比较

    Table  1.   Comparison of baseline characteristics among different exposure groups

    基线特征  Baseline characteristics 围孕期主动吸烟
    Periconceptional active smoking
    Periconceptional passive smoking
    Periconceptional alcohol consumption
    否  No 是  Yes P
    否  No 是 Yes P
    否  No 是  Yes P
    社会人口学特征  Social demographics
      年龄(<35岁)  Age(< 35 years) 27 624(82.9) 655(84.2) 0.341 22 561(83.0) 5 718(82.6) 0.473 27 427(82.9) 852(82.1) 0.466
      民族(汉族)  Ethnic group (Han) 32 890(98.7) 766(98.5) 0.571 26 820(98.7) 6 836(98.8) 0.414 32 633(98.7) 1 023(98.6) 0.706
      居住地(城镇地区)  Residence (urban area) 20 630(61.9) 444(57.1) 0.006 16 746(61.6) 4 328(62.5) 0.150 20 508(62.0) 566(54.5) 0.001
      受教育水平(大专以下)  Education level (below college) 11 960(35.9) 282(36.2) 0.837 9 744(35.8) 2 498(36.1) 0.695 11 865(35.9) 377(36.3) 0.773
    既往妊娠史  Previous pregnancy history
      初潮年龄(<15岁)  Menarche age(< 15 years) 29 356(88.1) 686(88.2) 0.941 23 972(88.2) 3 212(11.8) 0.284 29 154(88.2) 888(85.5) 0.010
      孕次(=1次)  Parity (=1 time) 10 255(30.8) 238(30.6) 0.914 8 325(30.6) 10 493(30.8) 0.257 10 164(30.7) 329(31.7) 0.511
      不良妊娠史(有)  Adverse pregnancy history (yes) 1 801(54.1) 43(55.7) 0.376 14 729(54.2) 3 718(53.7) 0.498 17 856(54.0) 591(56.9) 0.062
      妊娠并发症(有)  Pregnancy complications (yes) 7 636(22.9) 184(23.7) 0.629 6 236(22.9) 1 584(22.9) 0.930 7 396(22.4) 424(40.8) 0.001
      孕早期健康状况  Early pregnancy health status
      感冒(有)  Cold (yes) 3 054(9.2) 82(10.5) 0.189 2 497(9.2) 639(9.2) 0.901 3 032(9.2) 104(10.0) 0.351
      发热(有)  Fever (yes) 1 177(3.5) 26(3.3) 0.777 958(3.5) 245(3.5) 0.948 1 162(3.5) 41(3.9) 0.454
      全身感染(有)  Systemic infection (yes) 50(0.2) 1(0.1) 0.878 36(0.1) 15(0.2) 0.105 49(0.1) 2(0.2) 0.715
      呼吸道感染(有)  Respiratory tract infection (yes) 377(1.1) 9(1.2) 0.947 308(1.1) 78(1.1) 0.967 371(1.1) 15(1.4) 0.333
      泌尿道感染(有)  Urinary tract infection (yes) 96(0.3) 3(0.4) 0.617 83(0.3) 16(0.2) 0.306 95(0.3) 4(0.4) 0.563
      生殖道感染(有)  Genital tract infection (yes) 743(2.2) 14(1.8) 0.421 596(2.2) 161(2.3) 0.499 732(2.2) 25(2.4) 0.675
    围孕期用药情况  Periconceptional medication use
      围孕期服用叶酸(是)  Periconceptional folic acid use (yes) 31 826(95.5) 730(93.8) 0.027 1 190(4.4) 358(5.2) 0.005 1 324(4.0) 224(21.6) < 0.001
    Oral contraceptive use 3 months before pregnancy (yes)
    614(1.8) 16(2.1) 0.661 500(1.8) 130(1.9) 0.828 618(1.9) 12(1.2) 0.093
      围孕期营养状况 Periconceptional nutritional status
      孕前BMI  Pre-pregnancy BMI/(kg·m-2) 0.228 0.201 0.955
        正常  Normal 23 364(70.1) 561(72.1) 19 027(70.0) 4 898(70.8) 23 196(70.2) 729(70.2)
        异常  Abnormal 9 962(29.9) 217(27.9) 8 157(30.0) 2 022(29.2) 9 870(29.8) 309(29.8)
      孕期体重增加  Gestational weight gain/kg 0.695 0.397 0.837
        正常  Normal 24 114(72.4) 558(71.7) 19 694(72.4) 4 978(71.9) 23 924(72.4) 9 142(27.6)
        异常  Abnormal 9 212(27.6) 220(28.3) 7 490(27.6) 1 942(28.1) 748(72.1) 290(27.9)
      营养不良(有)  Malnutrition (yes) 470(1.4) 8(1.0) 0.370 378(1.4) 100(1.4) 0.730 478(1.4) 0(0) < 0.001
      饮食不平衡(有)  Unbalanced diet (yes) 3 820(11.5) 78(10.0) 0.213 3 112(11.4) 786(11.4) 0.834 3 654(11.1) 244(23.5) < 0.001
      体力活动程度  Physical activity level 0.521 0.012 < 0.001
        轻  Light 26 938(80.8) 636(81.7) 22 052(81.1) 5 522(79.8) 26 654(80.6) 920(88.6)
        一般或重 Moderate or vigorous 6 388(19.2) 142(18.3) 5 132(18.9) 1 398(20.2) 6 412(19.4) 118(11.4)
    本次妊娠并发症  Current pregnancy complications
      妊娠期贫血(有)  Pregnancy anemia (yes) 2 394(7.2) 42(5.4) 0.056 1 946(7.2) 490(7.1) 0.823 2 398(7.3) 38(3.7) < 0.001
      子痫前期(有)  Preeclampsia (yes) 762(2.3) 26(3.3) 0.053 622(2.3) 166(2.4) 0.584 737(2.2) 51(4.9) < 0.001
      妊娠糖尿病(有)  Gestational diabetes mellitus (yes) 5 310(15.9) 120(15.4) 0.701 4 330(15.9) 1 100(15.9) 0.947 5 254(15.9) 176(17.0) 0.355
      高脂血症(有)  Hyperlipidemia (yes) 367(1.1) 8(1.0) 0.847 311(1.1) 64(0.9) 0.118 363(1.1) 12(1.2) 0.859
      甲状腺功能亢进(有)  Hyperthyroidism (yes) 619(1.9) 17(2.2) 0.504 521(1.9) 115(1.7) 0.162 620(1.9) 16(1.5) 0.434
      甲状腺功能减退(有)  Hypothyroidism (yes) 4 684(14.1) 10(13.2) 0.517 3 782(13.9) 1 005(14.5) 0.192 4 642(14.0) 145(14.0) 0.949
    注:①孕期体重增加正常指孕期体重增加范围为10~19.9 kg,异常指孕期体重增加<10 kg或者≥20 kg;②以人数(占比%)表示。
    Note: ① Gestational weight gain is considered normal when it ranges between 10 to 19.9 kg, whereas an abnormal gestational weight gain is defined as less than 10 kg or greater than or equal to 20 kg; ② Number of people (proportion/%).
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    表  2  母亲围孕期吸烟及饮酒与低出生体重的关联分析

    Table  2.   Analysis of the associations between maternal periconceptional cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption and low birth weight

    Exposure factor
    模型1  Model 1 模型2  Model 2 模型3  Model 3
    OR值value (95% CI) P值value OR值value (95% CI) P值value OR值value (95% CI) P值value
    主动吸烟 Active smoking 1.428(1.147~1.777) <0.001 1.538(1.226~1.929) <0.001 1.371(1.089~1.725) 0.007
    被动吸烟  Passive smoking 1.128(1.031~1.235) 0.009 1.127(1.027~1.237) 0.012 1.132(1.031~1.242) 0.009
    饮酒  Alcohol consumption 2.297(1.949~2.706) <0.001 2.032(1.707~2.419) <0.001 1.975(1.656~2.356) <0.001
    Note: ① Model 1,unadjusted model;② Model 2,based on model 1, further adjusted for potential confounding factors, including age, education level, per capita monthly income, history of adverse pregnancy, pregnancy anemia, pre-pregnancy BMI, gestational weight gain, pre-gestational diabetes mellitus, pre-gestational urinary tract infection, pre-gestational genital tract infection, periconceptional folic acid use, gestational diabetes mellitus, gestational hyperlipidemia, gestational hyperthyroidism, and gestational hypothyroidism;③ Model 3, in addition to model 2, adjusted for active smoking, passive smoking, and alcohol consumption.
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    表  3  母亲围孕期吸烟及饮酒与低出生体重关联的敏感性分析

    Table  3.   Sensitivity analysis of the associations between maternal periconceptional cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption and low birth weight

    OR值  value(95% CI)
    Periconceptional active smoking
    Periconceptional passive smoking
    Periconceptional alcohol consumption
    年龄/岁  Age/years
      <35 1.427(1.116~1.824) 1.039(0.936~1.153) 2.257(1.873~2.719)
      ≥35 1.478(0.910~2.403) 1.471(1.225~1.767) 2.429(1.715~3.440)
    民族  Ethnic group
      汉族  Han 1.456(1.170~1.813) 1.123(1.026~1.230) 2.279(1.931~2.689)
      少数民族  Minorities 0.970(0.954~0.987) 1.511(0.730~3.130) 3.573(1.087~11.740)
    居住地  Residence
      城镇地区  Urban area 1.268(0.898~1.791) 1.290(1.136~1.465) 0.682(0.458~1.015)
      乡村地区  Rural area 1.474(1.105~1.966) 1.006(0.884~1.145) 3.755(3.078~4.580)
    受教育水平  Education level
      大专以下  Below college level 1.393(1.019~1.904) 1.098(0.967~1.247) 2.187(1.719~2.783)
      大专及以上  College and above 1.471(1.078~2.009) 1.159(1.018~1.320) 2.455(1.956~3.081)
    初潮年龄/岁  Menarche age/years
      <15 1.335(1.051~1.695) 1.111(1.009~1.224) 2.826(2.390~3.341)
      ≥15 2.164(1.248~3.751) 1.250(0.973~1.606) 0.959(0.953~0.966)
    孕次/次  Parity/times
      1 1.001(0.827~1.211) 1.701(1.116~2.593) 2.160(1.547~3.015)
      >1 1.175(1.060~1.302) 1.346(1.042~1.740) 2.367(1.959~2.860)
    不良妊娠史  Adverse pregnancy history
      无  No 1.487(1.033~2.140) 1.078(0.926~1.256) 2.893(2.236~3.744)
      有  Yes 1.383(1.051~1.821) 1.162(1.038~1.300) 1.967(1.590~2.433)
    妊娠并发症 Pregnancy complications
      无  No 1.193(1.074~1.326) 1.624(1.268~2.080) 0.781(0.565~1.079)
      有  Yes 0.973(0.816~1.160) 0.966(0.604~1.545) 4.682(3.776~5.805)
    感冒  Cold
      无  No 1.133(1.030~1.246) 1.437(1.140~1.812) 2.305(1.939~2.740)
      有  Yes 1.082(0.808~1.447) 1.339(0.683~2.623) 2.214(1.326~3.697)
    发热  Fever
      无  No 1.111(1.013~1.218) 1.431(1.146~1.788) 2.319(1.963~2.740)
      有  Yes 1.657(1.064~2.581) 1.332(0.393~4.509) 1.782(0.732~4.336)
    全身感染  Systemic infection
      无  No 1.126(1.029~1.233) 1.417(1.137~1.765) 2.310(1.961~2.721)
      有  Yes 1.091(0.277~4.296) 1.083(0.926~1.267) 0.947(0.879~1.021)
    呼吸道感染  Respiratory tract infection
      无  No 1.128(1.030~1.236) 1.441(1.156~1.795) 2.277(1.929~2.688)
      有  Yes 1.121(0.560~2.244) 0.748(0.092~6.098) 3.210(1.054~9.780)
    泌尿道感染  Urinary tract infection
      无  No 1.426(1.145~1.777) 1.132(1.034~1.239) 2.292(1.944~2.702)
      有  Yes 1.346(0.117~5.480) 0.870(0.254~2.973) 2.800(0.374~20.949)
    生殖道感染 Genital tract infection
      无  No 1.434(1.149~1.789) 1.126(1.027~1.234) 2.339(1.983~2.760)
      有  Yes 1.273(0.280~5.785) 1.184(0.701~2.001) 1.038(0.304~3.541)
    围孕期服用叶酸  Periconceptional folic acid use
      否  No 1.215(0.952~1.550) 1.106(1.006~1.215) 1.854(1.519~2.262)
      是  Yes 4.112(2.277~7.427) 1.302(0.954~1.778) 2.725(1.962~3.783)
    Oral contraceptives use 3 months before pregnancy
      否  No 1.454(1.168~1.811) 1.116(1.019~1.223) 2.285(1.938~2.695)
      是  Yes 0.973(0.960~0.986) 2.200(1.114~4.346) 3.053(0.646~14.429)
    孕前BMI  Pre-pregnancy BMI/(kg·m-2)
      正常  Normal 1.480(1.134~1.932) 1.139(1.018~1.275) 2.392(1.956~2.924)
      异常  Abnormal 1.362(0.927~2.003) 1.118(0.960~1.301) 2.142(1.612~2.846)
    孕期体重增加  Gestational weight gain/kg
      正常 Normal 1.767(1.353~2.308) 1.171(1.040~1.318) 2.046(1.640~2.553)
      异常  Abnormal 0.993(0.676~1.458) 1.064(0.923~1.225) 2.801(2.167~3.620)
    营养不良  Malnutrition
      无  No 1.463(1.173~1.826) 1.106(1.008~1.213) 2.389(2.027~2.815)
      有  Yes 0.802(0.160~4.022) 1.853(1.169~2.938) -
    饮食不平衡 Unbalanced diet
      无  No 1.491(1.183~1.880) 1.139(1.033~1.256) 2.094(1.724~2.545)
      有  Yes 1.090(0.557~2.133) 1.069(0.842~1.356) 2.495(1.825~3.409)
    体力活动程度  Physical activity level
      轻  Light 1.425(1.114~1.823) 1.230(1.112~1.360) 2.200(1.839~2.632)
      一般或重  Moderate or vigorous 1.452(0.899~2.346) 0.803(0.654~0.987) 3.379(2.234~5.112)
    妊娠期贫血  Pregnancy anemia
      无  No 1.434(1.144~1.798) 1.139(1.037~1.251) 2.217(1.870~2.627)
      有  Yes 1.429(0.596~3.426) 1.014(0.735~1.399) 5.197(2.653~10.180)
    子痫前期 Preeclampsia
      无  No 1.441(1.137~1.826) 1.122(1.017~1.237) 2.123(1.770~2.547)
      有  Yes 0.833(0.378~1.839) 1.268(0.885~1.817) 2.660(1.312~5.393)
    妊娠糖尿病  Gestational diabetes mellitus
      无  No 1.426(1.123~1.811) 1.092(0.989~1.206) 2.354(1.968~2.814)
      有  Yes 1.438(0.830~2.489) 1.323(1.066~1.643) 2.027(1.346~3.053)
    高脂血症 Hyperlipidemia
      无  No 1.410(1.130~1.758) 1.124(1.027~1.231) 2.299(1.950~2.711)
      有  Yes 3.490(0.676~18.005) 1.566(0.674~3.637) 2.069(0.434~9.854)
    甲状腺功能亢进 Hyperthyroidism
      无  No 1.434(1.150~1.787) 1.135(1.036~1.242) 2.321(1.970~2.735)
      有  Yes 1.185(0.152~9.230) 0.454(0.136~1.518) 0.974(0.961~0.986)
    甲状腺功能减退  Hypothyroidism
      无  No 1.368(1.081~1.732) 1.105(1.003~1.217) 2.247(1.884~2.679)
      有  Yes 1.906(1.054~3.446) 1.327(1.031~1.709) 2.688(1.710~4.226)
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    表  4  母亲围孕期吸烟及饮酒与低出生体重关联的交互作用分析

    Table  4.   Analysis of interactions between maternal periconceptional cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption and LBW

    Interaction factor
    模型1  Model 1 模型2  Model 2
    (95% CI)
    (95% CI)
    主动吸烟×被动吸烟  Active smoking×passive smoking 1.014(0.612~1.680) 0.957 0.946(0.558~1.605) 0.838
    主动吸烟×饮酒  Active smoking×alcohol consumption 0.117(0.049~0.278) <0.001 0.127(0.052~0.306) <0.001
    被动吸烟×饮酒  Passive smoking×alcohol consumption 1.533(1.037~2.267) 0.032 1.496(0.985~2.271) 0.059
    Note: ① Model 1, unadjusted model;②Model 2, adjusted for potential confounding factors, including age, education level, per capita monthly income, history of adverse pregnancy, pregnancy anemia, pre-pregnancy BMI, gestational weight gain, pre-gestational diabetes mellitus, pre-gestational urinary tract infection, pregestational genital tract infection, periconceptional folic acid use, gestational diabetes mellitus, gestational hyperlipidemia, gestational hyperthyroidism, and gestational hypothyroidism.
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