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周思佳 陈紫颖 江欣 刘文 马宇航 王凯 胡建利 彭志行

周思佳, 陈紫颖, 江欣, 刘文, 马宇航, 王凯, 胡建利, 彭志行. 中青年群体流感疫苗知信行水平及接种驱动因素调查[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(5): 540-546. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.05.008
引用本文: 周思佳, 陈紫颖, 江欣, 刘文, 马宇航, 王凯, 胡建利, 彭志行. 中青年群体流感疫苗知信行水平及接种驱动因素调查[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(5): 540-546. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.05.008
ZHOU Sijia, CHEN Ziying, JIANG Xin, LIU Wen, MA Yuhang, WANG Kai, HU Jianli, PENG Zhihang. Investigation on the level of knowledge-attitude-practice and driving factors of vaccination of influenza among young and middle-aged population[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(5): 540-546. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.05.008
Citation: ZHOU Sijia, CHEN Ziying, JIANG Xin, LIU Wen, MA Yuhang, WANG Kai, HU Jianli, PENG Zhihang. Investigation on the level of knowledge-attitude-practice and driving factors of vaccination of influenza among young and middle-aged population[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(5): 540-546. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.05.008


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.05.008

国家自然科学基金 82320108018

国家重点研发计划 2023YFC2306004

中国医学科学院医学与健康科技创新工程项目 2021-I2M-1-044


    彭志行,E-mail: zhihangpeng@njmu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: R186

Investigation on the level of knowledge-attitude-practice and driving factors of vaccination of influenza among young and middle-aged population


National Natural Science Foundation of China 82320108018

National Key Research and Development Program of China 2023YFC2306004

Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences 2021-I2M-1-044

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  了解中青年群体流感疫苗知信行水平、疫苗接种现状和接种意愿,并探究其影响因素,帮助推进疫苗接种工作。  方法  2023年5―8月,采取多阶段分层抽样方法从南昌市、长沙市及昆明市常住居民中抽取4 895人进行问卷调查。采用多因素logistic回归分析流感疫苗知信行水平的影响因素和驱动因素。  结果  中青年群体对于流感疫苗的认知和态度一般,接种水平较低。流感疫苗知信行水平在不同性别、受教育程度、职业、年收入、是否患基础疾病、吸烟和饮酒间的差异均具有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。多因素分析结果显示部分职业(均P<0.05)、患基础疾病(OR=1.309, 95% CI: 1.073~1.597,P=0.008)、良好的认知(OR=1.574, 95% CI: 1.322~1.874, P<0.001)和良好的态度(OR=2.379, 95% CI: 1.616~3.502, P<0.001)是流感疫苗接种行为的促进因素。流感季情况严重、担心感染后影响家人和同事、疫苗免费/优惠和政府及卫生当局建议接种是导致中青年群体流感疫苗接种意愿改变的主要因素。  结论  中青年群体对于流感疫苗的知信行水平较低,应加强对流感疫苗相关知识的宣传科普工作。通过分层次、分阶段实施接种优惠政策,完善基层接种服务人员激励机制,鼓励临床医师开具疫苗处方等多项举措促进疫苗接种。
  • 表  1  不同特征人群流感疫苗知信行情况

    Table  1.   Knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of influenza vaccine in populations with different characteristics

    变量Variable 调查人数
    Number of subjects
    Number of passing
    Frequency /%
    性别Gender 15.318 <0.001
      男Male 1 189 469 39.44
      女Female 3 706 1 702 45.93
    年龄组/岁Age group/years 0.036 0.850
      19~<45 4 482 1 986 44.31
      45~<60 413 185 44.79
    受教育程度Education level 254.150 <0.001
      小学及以下Primary school and below 287 70 24.39
      初中Junior high school 1 108 336 30.32
      高中High school 1 119 452 40.39
      本科Undergraduate 2 108 1 160 55.03
      硕士研究生及以上Master and above 2 73 153 56.04
    职业Career 169.660 <0.001
      办事人员和有关人员Office workers and related personnel 357 207 57.98
    Agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery production personnel
    503 159 31.61
    Social production and life service personnel
    946 387 40.91
    Production and transportation equipment operation and related personnel
    437 146 33.41
      专业技术人员Specialized technical personnel 820 492 60.00
      学生Student 23 11 47.83
      其他Other 1 809 769 42.51
    年收入/万元Annual income/10 000 yuan 167.061 <0.001
      ≤1 610 165 27.05
      >1~5 1 168 448 38.36
      >5~10 1 032 443 42.93
      >10~15 649 331 51.00
      >15~20 623 334 53.61
      >20~40 550 314 57.09
      >40 263 136 51.71
    患基础疾病Having underlying diseases 14.583 <0.001
      否No 4 367 1 978 45.29
      是Yes 528 193 36.55
    吸烟/(支·d-1) Smoking/ (cigarettes·d-1) 13.267 0.004
      0 4 443 2 005 45.13
      >0~<10 241 95 39.42
      10~<20 191 64 33.51
      >20 20 7 35.00
    饮酒Drinking 20.705 0.001
      基本不饮酒Hardly 4 116 1 850 44.95
      几个月1次Every few months 262 107 40.84
      1个月1次Once a month 182 83 45.60
      1周1次Once a week 184 88 47.83
      2~3天1次Every two or three days 116 37 31.90
      每天Everyday 35 6 17.14
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    表  2  流感疫苗知信行情况的多因素logistic回归分析

    Table  2.   Multivariate logistic regression analysis of the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of influenza vaccine

    Independent variable
    Comparison group
    Reference group
    sx Wald χ2值value P
    OR值value (95% CI)
    性别Gender 女Female 男Male 0.163 0.080 4.188 0.041 1.177(1.007~1.375)
    Education level
    初中Junior high school 小学及以下Primary school and below 0.245 0.155 2.487 0.115 1.277(0.942~1.732)
    高中High school 0.605 0.158 14.633 <0.001 1.832(1.343~2.498)
    本科Undergraduate 0.968 0.161 36.115 <0.001 2.633(1.920~3.610)
    硕士研究生及以上Master and above 0.839 0.211 15.861 <0.001 2.315(1.532~3.499)
    职业Career 办事人员和有关人员Office workers and related personnel 其他Other 0.250 0.128 3.797 0.051 1.284(0.999~1.651)
    Agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery production personnel
    0.042 0.118 0.127 0.721 1.043(0.828~1.315)
    Social production and life service personnel
    -0.093 0.084 1.215 0.270 0.911(0.772~1.075)
    Production and transportation equipment operation and related personnel
    -0.128 0.119 1.150 0.284 0.880(0.696~1.112)
    专业技术人员Specialized technical personnel 0.330 0.097 11.520 0.001 1.390(1.149~1.682)
    学生Student 0.218 0.437 0.248 0.619 1.243(0.528~2.927)
    年收入/万元Annual income/10 000 yuan >1~5 ≤1 0.469 0.112 17.567 <0.001 1.598(1.284~1.990)
    >5~10 0.417 0.117 12.762 <0.001 1.518(1.207~1.908)
    >10~15 0.666 0.129 26.746 <0.001 1.946(1.512~2.504)
    >15~20 0.632 0.132 22.833 <0.001 1.881(1.452~2.438)
    >20~40 0.721 0.139 26.755 <0.001 2.056(1.564~2.701)
    >40 0.537 0.165 10.515 0.001 1.710(1.237~2.366)
    Having underlying diseases
    是Yes 否No -0.220 0.100 4.831 0.028 0.803(0.660~0.976)
    饮酒Drinking 几个月1次Every few months 基本不饮酒Hardly -0.247 0.135 3.342 0.068 0.781(0.600~1.018)
    1个月1次Once a month -0.041 0.161 0.063 0.801 0.960(0.700~1.317)
    1周1次Once a week 0.119 0.163 0.528 0.467 1.126(0.818~1.550)
    2~3 d 1次Every two or three days -0.415 0.214 3.747 0.053 0.661(0.434~1.005)
    每天Everyday -0.983 0.459 4.582 0.032 0.374(0.152~0.920)
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    表  3  不同特征人群流感疫苗接种情况

    Table  3.   Influenza vaccination coverage in populations with different characteristics

    变量Variable 调查人数
    Number of subjects
    Number of passing
    Frequency /%
    性别Gender 1.432 0.232
      男Male 1 189 341 28.68
      女Female 3 706 997 26.90
    年龄组/岁Age group/years 2.651 0.103
      19~<45 4 482 1 211 27.02
      45~<60 413 127 30.75
    受教育程度Education level 9.190 0.057
      小学及以下Primary school and below 287 89 31.01
      初中Junior high school 1 108 303 27.35
      高中High school 1 119 272 24.31
      本科Undergraduate 2 108 590 27.99
      硕士研究生及以上Master and above 273 84 30.77
    职业Career 40.691 <0.001
      办事人员和有关人员Office workers and related personnel 357 90 25.21
      农、林、牧、渔业生产人员Agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery production personnel 503 161 32.01
      社会生产服务和生活服务人员Social production and life service personnel 946 259 27.38
      生产运输设备操作及有关人员Production and transportation equipment operation and related personnel 437 120 27.46
      专业技术人员Specialized technical personnel 820 274 33.41
      学生Student 23 11 47.83
      其他Other 1 809 423 23.38
    年收入/万元Annual income/10 000 yuan 7.568 0.271
      ≤1 610 187 30.66
      >1~5 1 168 320 27.40
      >5~10 1 032 263 25.48
      >10~15 649 168 25.89
      >15~20 623 172 27.61
      >20~40 550 147 26.72
      >40 263 81 30.80
    患基础疾病Having underlying diseases 5.496 0.019
      否No 4 367 1 171 26.81
      是Yes 528 167 31.63
    吸烟/(支·d-1) Smoking/ (cigarettes·d-1) 15.891 0.001
      0 4 443 1 196 26.92
      0~<10 241 87 36.10
      10~<20 191 49 25.65
      ≥20 20 6 30.00
    饮酒Drinking 4.878 0.431
      基本不饮酒Hardly 4 116 1 125 27.33
      几个月1次Every few months 262 81 30.92
      1个月1次Once a month 182 48 26.37
      1周1次Once a week 184 47 25.54
      2~3 d 1次Every two or three days 116 25 21.55
      每天Everyday 35 12 34.29
    认知Acknowledge 32.287 <0.001
      较差Poor 1 771 428 24.17
      一般Average 2 015 536 26.60
      良好Good 1 109 374 33.72
    态度Attitude 29.649 <0.001
      较差Poor 3 800 988 26.05
      一般Average 985 298 30.25
      良好Good 110 52 47.27
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    表  4  流感疫苗接种情况的多因素logistic回归分析

    Table  4.   Multivariate logistic regression analysis of influenza vaccination status

    Independent variable
    Comparison group
    Reference group
    sx Wald χ2值value OR值value (95% CI) P
    职业Career 办事人员和有关人员
    Office workers and related personnel
    其他Other 0.022 0.136 0.027 1.002(0.784~1.334) 0.870
    Agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery production personnel
    0.485 0.112 18.601 1.624(1.303~2.025) <0.001
    Social production and life service personnel
    0.239 0.092 6.734 1.271(1.060~1.523) 0.009
    Production and transportation equipment operation and related personnel
    0.241 0.122 3.912 1.272(1.002~1.616) 0.048
    专业技术人员Specialized technical personnel 0.391 0.095 16.962 1.478(1.227~1.781) <0.001
    学生Student 1.094 0.426 6.604 2.987(1.297~6.882) 0.010
    Having underlying diseases
    是Yes 否No 0.269 0.102 7.024 1.309(1.073~1.597) 0.008
    认知Acknowledge 一般Average 较差Poor 0.138 0.077 3.203 1.148(0.987~1.335) 0.073
    良好Good 0.454 0.089 25.968 1.574(1.322~1.874) <0.001
    态度Attitude 一般Average 较差Poor 0.196 0.080 6.064 1.217(1.041~1.423) 0.014
    良好Good 0.867 0.197 19.298 2.379(1.616~3.502) <0.001
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