Analysis on the variation trend of health related behaviors of chronic diseases of inhabitants in Huangpu District from 2007 to 2013
摘要: 目的 了解和评价黄浦区居民慢性病相关健康行为变化,评估相关慢性病政策对健康行为的作用。方法 利用2007-2013年黄浦区慢性病及其危险因素监测资料,分析慢性病相关健康行为,包括体重、血压、血糖测量,健康体检,直肠指检,大便隐血,肠镜检查和女性宫颈涂片、乳腺自查和乳腺临床检查的个人健康行为。结果 血糖测量(χ2=10.16,P=0.006),女性乳腺自查((χ2=7.33,P=0.026)、乳腺临床检查(χ2=23.03,P<0.001),大便隐血试验(χ2=65.36,P<0.001)等健康行为呈增长趋势。结论 黄浦区常住居民健康行为有所提高,监测数据也说明相关慢性病政策对黄浦区居民的健康行为起到促进作用,有必要进一步推广。Abstract: Objective To know the changes of relevant health behaviors of chronic diseases among Huangpu District residents and evaluate the effect of chronic diseases related policies on health behaviors. Methods The data was collected from the investigations of chronic diseases and relevant risk factors that carried out in 2007, 2010 and 2013 in Huangpu District. The result was based on the analysis of relevant health behaviors of chronic diseases which including personal health behaviors, such as measurement of weight, blood pressure and blood glucose, physical examination, rectal examination, fecal occult blood, colonoscopy and women's cervical smear, breast self-examination, clinical breast examination. Results Several behaviors had been promoted such as the measurement of blood glucose (χ2=10.16,P=0.006), the female breast self-examination (χ2=7.33,P=0.026), clinical breast examination (χ2=23.03,P<0.001), fecal occult blood test (χ2=65.36,P<0.001). Conclusions An increasing trend of health behaviors has been found among Huangpu District residents. Chronic diseases monitoring data also support the conclusion that some relevant policies have played an important role in health behavior promoting. Thus it is necessary to continue popularizing the health surveillance measures.
Key words:
- Chronic disease /
- Health behavior /
- Population surveillance
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