Evaluation on the data quality of HIV screening project in AIDS demonstration area of Henan Province
摘要: 目的 评价河南省艾滋病示范区人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)筛查人群样本代表性和数据质量,以便准确估计HIV阳性率和新发感染率。方法 采用多阶段随机整群抽样方法,于2012年9月~2013年6月,在河南省5个项目县抽取居民约200万人,对其进行问卷调查和健康体检,从样本代表性、数据完整性、录入及时性和准确性四个方面评价数据质量。结果 此次抽样的样本与2010年第六次人口普查户籍人口构成相同(χ2=8.202,P=0.879);数据整体完整率为82.356%;个人信息表和健康体检表的重复录入率分别为0.132%和0.510%,逻辑错误率在10%以下;从体检日期到数据录入的时间间隔为0~386 d。结论 河南省艾滋病示范区样本人群代表性好,而调查数据完整性、准确性和录入及时性有待提高。
- 获得性免疫缺陷综合征 /
- 数据收集 /
- 问卷调查
Abstract: Objective To evaluate the representativeness of sample and the quality of the data obtained from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) screening population of the AIDS demonstration area in Henan Province and estimate the positive rate of HIV and morbidity accurately. Methods A multi-stage random cluster sampling was performed and choosing about 2 million residents were recruited from 5 counties in Henan Province during September 2012 to June 2013. The questionnaire survey and physical examination were conducted among them. Sample representativeness, data integrity, data accuracy and entry timeliness were applied to evaluate the quality of data. Results The composition of the population was the same as the sixth census of the counties in 2010 (χ2=8.202,P=0.879). The integrity rate of the data was 82.356%. The rates of duplicate entry were 0.132% and 0.510% respectively based on personal information and physical examination information. The rate of logist error was less than 10%. The time interval from the physical examination to inputting was 0-386 days. Conclusions The representativeness of sample from the AIDS demonstration area in Henan Province is reliable, but the quality of data integrity, data accuracy and entry timeliness should be improved further.-
Key words:
- Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome /
- Data collection /
- Questionnaires
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