目的 对一株人感染H9N2禽流感病毒进行高通量测序(next-generation sequencing,NGS)分析,探讨其在人群流行的可能性。方法 应用高通量测序技术进行全基因组序列测定(whole genome sequencing,WGS)。对8个基因进行相似性检索,构建系统进化树并分析其关键位点的分子特征。结果 8个基因与GenBank基因库相似度最高序列的来源不完全一致,系统进化树显示HA基因属于欧亚系I群,M基因位于G1-like分支,PB2位于G9-like分支,NA位于一独立分支,PBl,PA,NP,NS均位于SH/F/98-like分支。HA基因裂解位点为PSRSSR/GLF,226位受体结合位点为L。除M2基因S31N突变之外,NA基因茎63~65位缺失,PA和PB2基因未发生L336M和Q591R,E627K等可以增强病毒对哺乳动物适应性的突变,但发现可以增强病毒毒力的突变如M1基因N30D和T215A,PB2基因L89V,NSl基因P42S。除M2基因S31N突变外,NA基因和M2基因的药物结合位点未发生E119G,R152K,H274Y,R292K和L26F,V27A,A30T,G34E等耐药性突变。HA和NA糖基化位点预测结果都有8个糖基化位点,其中分别有7个和5个可靠程度较高。结论 该H9N2禽流感病毒的大部分关键性位点较保守,只有少部分位点发生一定程度进化与变异,在人群引起流行的可能性不大,但需加强分子方面动态监测。
Objective The case involving human infection with pathogenic avian influenza A (H9N2) was identified. The full nucleotide sequence of the H9N2 virus was generated with next-generation sequencing and the sequence was evaluated on potential pandemic risk. Methods The full nucleotide sequence of the H9N2 virus was generated with next-generation sequencing Miseq system. Phylogenetic trees were constructed based on full-length nucleotide sequence of the eight genes to characterize functional amino acid motifs. Results The phylogenetic trees showed that the HA gene of H9N2 was in Eurasian lineage I, gene M in G1-like lineage and gene PB2 in G9-like lineage. NA formed a monophyletic clade in the external gene tree. PB1, PA, NP, NS were in the SH/F/98-like lineage. The cleavage site in HA gene was PSRSSR/GLF. The amino acid of receptor binding position 226 in HA was the Leucine (L). Three amino acids (sites 63-65) were deleted at the NA stalk region. The genes didn't mutate in position of L336M in PA, Q591R and E627K in PB2, which might improve the adaptability of the virus once mutated. But genes mutated in position of N30D and T215A in M1, L89V in PB2 and P42S in NS1, which might increase virulence. Except for S31N in M2 the potential antibiotic-resistant positions E119G, R152K, H274Y and R292K in NA, L26F, V27A, A30T, S31N, and G34E in M2 didn't mutate. eight glycosylation motifs in HA and eight in NA were changed, in which seven motifs and five motifs were in high degree of reliability, respectively. Conclusions Most key motifs in the H9N2 were relatively conservative. This H9N2 strain might not cause pandemic risk, while far more were needed in the dynamic molecular evolution monitoring.