目的 调查大关县小学生非故意伤害倾性现状,并探讨其影响因素,为高危人群的非故意伤害预防和干预提供理论依据。方法 采用多阶段分层随机整群抽样抽取大关县五所小学4~6年级1 084名在校小学生作为调查对象。结果 在调查的1 084名小学生中,过去一年具有非故意伤害倾性学生114例,伤害倾性的发生率为10.5%,最主要的伤害类型是锐器伤,伤害认知得分及格率为50.9%。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示:学校所在地为镇(OR=0.655,95%CI:0.450~0.953)、母亲受教育程度为大专及大学(OR=0.483,95%CI:0.295~0.790)是非故意伤害发生的保护因素;性别男(OR=1.706,95%CI:1.314~2.215)、留守学生(OR=1.646,95%CI:1.216~2.228)是非故意伤害发生的危险因素;母亲受教育程度为大专及大学(OR=0.406,95%CI:0.223~0.739)、高中及中专(OR=0.388,95%CI:0.155~0.972)是非故意伤害倾性发生的保护因素。结论 大关县小学生非故意伤害的危险因素较为明确,应以高危人群为重点干预对象,并加大对经济欠发达地区伤害预防的投入力度。
Objective To investigate the current status on the incidence of unintentional injury proneness among pupil in Daguan county, analyze its influencing factors, and to provide the theoretical basis for the personalized intervention of high-risk groups. Methods Totally 1 084 students of grade 4-6 from 5 primary schools in Daguan county were selected by using stratified random cluster sampling method and surveyed with questionnaire. Results Totally 114 students had injury proneness in 1 084 respondents and the incidence rate was 10.5%. The sharp instrument injury ranked highest among all types of children unintentional injury proneness. The passing rate of injury knowledge score was 50.9%. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis indicated that the protective factors related to unintentional injury were primary school in town (OR=0.655,95% CI:0.450-0.953), maternal level of education for the university(OR=0.483,95% CI:0.295-0.790); the risk factors of unintentional injury were male (OR=1.706,95% CI:1.314-2.215) and left-behind students (OR=1.646,95% CI:1.216-2.228); the protective factors of unintentional injury proneness were maternal level of education for the university(OR=0.406, 95% CI:0.223-0.739), high school and secondary vocational school(OR=0.388,CI:0.155-0.972). Conclusions The risk factors of unintentional injury is relatively clear among pupils in Daguan county, in the course of injury intervention, we should pay attention to high-risk groups, and increase the investment from government of Daguan county especially in economically underdeveloped areas.