目的 为了控制梅毒疫情,分析2011-2015年抚州市梅毒的流行趋势与特征,提出预防控制对策。方法 采用描述性流行病学方法对2011-2015年抚州市梅毒疫情监测数据进行分析。结果 2011-2015年抚州市报告梅毒年均发病率13.17/10万,发病率呈上升趋势(χ趋势2=182.340,P<0.001),发病率年均增长速度22.50%。发病以隐性梅毒和Ⅰ期梅毒为主,隐性梅毒(χ趋势2=199.544,P< 0.001)和Ⅰ期梅毒(χ趋势2=13.727,P< 0.001)发病率均呈上升趋势。高发病区依次为广昌县、南丰县、南城县、乐安县、临川区和黎川县。发病以农民、家务及待业人群和职业不祥人群为主,农民发病构成比呈下降趋势(χ趋势2=8.191,P=0.004),家务及待业人群发病构成比呈上升趋势(χ趋势2=25.464,P<0.001)。不同性别人群隐性梅毒、Ⅰ期梅毒、Ⅱ期梅毒和胎传梅毒发病率差异均有统计学意义(均有P<0.05)。发病年龄主要集中在20~49岁年龄段,不同性别人群发病年龄分布不同。结论 抚州市对梅毒高发病区需采取有效的针对性干预措施,以农民、家务及待业人群为重点,加强人群性健康教育,对隐性梅毒和Ⅰ期梅毒早发现、早诊断、早期实行规范治疗。
Objective To analyze the epidemic trend and characteristics of syphilis in Fuzhou from 2011 to 2015, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures for prevention and control. Methods Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the syphilis epidemic situation from 2011 to 2015. Results The average annual incidence of syphilis was 13.17/100 000, and the incidence of syphilis showed an upward trend (χtrend2=182.340, P<0.001), and the average annual growth rate was 22.50% during the 5 years. The incidences of latent syphilis (χtrend2=199.544, P<0.001) and primary syphilis (χtrend2=13.727, P<0.001) showed upward trend. The high incidence of syphilis areas included Guangchang County, Nanfeng County, Nancheng County, Le'an County, Linchuan District and Lichuan County. The infectious people were mainly farmers, householders and the unemployed, and the proportion of farmers showed downward trend (χtrend2=8.191, P=0.004), while the proportion of householders and the unemployed showed an upward trend (χtrend2=25.464, P<0.001). There were significant differences in the incidence of latent syphilis, primary syphilis, secondary syphilis and congenital syphilis in different sex groups (all P<0.05). The age of onset was mainly in the range of 20-49 years old, and the age distribution of different sexes was different. Conclusions Administrators need to take effective interventions for syphilis among high incidence areas, with farmers, householders and the unemployed fixed on, and strengthen sexual health education, and should make early detection, early diagnosis and early standardized treatment of latent syphilis and primary syphilis in Fuzhou City.