目的 了解江苏省启东市肝癌家系初检成员的脂肪肝患病情况并探讨其关联因素,为肝癌家系成员防治脂肪肝提供科学依据。方法 选择2014年1月~2015年12月在启东市人民医院肝病家系备案的537例肝癌患者家族初检成员,收集其体检资料和个人基本信息,分析脂肪肝的患病情况,应用单因素分析和多因素Logistic回归分析探讨其关联因素。结果 537例调查对象经B超诊断脂肪肝112例,患病率为20.86%,男性患病率高于女性(22.75%>19.15%,(口恶)2=5.292,P=0.021),脂肪肝患病率随年龄增长而升高;有烟酒嗜好者、超重与肥胖者、有高血压及高血糖者的脂肪肝患病率均高于无相应因素者,且差异都有统计学意义(均有P<0.05)。多因素Logistic模型分析结果显示超重与肥胖、高血压、有烟酒嗜好以及高血糖者脂肪肝患病危险性高。结论 需要加强生活方式干预,戒烟限酒,将体重、血压及血糖维持在正常水平以降低脂肪肝患病率。
Objective To investigate the prevalence of fatty liver in primary examination members of Qidong hepatoma family in Jiangsu and analyze its associated factors in order to provide scientific basis for the prevention and treatment of fatty liver in members of hepatoma family. Methods A total of 537 participants in early detection of liver cancer family were selected from Qidong People's Hospital from January 2014 to December 2015 and their medical records and basic personal information were collected to analyze the prevalence of fatty liver. The related factors of fatty liver were explored by univariate analysis and Logistic regression analysis. Results Among the 537 participants, 112 cases of fatty liver were diagnosed by B-ultrasonography and the prevalence rates of fatty liver was 20.86%, which was higher in males than that in females. (22.75%>19.15%,(口恶)2=5.292, P=0.021). The prevalence of fatty liver was increased with age, which was higher in alcoholic drinks, overweight and obese, hypertension and hyperglycemia people, and the differences were statistically significant (all P<0.05). Moreover, multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that overweight and obesity, hypertension, tobacco and alcohol addiction, hyperglycemia were risk factors of fatty liver disease. Conclusions We need to strengthen the lifestyle intervention, have no smoking and limited amount of liquor, keep weight, blood pressure and blood sugar in normal levels in order to reduce the incidence of fatty liver.