The effect of passive smoking during pregnancy on pregnancy complications and outcomes
目的 了解孕期被动吸烟发生情况, 并探讨其对妊娠并发症及结局的影响。 方法 选取2012年4月-2013年3月在我国15家医疗保健机构分娩的8 926例单胎活产产妇作为研究对象, 使用自制调查问卷收集孕期被动吸烟发生情况、妊娠并发症和结局等信息, 采用单因素和多因素Logistic回归分析模型分析孕期被动吸烟对妊娠并发症及结局的影响。 结果 共1 801例产妇在孕期经历被动吸烟。控制混杂因素后, 孕期经历被动吸烟的产妇妊娠期糖尿病(gestational diabetes mellitus, GDM)的发生风险是非被动吸烟者的1.359倍(95%CI:1.146~1.612, P < 0.001), 胎膜早破的风险为1.290倍(95%CI:1.095~1.520, P=0.002), 早产的风险为1.367倍(95%CI:1.155~1.619, P < 0.001), 娩出低出生体重儿的风险为1.341倍(95%CI:1.079~1.668, P=0.008)。与非被动吸烟者相比, 平均每周被动吸烟天数≥4天者胎膜早破、早产和低出生体重儿的发生风险分别为非被动吸烟者的1.402倍(95%CI:1.104~1.780, P=0.006)、1.690倍(95%CI:1.339~2.132, P < 0.001)和1.584倍(95%CI:1.172~2.141, P=0.023)。 结论 被调查产妇孕期被动吸烟率较高, 孕期经历被动吸烟能够增加妊娠期糖尿病、胎膜早破、早产和低出生体重儿的发生风险。 Abstract:Objective To assess the prevalence of passive smoking during pregnancy, and toexplore the effect of passive smoking during pregnancy on pregnancy complications and outcomes. Methods A total of 8 926 postpartum women who delivered live singletons between April, 2012 to March, 2013 in 15 hospitals were enrolled. A self-made questionnaire was used to collect general information, occurrence of passive smoking during pregnancy, pregnancy complications and outcomes. Logistic regression models were used to analyze the effect of passive smoking during pregnancy on pregnancy complications and outcomes. Results A total of 1 801 women had experienced passive smoking during pregnancy. After adjusting for covariates, women who experienced passive smoking during pregnancy had an increased risk of gestational diabetes mellitus(OR=1.359, 95% CI:1.146-1.612, P < 0.001), premature rupture of membranes(OR=1.290, 95% CI:1.095-1.520, P=0.002), preterm birth(OR=1.367, 95% CI:1.155-1.619, P < 0.001), and delivering low birth weight infants(OR=1.341, 95% CI:1.079-1.668, P=0.008). Compared to those who did not experience passive smoking, women experienced passive smoking≥4 days/week had an increased risk of premature rupture of membranes(OR=1.402, 95% CI:1.104-1.780, P=0.006), preterm birth(OR=1.690, 95% CI:1.339-2.132, P < 0.001), and low birth weight(OR=1.584, 95% CI:1.172-2.141, P=0.023). Conclusions In this study, passive smoking during pregnancy is prevalent, and passive smoking during pregnancy may increase the risk of pregnancy outcomes like gestational diabetes mellitus, premature rupture of membranes, preterm birth and low birth weight. -
Key words:
- Passive smoking /
- Pregnancy /
- Pregnancy complications /
- Pregnancy outcomes
表 1 研究对象的一般人口学特征[n (%)]
Table 1. Characteristics of study participants[n (%)]
项目 被动吸烟组(n=1 801) 非被动吸烟组(n=7 125) χ2 /Z值 P值 分娩年龄(岁) 28(25, 30)a 28(26, 38) -3.412 < 0.001 分娩孕周 39(38, 40) 39(38, 40) -2.201 0.028 孕前体重指数(kg/m2) -3.062 0.002 < 24 408(22.7) 1 379(19.4) 24~ 1 182(65.6) 4 824(67.7) ≥28 211(11.7) 922(12.9) 文化程度 -4.639 < 0.001 大专及以下 1 270(70.5) 4 611(64.7) 本科及以上 531(29.5) 2 514(35.3) 职业 34.226 < 0.001 干部/职员/专业技术人员 890(49.4) 4 061(57.0) 工人/服务人员 252(14.0) 829(11.6) 无业 543(30.2) 1 870(26.3) 其他 116(6.4) 365(5.1) 家庭户平均月收入(元) -3.609 < 0.001 < 10 000 1 495(83.0) 5 643(79.2) ≥10 000 306(17.0) 1 482(20.8) 初产 7.856 0.005 否 371(20.6) 1 264(17.7) 是 1 430(79.4) 5 861(82.3) 孕期饮酒 127.528 < 0.001 否 1 684(93.5) 7 004(98.3) 是 117(6.5) 121(1.7) 注:a为M (P25, P75)。 表 2 孕期被动吸烟与妊娠并发症及结局关系的Logistic回归分析模型分析
Table 2. Logistic regression model analysis for passive smoking during pregnancy and pregnancy complications and outcomes
被动吸烟组[n (%)] 非被动吸烟组[n (%)] 调整前 调整后a OR(95%CI)值 P值 OR(95%CI)值 P值 妊娠期高血压疾病 94(5.2) 298(4.2) 1.262(0.995~1.600) 0.055 1.271(0.997~1.620) 0.053 子痫前期 44(2.4) 128(1.8) 1.370(0.969~1.937) 0.075 1.348(0.947~1.919) 0.097 妊娠期糖尿病 203(11.3) 651(9.1) 1.263(1.069~1.493) 0.006 1.359(1.146~1.612) < 0.001 前置胎盘 39(2.2) 146(2.1) 1.058(0.740~1.512) 0.757 1.013(0.705~1.455) 0.945 胎盘早剥 10(0.6) 25(0.4) 1.568(0.760~3.308) 0.219 1.493(0.703~3.170) 0.297 胎膜早破 217(12.1) 704(9.9) 1.250(1.063~1.469) 0.007 1.290(1.095~1.520) 0.002 羊水过多 54(3.0) 160(2.3) 1.346(0.984~1.840) 0.063 1.305(0.985~1.856) 0.062 羊水过少 74(4.1) 308(4.3) 0.948(0.732~1.229) 0.689 0.934(0.719~1.215) 0.613 早产 211(11.7) 602(8.5) 1.438(1.218~1.698) < 0.001 1.367(1.155~1.619) < 0.001 低出生体重儿b 120(6.7) 342(4.8) 1.416(1.142~1.755) 0.002 1.341(1.079~1.668) 0.008 巨大儿b 110(6.1) 472(6.6) 1.009(0.851~1.195) 0.919 0.966(0.776~1.203) 0.758 SGAb 130(7.2) 424(6.0) 1.230(1.003~1.507) 0.047 1.219(0.992~1.499) 0.060 LGAb 187(10.4) 734(10.3) 0.917(0.740~1.136) 0.428 1.035(0.871~1.230) 0.696 新生儿窒息b 33(1.8) 80(1.1) 1.644(1.092~2.474) 0.017 1.410(0.913~2.176) 0.121 注:a调整分娩年龄、孕前体质指数、文化程度、职业、家庭户平均月收入、初产、孕期饮酒; b进一步调整分娩孕周。 -
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