Epidemiological characteristics and trends of hepatitis C in Hubei Province from 2004 to 2018
目的 分析2004-2018年湖北省丙型肝炎(简称丙肝)的流行特征, 掌握丙肝发病状况, 为丙肝防控提供科学的意见和建议。 方法 研究收集传染病报告信息管理系统中丙肝报告病例的数据, 对其进行描述性分析并使用时间序列模型进行分析预测。 结果 丙肝发病率呈持续增加趋势, 从2004年的1.82/105增加到2018年的18.51/105, 年平均增长率为18.01%。各年龄段丙肝发病率随年份的增加整体呈上升趋势, 在同一年份, 发病率随年龄段的增加而出现先上升后下降的趋势, 在60~70岁年龄段达到顶峰。丙肝的新发患者中排行前三的职业依次为农民、家务及待业、离退休人员, 其总占比超过80%。通过时间序列模型预测, 如果不采取有效控制措施, 5年后丙肝发生率可超过24.88/105。 结论 丙肝发病率持续升高, 发病有较明显的人群、空间分布特点, 需要密切关注并且针对性地采取有效措施, 减少疾病的发生和感染。 Abstract:Objective This study aims to know the incidence of hepatitis C and provide scientific opinions and suggestions for prevention and control of hepatitis C through analyzing the characteristics of hepatitis C in Hubei Province from 2004 to 2018. Methods Data of hepatitis C reported cases in the infectious disease report information management system were collected, analyzed and predicted by time series model. Results The incidence of hepatitis C continued to increase, from 1.82/105 in 2004 to 18.51/105 in 2018, with an average annual growth rate of 18.01%. The incidence of hepatitis C in all age groups increased from 2004 to 2018. In the same year, the incidence rate increased initially and then decreased with the elder age group. The peak was in 60-70 age group. Among the new diagnosed patients with hepatitis C, the top three occupations were farmers, housework and unemployed, retired people, accounting for more than 80% of the total. According to the prediction of time series model, the incidence of hepatitis C could exceed 24.88/105 after 5 years if no effective control measures were taken. Conclusions The incidence of hepatitis C is still rising, and it has significant population and spatial distribution pattern. It is necessary to pay attention and take effective measures to reduce the incidence of new infections and diseases onset. -
Key words:
- Hepatitis C /
- Epidemiologic characteristic /
- Prediction
表 1 2004-2018年丙肝发病和死亡情况
Table 1. The incidence and the mortality of hepatitis C from 2004 to 2018
年份 发病数(例) 发病率(/105) 死亡数(例) 死亡率(/105) 2004 1 095 1.823 6 0.001 2005 1 518 2.667 4 0.007 2006 2 249 3.939 10 0.018 2007 3 259 5.725 5 0.009 2008 3 866 6.784 7 0.012 2009 4 798 8.401 4 0.007 2010 5 009 8.757 3 0.005 2011 6 092 10.643 3 0.005 2012 6 350 11.028 10 0.017 2013 7 350 12.719 9 0.016 2014 7 896 13.616 5 0.009 2015 8 736 15.021 0 < 0.001 2016 9 453 16.958 2 0.003 2017 10 419 17.704 3 0.005 2018 10 926 18.512 4 0.007 -
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