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于业波 黄镇 吴一波 孙昕霙

于业波, 黄镇, 吴一波, 孙昕霙. 2型糖尿病患者的用药依从性与生存质量的关系及自我效能的调节作用[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(2): 228-232. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.02.016
引用本文: 于业波, 黄镇, 吴一波, 孙昕霙. 2型糖尿病患者的用药依从性与生存质量的关系及自我效能的调节作用[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(2): 228-232. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.02.016
YU Yebo, HUANG Zhen, WU Yibo, SUN Xinying. Self-efficacy as a moderator in relationship between medication adherence and quality of life among patients with type 2 diabetes[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(2): 228-232. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.02.016
Citation: YU Yebo, HUANG Zhen, WU Yibo, SUN Xinying. Self-efficacy as a moderator in relationship between medication adherence and quality of life among patients with type 2 diabetes[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(2): 228-232. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.02.016


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.02.016

北京市卫生与健康委首都卫生发展科研专项 2022-1G-4252


    孙昕霙,E-mail: xysun@bjmu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: R193.3

Self-efficacy as a moderator in relationship between medication adherence and quality of life among patients with type 2 diabetes


Beijing Health Commission Capital Health Development Research Project 2022-1G-4252

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  探究2型糖尿病患者用药依从性与生存质量的关联及自我效能在两者关系中的调节作用。  方法  选取符合条件的2型糖尿病患者728人,采用8条目Morisky用药依从性量表、糖尿病特异性生存质量量表和自编糖尿病自我效能量表收集数据。利用多元线性回归分析模型分析药物依从性与生活质量之间的关系,并进一步探讨自我效能的调节作用。  结果  用药依从性好的患者仅125人(占17.2%)。与基线相比,随访9个月后生存质量的社会维度得分显著上升(t=-3.668, P=0.001)。基线用药依从性与基线生存质量总分(β=-0.161, P < 0.001)和第9个月生存质量总分(β=-0.148, P=0.002)负向相关。较高的自我效能会增强用药依从性与第9个月治疗维度生存质量(β=0.150, P=0.010)和总生存质量(β=0.110, P=0.044)间的关系。  结论  2型糖尿病患者的用药依从性与未来短期生存质量有显著关联;提高自我效能能够增强用药依从性对生存质量的正向影响,尤其是疾病治疗维度的生存质量。
  • 表  1  基线不同人口学特征患者的用药依从性比较

    Table  1.   Baseline characteristics of respondents by medication adherence

    变量  Variable 人数
    Number of people
    Medication adherence [Number of people (proportion/%)]
    好  Good 中等  Moderate 差  Worse
    糖化血红蛋白/%  HemoglobinA1c/% 7.17±1.25 0.228 0.892
         < 6.5 214(29.4) 35(16.4) 88(41.1) 91(42.5)
        ≥6.5 514(70.6) 90(17.5) 214(41.6) 210(40.9)
    年龄组/岁  Age group/years 59.72±7.47 14.028 0.007
        ≤50 75(10.3) 12(16.0) 24(32.0) 39(52.0)
        >50~60 266(36.5) 42(15.8) 98(36.8) 126(47.4)
        >60 387(53.2) 71(18.4) 180(46.5) 136(35.1)
    性别  Gender 2.781 0.249
        男性  Male 346(47.5) 51(14.7) 149(43.1) 146(42.2)
        女性  Female 382(52.5) 74(19.4) 153(40.0) 155(40.6)
    受教育程度  Educational level 10.723 0.030
        小学  Primary school 82(11.3) 19(23.2) 38(46.3) 25(30.5)
        中学  Middle school 517(71.0) 93(18.0) 212(41.0) 212(41.0)
        大学及以上  University/college or above 129(17.7) 13(10.1) 52(40.3) 64(49.6)
    婚姻状态  Marital status 0.536 0.765
        已婚 Married 648(94.0) 119(17.4) 284(41.5) 281(41.1)
        其他  Other 44(6.0) 6(13.6) 18(40.9) 20(45.5)
    人均月收入/元  Personal monthly income/yuan 10.270 0.114
        <3 000 216(29.7) 49(22.7) 89(41.2) 78(36.1)
        3 000~<5 000 307(42.2) 49(16.0) 133(43.3) 125(40.7)
        5 000~<100 000 152(20.9) 19(12.5) 60(39.5) 73(48.0)
        ≥100 000 53(7.3) 8(15.1) 20(37.7) 25(47.2)
    病程/年  Course of disease/years 1.416 0.841
        ≤5 500(68.7) 86(17.2) 203(40.6) 211(42.2)
        6~10 189(26.0) 34(18.0) 80(42.3) 75(39.7)
        ≥11 39(5.4) 5(12.8) 19(48.7) 15(38.5)
    并发症  Complication 0.610 0.737
        否  No 135(18.5) 24(17.8) 52(38.5) 59(43.7)
        是  Yes 593(81.5) 101(17.0) 250(42.2) 242(40.8)
    体质指数/(kg·m-2)  Body mass index/(kg·m-2) 13.551 0.035
        偏瘦 Thin 2(0.3) 2(100.0) 0(0.0) 0(0.0)
        正常  Normal 152(20.9) 32(21.1) 61(40.1) 59(38.8)
        超重  Overweight 324(44.5) 47(14.5) 134(41.4) 143(44.1)
        肥胖  Obesity 250(34.3) 44(17.6) 107(42.8) 99(39.6)
    Note: ① Number of people(proportion/%) or x±s.
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    表  2  DSQL分量表得分及基线与第9个月随访后的得分比较

    Table  2.   Scores and paired t-test of DSQL subscales from baseline to month 9

    变量  Variable 基线 Baseline (n=728) 第9个月  Month 9 (n=476) t
    x s x s
    DSQL总分  DSQL total 45.22 13.42 45.75 15.85 -1.692 0.091
    DSQL生理维度  DSQL physical dimension 21.47 7.51 21.79 8.85 -1.713 0.087
    DSQL心理维度  DSQL psychological dimension 13.30 5.06 13.11 5.47 -0.034 0.979
    DSQL社会维度  DSQL social dimension 5.86 2.20 6.23 2.36 -3.668 0.001
    DSQL治疗维度  DSQL therapeutic dimension 4.59 2.02 4.63 2.22 -0.430 0.667
    Note:DSQL,diabetes specific quality of life scale.
    ①Paired sample t test.
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    表  3  多元线性回归分析用药依从性、自我效能与生存质量之间的关系

    Table  3.   Multiple linear regression analysis for the relationship between MA, SE and DSQL

    变量  Variable 模型1基线DSQL总分
    Model 1 baseline DSQL
    Model 2 month 9 DSQL
    (95% CI)
    (95% CI)
    基线用药依从性MA (baseline) -1.357 -0.161(-2.024~-0.690) < 0.001 -1.449 -0.148(-2.357~-0.541) 0.002
    基线自我效能SE (baseline) -0.297 -0.057(-0.709~0.116) 0.158 0.143 0.023(-0.412~0.697) 0.613
    基线DSQL总分DSQL baseline 0.516 0.419(0.413~0.620) < 0.001
    Note:DSQL,diabetes specific quality of life scale.
    1.Confounding variables including hemoglobinA1c, age groups, gender, education, marital status, personal monthly income, course of diseases, complications and body mass index were included in all models.
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    表  4  多元线性回归分析自我效能对用药依从性与生存质量之间关系的调节作用

    Table  4.   Multiple linear regression analysis for the relationship between medication adherence*self-efficacy and DSQL

    变量  Variable β
    (95% CI)
    模型1第9个月DSQL总分 Model 1 month 9 DSQL total
        基线用药依从性MA (baseline) -1.418 -0.145(-2.324~-0.512) 0.002
        基线自我效能SE (baseline) 0.573 0.094(-0.120~1.265) 0.105
        基线用药依从性×基线自我效能MA (baseline)*SE (baseline) 1.095 0.110(0.032~2.159) 0.044
    模型2第9个月DSQL治疗维度  Model 2 month 9 DSQL cure
        基线用药依从性MA (baseline) -0.231 -0.169(-0.366~-0.097) 0.001
        基线自我效能SE (baseline) 0.100 0.117(-0.003~0.203) 0.058
        基线用药依从性×基线自我效能MA (baseline)*SE (baseline) 0.210 0.150(0.051~0.369) 0.010
    Note,MA,medication adherence;SE,self-efficacy;DSQL,diabetes specific quality of life scale. Confounding variables including hemoglobinA1c, age groups, gender, education, marital status, personal monthly income, course of diseases, complications, body mass index and corresponding baseline DSQL scores were included in all models.
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