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刘梦卿 陈月 袁梦园 马少缔 秦其荣 屈光波 孙业桓 李杰

刘梦卿, 陈月, 袁梦园, 马少缔, 秦其荣, 屈光波, 孙业桓, 李杰. 抑郁状态下老年人社会活动参与和自我忽视的相关性研究[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(5): 607-612. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.05.018
引用本文: 刘梦卿, 陈月, 袁梦园, 马少缔, 秦其荣, 屈光波, 孙业桓, 李杰. 抑郁状态下老年人社会活动参与和自我忽视的相关性研究[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(5): 607-612. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.05.018
LIU Mengqing, CHEN Yue, YUAN Mengyuan, MA Shaodi, QIN Qirong, QU Guangbo, SUN Yehuan, LI Jie. Correlation between social activity participation and self-neglect in the elderly with depression[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(5): 607-612. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.05.018
Citation: LIU Mengqing, CHEN Yue, YUAN Mengyuan, MA Shaodi, QIN Qirong, QU Guangbo, SUN Yehuan, LI Jie. Correlation between social activity participation and self-neglect in the elderly with depression[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(5): 607-612. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.05.018


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.05.018

国家级大学生创新创业训练计划 2022103666031

安徽省教育厅自然科学研究项目 KJ2021A0231


    李杰,E-mail: lejane1118@126.com

  • 中图分类号: R161.7

Correlation between social activity participation and self-neglect in the elderly with depression


National College Students′ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program 2022103666031

Natural Science Research Project of Anhui Education Department KJ2021A0231

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  探讨抑郁状态下老年人社会活动参与和自我忽视的相关性。  方法  采用分层整群抽样方法,使用马鞍山健康老龄化队列研究数据,以基线处于抑郁状态的648名老年人为研究对象,通过多因素logistic回归分析模型分析社会活动参与和自我忽视的相关性。  结果  抑郁状态下老年人自我忽视总体得分为(7.42±5.10)分。调整混杂因素后,参与体育锻炼是老年总体自我忽视(OR=0.521, 95% CI: 0.359~0.758, P<0.01)及卫生自我忽视(OR=0.523, 95% CI: 0.332~0.822, P<0.01)、情感自我忽视(OR=0.537, 95% CI: 0.364~0.793, P<0.01)、社会交往自我忽视(OR=0.486, 95% CI: 0.334~0.709, P<0.001)的保护因素;参与友谊与关爱互动是老年总体自我忽视(OR=0.622, 95% CI: 0.423~0.916, P<0.05)及卫生自我忽视(OR=0.438, 95% CI: 0.268~0.717, P<0.01)、安全自我忽视(OR=0.236, 95% CI: 0.138~0.403, P<0.001)、社会交往自我忽视(OR=0.510, 95% CI: 0.345~0.755, P<0.01)的保护因素。  结论  社会活动参与对马鞍山市抑郁状态下老年人自我忽视有一定保护,但是不同的社会活动参与内容影响不同。
  • 表  1  抑郁状态下老年人一般特征及总体自我忽视单因素分析

    Table  1.   Univariate analysis of general characteristics and overall self-neglect in the elderly with depression

    变量Variable 总计Total 自我忽视Self-neglect χ2/t值value P值value
    Low High
    居住地Residence 8.051 0.005
      农村Rural 369 153(41.5) 216(58.5)
      城市City 279 147(52.7) 132(47.3)
    性别Gender 0.839 0.360
      男Male 247 120(48.6) 127(51.4)
      女Famle 401 180(44.9) 221(55.1)
    年龄组/岁Age group/years 2.521 0.283
      >60~70 229 114(49.8) 115(50.2)
      >70~80 304 139(45.7) 165(54.3)
      >80 115 47(40.9) 68(59.1)
    宗教信仰Religious belief 0.048 0.827
      无No 427 199(46.6) 228(53.4)
      有Yes 221 101(45.7) 120(54.3)
    文化程度Education level 5.786 0.055
      文盲Illiteracy/半文盲Semi-illiterate 381 163(42.8) 218(57.2)
      小学Primary education 147 71(48.3) 76(51.7)
      初中及以上Junior high school or above 120 66(55.0) 54(45.0)
    婚姻状况Marital status 4.022 0.045
      非在婚Out of marriage 216 88(40.7) 128(59.3)
      在婚In marriage 432 212(49.1) 220(50.9)
    独居Living alone 1.441 0.230
      否No 478 228(47.7) 250(52.3)
      是Yes 170 72(42.4) 98(57.6)
    自评健康状况Self-rated health status 2.267 0.322
      较好Better 88 44(50.0) 44(50.0)
      一般General 261 127(48.7) 134(51.3)
      较差Poor 299 129(43.1) 170(56.9)
    疼痛Pain 0.764 0.382
      无No 239 116(48.5) 123(51.5)
      有Yes 409 184(45.0) 225(55.0)
    慢性病Chronic disease 0.007 0.932
      否No 77 36(46.8) 41(53.2)
      是Yes 571 264(46.2) 307(53.8)
    自报经济状况Self-reported economic 26.840 <0.001
      较好Better 23 17(73.9) 6(26.1)
      一般General 216 124(57.4) 92(42.6)
      较差Poor 409 159(38.9) 250(61.1)
    吸烟Smoking 1.152 0.283
      否No 583 274(47.0) 309(53.0)
      是Yes 65 26(40.0) 39(60.0)
    饮酒Drinking 0.252 0.616
      否No 599 279(46.6) 320(53.4)
      是Yes 49 21(42.9) 28(57.1)
    日常生活能力Ability of daily living 23.130 <0.001
      正常Normal 279 151(54.1) 128(45.9)
      下降Decrease 133 69(51.9) 64(48.1)
      障碍Obstacles 236 80(33.9) 156(66.1)
    认知功能Cognitive function 1.032 0.310
      受损Damage 456 217(47.6) 239(52.4)
      正常Normal 192 83(43.2) 109(56.8)
    参与体育锻炼情况Participation in physical exercise 27.765 <0.001
      否No 421 163(38.7) 258(61.3)
      是Yes 227 137(60.4) 90(39.6)
    继续参与工作Continue to participate in the work 0.186 0.667
      否No 616 284(46.1) 332(53.9)
      是Yes 32 16(50.0) 16(50.0)
    参与照顾子孙Participate in caring for children or grandchildren 0.144 0.704
      否No 558 260(46.6) 298(53.4)
      是Yes 90 40(44.4) 50(55.6)
    参与友谊与关爱互动Participate in friendship and caring interaction 18.770 <0.001
      否No 454 185(40.7) 269(59.3)
      是Yes 194 115(59.3) 79(40.7)
    定期参与集体组织活动Participate in collective organization activities regularly 9.298 0.002
      否No 560 246(43.9) 314(56.1)
      是Yes 88 54(61.4) 34(38.6)
    定期参与文化娱乐活动Participate in cultural and recreational activities regularly 17.607 <0.001
      否No 569 246(43.2) 323(56.8)
      是Yes 79 54(68.4) 25(31.6)
    抑郁得分Depression score 10.05±1.83 9.77±1.55 10.30±2.01 -3.802 <0.001
    Note: ① Number of people(proportion/%) or x±s.
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    表  2  老年人自我忽视多因素logistic回归分析

    Table  2.   Multivariate logistic regression analysis of self-neglect in the elderly

    变量Variable 总体自我忽视 Overall self-neglect OR值value (95% CI) 医疗自我忽视 Medical health and care self-neglect OR值value (95% CI) 卫生自我忽视 Environmental sanitation and personal hygiene self-neglect OR值value (95% CI) 情感自我忽视 Affective self-neglect OR值value (95% CI) 安全自我忽视 Safety self-neglect OR值value (95% CI) 社会交往自我忽视 Social communication self-neglect OR值value (95% CI)
    参与体育锻炼情况(是/否) Participation in physical exercise (Yes /No) 0.521 (0.359~0.758) 0.723 (0.461~1.134) 0.523 (0.332~0.822) 0.537 (0.364~0.793) 0.801 (0.616~1.242) 0.486 (0.334~0.709)
    继续参与工作(是/否) Continue to participate in the work (Yes/No) 0.976 (0.451~2.113) 0.884 (0.347~2.25) 0.254 (0.057~1.133) 1.208 (0.544~2.681) 0.467 (0.163~1.34) 0.428 (0.194~0.946)
    参与照顾子孙(是/否) Participate in caring for children or grandchildren (Yes/No) 1.633 (0.968~2.757) 1.372 (0.78~2.412) 1.080 (0.599~1.948) 0.866 (0.507~1.481) 0.704 (0.373~1.327) 0.738 (0.436~1.249)
    参与友谊与关爱互动(是/否) Participate in friendship and caring interaction (Yes/No) 0.622 (0.423~0.916) 1.266 (0.807~1.984) 0.438 (0.268~0.717) 1.029 (0.687~1.541) 0.236 (0.138~0.403) 0.510 (0.345~0.755)
    定期参与集体组织活动(是/否) Participate in collective organization activities regularly (Yes / No) 0.898 (0.511~1.577) 0.670 (0.342~1.312) 0.849 (0.425~1.694) 0.833 (0.466~1.488) 0.923 (0.475~1.795) 0.856 (0.482~1.522)
    定期参与文化娱乐活动(是/否) Participate in cultural and recreational activities regularly (Yes /No) 0.622 (0.340~1.137) 0.655 (0.315~1.365) 0.920 (0.449~1.885) 0.831 (0.444~1.555) 1.120 (0.578~2.170) 0.506 (0.274~0.938)
    注:①代表调整性别、年龄、文化程度、婚姻状况、居住地、慢性病、自报经济状况、日常生活能力、抑郁得分; ②代表调整性别、年龄、居住地、慢性病、吸烟、饮酒、疼痛、自评健康状况、自报经济状况、日常生活能力、认知功能、抑郁得分; ③代表调整性别、年龄、宗教信仰、文化程度、居住地、慢性病、疼痛、自评健康状况、日常生活能力、认知功能、抑郁得分; ④代表调整性别、年龄、宗教信仰、文化程度、婚姻状况、居住地、独居、疼痛、自报经济状况、日常生活能力、认知功能,抑郁得分; ⑤代表调整性别、年龄、宗教信仰、文化程度、婚姻状况、居住地、慢性病、自报经济状况、日常生活能力、认知功能、抑郁得分; ⑥代表调整性别、年龄、宗教信仰、文化程度、婚姻状况、居住地、独居、慢性病、自报经济状况、日常生活能力、认知功能、抑郁得分; ⑦代表P<0.05; ⑧代表P<0.01; ⑨代表P<0.001.
    Note: ① means adjust gender, age, educational level, marital status, residence, chronic disease, self-reported economic status, daily living ability and depression scores; ② means adjust gender, age, residence,chronic disease,smoking,drinking alcohol,pain,self-rated health status, self-reported economic, daily living ability cognitive function and depression scores; ③ means adjust gender, age, religious belief, educational level, residence, chronic disease, pain, self-rated health status, daily living ability, cognitive function and depression scores; ④ means adjust gender, age, religious belief, educational level, marital status, residence, living alone, pain, self-reported economic status, daily living ability, cognitive function and depression scores; ⑤ means adjust gender, age, religious belief, educational level, marital status, residence, chronic disease, self-reported economic status, daily living ability, cognitive function and depression scores; ⑥ means adjust gender, age, religious belief, educational level, marital status, residence, living alone, chronic disease, self-reported economic status, daily living ability, cognitive function and depression scores; ⑦means P<0.05; ⑧means P<0.01; ⑨means P<0.001.
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