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查雨欣 邓颖 何君 左明良 李希 崔建兰 张岩 许巍 何予晋 秦小雲 王卓

查雨欣, 邓颖, 何君, 左明良, 李希, 崔建兰, 张岩, 许巍, 何予晋, 秦小雲, 王卓. 四川省3.6万成年居民健康生活方式遵循情况[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(6): 657-663. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.06.007
引用本文: 查雨欣, 邓颖, 何君, 左明良, 李希, 崔建兰, 张岩, 许巍, 何予晋, 秦小雲, 王卓. 四川省3.6万成年居民健康生活方式遵循情况[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(6): 657-663. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.06.007
ZHA Yuxin, DENG Ying, HE Jun, ZUO Mingliang, LI Xi, CUI Jianlan, ZHANG Yan, XU Wei, HE Yujin, QIN Xiaoyun, WANG Zhuo. The healthy lifestyle compliance of 36 000 adult residents in Sichuan Province[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(6): 657-663. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.06.007
Citation: ZHA Yuxin, DENG Ying, HE Jun, ZUO Mingliang, LI Xi, CUI Jianlan, ZHANG Yan, XU Wei, HE Yujin, QIN Xiaoyun, WANG Zhuo. The healthy lifestyle compliance of 36 000 adult residents in Sichuan Province[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(6): 657-663. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.06.007


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.06.007

中央财政转移支付地方卫生计生服务项目——心血管病高危人群早期筛查与综合干预 2014


    王卓,E-mail: alice_wangzhuo@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: R154.4+1

The healthy lifestyle compliance of 36 000 adult residents in Sichuan Province


Central Financial Transfer Payment Local Health and Family Planning Service Project—Early Screening and Comprehensive Intervention Program for High-risk Population of Cardiovascular Disease 2014

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  了解四川省成年居民4种健康生活方式的遵循情况和相关影响因素,分析其对全因死亡的潜在健康益处,并提出有针对性的健康促进策略。  方法  采用多阶段整群抽样的方法,随机抽取四川省8个县(区),调查参与2015年9月―2019年11月心血管病高危人群早期筛查与综合干预项目的成年居民的4种健康生活方式情况,包括不吸烟、不饮酒或适量饮酒、充足的身体活动、健康饮食。采用多变量回归模型对个人特征与遵循4种健康生活方式的关系进行分析,利用Cox回归模型对全因死亡风险比(hazard ratio, HR)及其95% CI进行估计。  结果  本研究共纳入36 066名35~<75岁常住居民,调查对象中不吸烟者占74.6%、不饮酒或适量饮酒者占96.2%、有充足身体活动者占29.2%、遵循健康饮食者占6.2%,仅有2.7%的调查对象遵循上述所有的4种健康生活方式。女性、老年人、非农民、城市居民、高收入或高学历人群、有心血管病史的对象更有可能遵循所有4种健康生活方式(均P<0.001)。在随访2.4年后发现,坚持≥3种健康生活方式、坚持充足身体活动和不吸烟的人群有更低的全因死亡率风险[调整年龄和性别后,HR=0.47(95% CI: 0.22~0.96), HR=0.63 (95% CI: 0.52~0.75), HR=0.79 (95% CI: 0.64~0.98)]。  结论  四川省成年居民对充足身体活动和健康饮食的遵循情况不理想,应作为健康促进的重点方向,并针对不同的危险因素采取针对性措施,以取得更好的防控效果。
  • 表  1  四川省总体特征和健康生活方式遵循情况

    Table  1.   Overall characteristics and healthy lifestyle in Sichuan

    (n=36 066)
    Number of people following healthy lifestyle
    (n=4 654)
    (n=19 568)
    (n=10 121)
    (n=1 218)
    年龄/岁Age /years 58.5±9.5 58.1±9.0 58.8±9.5 58±9.7 59±9.1 59.8±8.9 14.631 <0.001
    已婚Married 32 973(91.4) 466(92.3) 4 231(90.9) 17 963(91.8) 9213(91.0) 1 100(90.3) 9.458 0.194
    参加社会医疗保险Participate in social medical insurance 35 575(98.6) 497(98.4) 4 604(98.9) 19 316(98.7) 9 956(98.4) 1 202(98.7) 36.301 0.025
      男性Male 13 373(37.1) 489(96.8) 4 304(92.5) 5 925(30.3) 2 400(23.7) 255(20.9) 8 194.212 <0.001
      女性Female 22 693(62.9) 16(3.2) 350(7.5) 13 643(69.7) 7 721(76.3) 963(79.1)
      农村Rural 18 824(52.2) 386(76.4) 3 472(74.6) 12 409(63.4) 2 365(23.4) 192(15.8) 6 061.386 <0.001
      城市Urban 17 242(47.8) 119(23.6) 1 182(25.4) 7 159(36.6) 7 756(76.6) 1 026(84.2)
      小学及以下学历Primary school and below 20 293(56.3) 294(58.2) 2 858(61.4) 12 551(64.1) 4 239(41.9) 351(28.8) 5 762.541 <0.001
      初中学历Junior school 10 141(28.1) 144(28.5) 1 219(26.2) 4 735(24.2) 3 588(35.5) 455(37.4)
      高中学历senior high school 3 627(10.1) 41(8.1) 376(8.1) 1 409(7.2) 1 504(14.9) 297(24.4)
      大学及以上学历College and above 1 534(4.3) 22(4.4) 164(3.5) 617(3.2) 628(6.2) 103(8.5)
      农民Farmer 15 398(42.7) 309(61.2) 2 944(63.3) 10 644(54.4) 1 437(14.2) 64(5.3) 6 028.397 <0.001
      非农民Non-farmers 20 356(56.4) 193(38.2) 1 688(36.3) 8 761(44.8) 8 571(84.7) 1 143(93.8)
    家庭年收入/万元Annual household income/ 10 000 yuan
      <1 7 302(20.2) 145(28.7) 1 303(28.0) 4 691(24.0) 1 107(10.9) 56(4.6) 5 764.541 <0.001
      1~<5 21 301(59.1) 282(55.8) 2 654(57.0) 11 073(56.6) 6 558(64.8) 734(60.3)
      ≥5 3 471(9.6) 49(9.7) 331(7.1) 1 296(6.6) 1 470(14.5) 325(26.7)
    自报疾病史Disease history
      有高血压或糖尿病史Hypertension/Diabetes 8 225(22.8) 92(18.2) 981(21.1) 4 327(22.1) 2 502(24.7) 323(26.5) 49.889 <0.001
      有心肌梗塞和中风病史Myocardial infarct/Paralytic stroke 894(2.5) 13(2.6) 149(3.2) 463(2.4) 233(2.3) 36(3.0) 13.556 0.009
    Note:A healthy lifestyle is defined as not smoking, not drinking alcohol or drinking in moderation, getting enough physical activity, and eating a healthy diet.
    ① Number of people (proportion/%) or x±s.
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    表  2  不同性别、城乡人群遵循健康生活方式的情况

    Table  2.   Different gender, urban and rural people follow healthy lifestyle

    自变量Variable 总数
    (n=36 066)
    (n=22 693)
    (n=13 373)
    (n=18 824)
    4种健康生活方式遵循状况Four healthy lifestyles
      不吸烟Non-smokers 29 393(74.6) 22 463(98.9) 6 930(51.1) 12 413.811 <0.001 14 661(72.6) 14 732(76.6) 14 563.497 <0.001
      不饮酒或适量饮酒Non-alcoholic/moderate alcohol 34 956(96.2) 22 356(98.8) 12 600(93.8) 250.420 <0.001 18 100(95.2) 16 856(97.3) 12 728.385 <0.001
      充足身体活动Sufficient physical activity 12 373(29.2) 8 243(31.7) 4 130(26.8) 110.524 <0.001 2 851(15.5) 9 522(44.1) 25 331.726 <0.001
      健康饮食Healthy diet 2 303(6.2) 1 589(6.8) 714(5.6) 38.931 <0.001 541(3.0) 1 762(9.7) 2 7275.900 <0.001
    饮食情况Dietary conditions
      每周每天进食水果Eat fruit every day 9 631(27.4) 6 613(31.1) 3 018(23.7) 185.752 <0.001 2 878(17.9) 6 753(37.7) 23 610.078 <0.001
      每周每天进食蔬菜Eat vegetables every day 28 788(78.9) 18 258(79.9) 10 530(78.0) 15.379 <0.001 14 349(76.4) 14 439(81.6) 14 888.476 <0.001
      每周每天进食谷物Eat grain every day 5 983(15.3) 3 812(15.7) 2 171(14.9) 1.934 0.164 2 520(12.4) 3 463(18.4) 20 292.117 <0.001
      每周进食豆类≥4 d Eat beans for ≥4 days per week 4 505(12.7) 2 859(12.3) 1 646(13.0) 0.648 0.421 1 198(6.7) 3 307(19.1) 25 803.597 <0.001
      每周进食鱼类≥1 d Fish intake ≥1 day per week 9 253(28.9) 5 832(28.1) 3 421(29.7) 0.062 0.804 3 650(22.1) 5 603(36.4) 20 640.153 <0.001
      每周进食红肉<7 d Eat red meat for<7 days per week 6 450(17.1) 4 070(17.6) 2 380(16.7) 0.109 0.741 4 426(22.9) 2 024(10.9) 13 013.846 <0.001
    遵循健康生活方式数量Follow a healthy lifestyle in quantity
      0 505(2.0) 16(0.1) 489(3.9) 783.794 <0.001 386(2.8) 119(1.2) 8 680.554 <0.001
      ≥1 35 561(98.0) 22 677(99.9) 12 884(96.1) 783.794 <0.001 18 438(97.2) 17 123(98.8) 8 680.554 <0.001
      ≥2 30 907(79.8) 22 327(98.5) 8 580(61.7) 8 041.933 <0.001 14 966(74.9) 15 941(85.0) 11 043.562 <0.001
      ≥3 11 339(25.7) 8 684(34.0) 2 655(17.8) 1 323.618 <0.001 2 557(13.1) 8 782(39.6) 72 132.000 <0.001
      4 1 218(2.7) 963(3.7) 255(1.7) 140.808 <0.001 192(1.1) 1 026(4.4) 30 242.024 <0.001
    Note:The frequency in the table is based on the pre-calibration statistics, while the percentage is based on the age and sex standardization on the basis of the 2010 national census data.
    ① Number of people (proportion/%).
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    表  3  个人特征与健康生活方式之间的相关性

    Table  3.   Correlations between personal characteristics and a healthy lifestyle

    变量variable 不吸烟
    (95% CI)
    Non-alcoholic/moderate alcohol
    (95% CI)
    Sufficient physical activity
    (95% CI)
    Healthy diet
    (95% CI)
    Four healthy lifestyles
    (95% CI)
    Gender (control group=female)
      男性Male 0.01(0.01~0.01) 0.67(0.55~0.82) 0.84(0.78~0.90) 0.79(0.70~0.90) 0.38(0.33~0.45)
    Age group/years (control group=35~<45 years)
      45~<55 0.93(0.80~1.09) 0.56(0.42~0.74) 1.74(1.57~1.93) 1.11(0.92~1.34) 1.71(1.29~2.27)
      55~<65 1.00(0.86~1.17) 0.55(0.41~0.73) 2.63(2.37~2.92) 1.34(1.11~1.61) 2.48(1.88~3.27)
      65~<75 1.38(1.18~1.62) 0.72(0.53~0.97) 3.14(2.81~3.50) 1.40(1.16~1.70) 3.11(2.34~4.13)
    Occupation (control group=farmer)
      非农民Non-farmers 1.18(1.05~1.34) 0.87(0.71~1.06) 3.50(3.23~3.80) 2.05(1.70~2.45) 4.37(3.22~5.92)
    Education (control group=primary school or below)
      初中学历Junior school 1.08(0.98~1.19) 1.08(0.92~1.27) 1.40(1.31~1.49) 1.56(1.38~1.75) 1.69(1.45~1.97)
      高中学历Senior high school 1.11(0.97~1.27) 1.03(0.81~1.32) 1.56(1.43~1.71) 2.07(1.80~2.39) 2.42(2.02~2.89)
      大学及以上学历College and above 1.54(1.28~1.85) 1.15(0.80~1.63) 2.00(1.75~2.28) 1.82(1.49~2.22) 2.33(1.80~3.00)
    Annual household income/10 000 yuan (control group=annual income<10 000 yuan)
      1~<5 1.06(0.96~1.18) 1.05(0.89~1.24) 1.18(1.09~1.29) 1.54(1.28~1.85) 1.79(1.34~2.39)
      ≥5 1.09(0.93~1.28) 0.88(0.67~1.16) 1.29(1.15~1.45) 2.40(1.94~2.96) 2.84(2.08~3.88)
    Marital status(control group=unmarried)
      已婚Married 1.33(1.14~1.55) 0.94(0.73~1.19) 1.03(0.93~1.14) 0.98(0.83~1.17) 0.97(0.78~1.20)
    Social medical insurance (control group=uninsured)
      参保Insured 1.31(0.80~2.13) 1.17(0.56~2.42) 1.33(0.96~1.84) 0.72(0.44~1.19) 1.15(0.52~2.56)
    Metabolic disease (control group=no)
      是Yes 0.99(0.91~1.09) 1.32(1.12~1.55) 1.23(1.16~1.32) 1.04(0.93, ~1.17) 1.14(0.99~1.31)
    Cardiovascular patient history (control group=no)
      是Yes 0.67(0.54~0.84) 1.06(0.72~1.57) 1.11(0.93~1.32) 1.43(1.08~1.91) 1.52(1.07~2.18)
    Residence(control group=rural)
      城市Urban 1.35(0.65~2.80) 1.39(0.79~2.47) 5.09(2.26~11.5) 1.59(0.89~2.85) 2.66(1.69~4.17)
    注:① P<0.05。
    Note: ① P<0.05.
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    表  4  全因死亡的危险比值

    Table  4.   Hazard ratio of all-cause death

    变量Variable HR值value(95% CI) P值vaule
    不做调整No adjustment
      健康生活方式数量(参照组=0) Number of healthy lifestyles (ref=0)
        1 1.07(0.59~1.95) 0.816
        2 0.65(0.36~1.15) 0.140
        3 0.42(0.23~0.76) 0.004
        4 0.39(0.18~0.85) 0.017
      不吸烟Non-smokers 0.52(0.44~0.62) <0.001
      不饮酒或适量饮酒Non-alcoholic/moderat alcohol 0.91(0.57~1.43) 0.674
      充足身体活动Sufficient physical activity 0.66(0.55~0.79) <0.001
      健康饮食Healthy diet 0.72(0.50~1.05) 0.088
    调整年龄和性别Adjusting for age and gender
      健康生活方式数量(参照组=0) Number of healthy lifestyles (ref=0)
        1 1.01(0.56~1.84) 0.965
        2 0.84(0.47~1.50) 0.546
        3 0.54(0.29~0.98) 0.044
        4 0.47(0.22~0.96) 0.041
      不吸烟Non-smokers 0.79(0.64~0.98) 0.029
      不饮酒或适量饮酒Non-alcoholic/moderat alcohol 1.04(0.66~1.65) 0.854
      充足身体活动Sufficient physical activity 0.63(0.52~0.75) <0.001
      健康饮食Healthy diet 0.74(0.51~1.07) 0.109
    注:① P<0.05。
    Note: ① P<0.05.
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  • 收稿日期:  2023-09-26
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