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张宪 李天浩 王卫东 胡以松 毛延新

张宪, 李天浩, 王卫东, 胡以松, 毛延新. 中国四年级学生近视检出情况及其相关因素[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(8): 869-875. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.001
引用本文: 张宪, 李天浩, 王卫东, 胡以松, 毛延新. 中国四年级学生近视检出情况及其相关因素[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(8): 869-875. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.001
ZHANG Xian, LI Tianhao, WANG Weidong, HU Yisong, MAO Yanxin. Prevalence of myopia and associated factors among fourth-grade students in China[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(8): 869-875. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.001
Citation: ZHANG Xian, LI Tianhao, WANG Weidong, HU Yisong, MAO Yanxin. Prevalence of myopia and associated factors among fourth-grade students in China[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(8): 869-875. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.001


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.001

中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助)项目成果 10XNN002


    毛延新, E-mail: maoyxnsrc@ruc.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: R181.3

Prevalence of myopia and associated factors among fourth-grade students in China


the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and the Research Funds of Renmin University of China 10XNN002

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的   分析中国四年级学生近视检出情况,探讨影响学生近视的因素。   方法   从2018年中国教育追踪调查(China education panel survey, CEPS)小学队列中选取符合条件的四年级学生作为研究对象,共26 373人。采用χ2检验比较不同特征学生近视检出率差异,并利用多水平logistic回归分析模型分析影响近视检出率的因素。   结果   小学四年级学生筛查性近视检出率为52.11%,女生的近视检出率(56.38%)高于男生(48.20%)(χ2=176.597, P < 0.001);城镇户籍学生的近视检出率为55.71%,比农村户籍学生(48.59%)高7.12%(χ2=133.790, P < 0.001)。多水平logistic回归分析模型分析显示城乡学生近视检出率影响因素不同,是否参加体育兴趣班(OR=0.83, 95% CI:0.74~0.93, P=0.001)、与父母同住情况(OR=1.21,95% CI:1.07~1.38, P=0.002)对农村学生近视检出率的作用显著;年龄(OR=0.91,95% CI:0.84~0.98,P=0.014)、是否为独生子女(OR=1.09, 95% CI:1.01~1.18, P=0.030)、认知水平(OR=1.09,95% CI:1.01~1.18, P=0.032)、家庭经济条件(OR=1.23, 95% CI:1.03~1.47, P=0.020)对城镇学生近视检出率作用显著。   结论   科学控制学生近视风险需要根据学生自身、家庭及其生活环境,因地制宜,结合城乡差异采取合理的干预措施。
  • 表  1  不同特征四年级学生近视筛查情况的比较

    Table  1.   A comparison of myopia screening among fourth grade students with different characteristics

    特征 Characteristic 调查人数 Number of people surveyed 近视人数  Number of myopic people χ2值 value P值 value
    年龄/岁 Age/years 8.815 0.003
      10 13 560 7 186(52.99)
      11 12 813 6 556(51.17)
    性别 Gender 176.597 <0.001
      女性 Female 12 604 7 106(56.38)
      男性 Male 13 769 6 636(48.20)
    户籍 Household registration 133.790 <0.001
      农村 Rural 13 348 6 486(48.59)
      城镇 Urban 13 025 7 256(55.71)
    是否为独生子女 Only child or not 48.834 <0.001
      否 No 18 377 9 315(50.69)
      是 Yes 7 996 4 427(55.37)
    认知水平 Cognitive level 23.460 <0.001
      均分以下 Below the average score 13 268 6 717(50.63)
      均分及以上 Average score and above 13 105 7 025(53.61)
    是否参加体育兴趣班 Whether or not to participate in sports interest classes 16.392 <0.001
      否 No 21 895 11 532(52.67)
      是 Yes 4 478 2 210(49.35)
    每周参加课外补习班时长 Duration of after-school tuition per week/h 91.222 <0.001
      0 12 867 6 371(49.51)
      1~ <6 8 239 4 359(52.91)
      ≥6 5 267 3 012(57.19)
    睡眠时长 Sleep duration/h 190.290 <0.001
      <10 20 256 11 027(54.44)
      ≥10 6 117 2 715(44.38)
    母亲受教育程度 Mother′s educational attainment 106.326 <0.001
      小学及以下 Elementary school and below 4 211 2 016(47.87)
      初中 Junior high school 8 108 4 027(49.67)
      高中/中专 High school/technical secondary school 6 033 3 186(52.81)
      大专/本科及以上 College/bachelor′s degree or above 8 021 4 513(56.26)
    父亲受教育程度 Father′s educational attainment 136.500 <0.001
      小学及以下 Elementary school and below 3 172 1 495(47.13)
      初中 Junior high school 8 472 4 157(49.07)
      高中/中专 High school/technical secondary school 6 395 3 357(52.49)
      大专/本科及以上 College/bachelor′s degree or above 8 334 4 733(56.79)
    居住情况 Residency 69.863 <0.001
      不与父母同住 Do not live with parents 2 848 1 276(44.80)
      与父母一方同住 Living with one parent 5 479 2 862(52.24)
      与父母同住 Living with parents 18 046 9 604(53.22)
    家庭经济条件 Family economic conditions 39.058 <0.001
      困难 Difficulty 5 072 2 459(48.48)
      中等 Medium 19 645 10 358(52.73)
      富裕 Wealthy 1 656 925(55.86)
    学校所在地区海拔 The altitude of the area where the school is located/m 241.039 <0.001
      <500 15 726 7 656(48.68)
      500~ <1 500 6 559 3 558(54.25)
      ≥1 500 4 088 2 528(61.84)
    地区行政级别 Regional administrative level 98.161 <0.001
      直辖市/省会 Municipalities/provincial capitals 8 554 4 748(55.51)
      地级市 Cities 5 880 3 165(53.83)
      县/县级市 County/county-level city 11 939 5 829(48.82)
    注: ①以人数(占比/%)表示。
    Note: ① Number of people (proportion/%).
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    表  2  影响近视检出率的多水平logistic回归模型分析

    Table  2.   Multilevel logistic regression model analysis on the prevalence of myopia

    变量 Variable 总体学生 Overall students 农村学生 Rural students 城镇学生 Urban students
    OR值 value (95% CI) P值 value OR值 value (95% CI) P值 value OR值 value (95% CI) P值 value
    户籍 Household registration
      农村 Rural 1.00
      城镇 Urban 1.10(1.03~1.17) 0.006
    年龄/岁 Age/years
      10 1.00 1.00 1.00
      11 0.94(0.89~0.99) 0.026 0.98(0.91~1.05) 0.535 0.91(0.84~0.98) 0.014
    性别 Gender
      女性 Female 1.00 1.00 1.00
      男性 Male 0.71(0.68~0.75) < 0.001 0.70(0.65~0.75) < 0.001 0.74(0.68~0.79) < 0.001
    是否为独生子女 Only child or not
      否 No 1.00 1.00 1.00
      是 Yes 1.07(1.01~1.14) 0.026 1.05(0.95~1.16) 0.313 1.09(1.01~1.18) 0.030
    认知水平 Cognitive level
      均分以下 Below the average score 1.00 1.00 1.00
      均分及以上 Average score and above 1.07(1.01~1.13) 0.015 1.06(0.98~1.14) 0.177 1.09(1.01~1.18) 0.032
    是否参加体育兴趣班 Whether or not to participate in sports interest classes
      否 No 1.00 1.00 1.00
      是 Yes 0.90(0.84~0.97) 0.006 0.83(0.74~0.93) 0.001 0.96(0.88~1.06) 0.420
    每周参加课外补习班时长 Duration of after-school tuition per week/h
      0 1.00 1.00 1.00
      1~<6 1.03(0.97~1.10) 0.360 1.07(0.98~1.17) 0.139 0.98(0.90~1.07) 0.647
      ≥6 1.22(1.13~1.31) <0.001 1.33(1.19~1.48) <0.001 1.13(1.03~1.25) 0.013
    睡眠时长 Sleep duration/h
      <10 1.00 1.00 1.00
      ≥10 0.73(0.68~0.78) <0.001 0.72(0.66~0.78) <0.001 0.73(0.66~0.81) <0.001
    母亲受教育程度 Mother′s educational attainment
      小学及以下 Elementary school and below 1.00 1.00 1.00
      初中 Junior high school 1.01(0.92~1.11) 0.779 1.01(0.90~1.12) 0.906 1.06(0.88~1.26) 0.540
      高中/中专 High school/technical secondary school 1.00(0.90~1.11) 0.991 0.96(0.84~1.09) 0.544 1.10(0.91~1.32) 0.339
      大专/本科及以上 College/bachelor′s degree or above 0.98(0.87~1.10) 0.682 0.90(0.76~1.07) 0.241.00 1.08(0.89~1.31) 0.448
    父亲受教育程度 Father′s educational attainment
      小学及以下 Elementary school and below 1.00 1.00 1.00
      初中 Junior high school 1.07(0.97~1.18) 0.148 1.05(0.94~1.18) 0.362 1.14(0.94~1.37) 0.186
      高中/中专 High school/technical secondary school 1.15(1.03~1.28) 0.012 1.12(0.98~1.28) 0.104 1.23(1.01~1.50) 0.040
      大专/本科及以上 College/bachelor′s degree or above 1.26(1.12~1.43) <0.001 1.26(1.06~1.50) 0.009 1.33(1.08~1.63) 0.007
    居住情况 Residency
      不与父母同住 Do not live with parents 1.00 1.00 1.00
      与父母一方同住 Living with one parent 1.15(1.04~1.27) 0.005 1.21(1.07~1.38) 0.002 1.05(0.89~1.23) 0.582
      与父母同住 Living with parents 1.05(0.96~1.15) 0.260 1.08(0.97~1.21) 0.164 0.99(0.85~1.15) 0.893
    家庭经济条件 Family economic conditions
      困难 Difficulty 1.00 1.00 1.00
      中等 Medium 1.08(1.00~1.16) 0.037 1.06(0.97~1.16) 0.176 1.11(0.98~1.26) 0.115
      富裕 Wealthy 1.19(1.05~1.35) 0.006 1.14(0.94~1.38) 0.188 1.23(1.03~1.47) 0.020
    学校所在地区海拔 The altitude of the area where the school is located/m
      <500 1.00 1.00 1.00
      500~<1 500 1.30(1.02~1.66) 0.036 1.26(0.97~1.63) 0.083 1.41(1.08~1.84) 0.012
      ≥1 500 1.39(1.08~1.79) 0.011 1.35(1.04~1.76) 0.024 1.90(1.41~2.55) < 0.001
    地区行政级别 Regional administrative level
      直辖市/省会 Municipalities/provincial capitals 1.00 1.00 1.00
      地级市 Cities 1.03(0.80~1.33) 0.807 0.98(0.74~1.30) 0.889 1.06(0.81~1.39) 0.679
      县/县级市 County/county-level city 0.80(0.64~1.01) 0.065 0.76(0.59~0.98) 0.033 0.78(0.61~1.01) 0.063
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