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王卫东 马睿泽 唐丽娜 毛延新 胡以松

王卫东, 马睿泽, 唐丽娜, 毛延新, 胡以松. 中国四年级学生抑郁状况及其影响因素[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(8): 876-883. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.002
引用本文: 王卫东, 马睿泽, 唐丽娜, 毛延新, 胡以松. 中国四年级学生抑郁状况及其影响因素[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(8): 876-883. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.002
WANG Weidong, MA Ruize, TANG Lina, MAO Yanxin, HU Yisong. Depression of Chinese fourth graders and its influencing factors[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(8): 876-883. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.002
Citation: WANG Weidong, MA Ruize, TANG Lina, MAO Yanxin, HU Yisong. Depression of Chinese fourth graders and its influencing factors[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(8): 876-883. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.002


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.002

中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助)项目成果 10XNN002


    胡以松,E-mail: huysnsrc@ruc.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: R181.3

Depression of Chinese fourth graders and its influencing factors


the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and the Research Funds of Renmin University of China 10XNN002

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的   利用中国教育追踪调查(China education panel survey, CEPS)小学队列的基线调查数据,以流行病学调查中心抑郁量表为测量工具,考察中国四年级学生的抑郁状况及其影响因素。方法应用Stata 18.0软件,采用χ2检验,比较不同特征的四年级学生抑郁的差异。采用logistic回归分析模型分析各因素对学生抑郁的影响。   结果   四年级学生抑郁检出率为15.23%。学生个人的认知能力测试水平(中∶低, OR=0.71, 95% CI: 0.61~0.83, P < 0.001; 高∶低, OR=0.65, 95% CI: 0.52~0.81, P < 0.001)、学业成绩(中∶低, OR=0.77, 95% CI: 0.66~0.88, P < 0.001; 高∶低, OR=0.61, 95% CI: 0.51~0.74, P < 0.001)、学业压力(中∶低, OR=1.33, 95% CI: 1.15~1.53, P < 0.001; 高∶低, OR=1.78, 95% CI: 1.47~2.14, P < 0.001)都会影响学生患抑郁症的风险。而在学校和家庭层面,良好的父母关系(坏∶好, OR=1.53, 95% CI: 1.32~1.78, P < 0.001)、师生关系(好∶不好, OR=0.81, 95% CI: 0.71~0.93, P=0.002)及同伴关系(好∶不好, OR=0.78, 95% CI: 0.68~0.89, P < 0.001)均能独立降低其抑郁风险。   结论   个人因素、家庭因素、学校乃至同伴因素均对学生抑郁情况产生不同程度的影响。鉴于此,应从个人、家庭和学校三方面协同发力,以期缓解学生抑郁程度,促进青少年心理健康。
  • 图  1  四年级学生抑郁得分的核密度图和累积分布图

    Figure  1.  Kernel density plot and cumulative distribution of depression scores for fourth-grade elementary school students

    表  1  不同个人特征四年级学生的抑郁检出率

    Table  1.   Detection rates for depression among fourth graders with different personal characteristics

    特征  Characteristic 人数  Number of people 抑郁检出率  Depression detection rate/% 轻度抑郁检出率  Mild depression detection rate/% 重度抑郁检出率  Detection rate of major depression/% χ2值 value P值 value
    性别  Gender 20.47 <0.001
      女 Female 6 328 13.76 12.15 1.61
      男 Male 6 782 16.58 14.52 2.06
    是否为独生子女  Only child or not 57.23 <0.001
      否 No 8 747 16.89 14.92 1.97
      是  Yes 4 363 11.89 10.29 1.60
    认知能力测试水平  Level of cognitive ability testing 284.13 <0.001
      低  Low 1 892 27.28 24.37 2.91
      中  Middle 8 714 14.24 12.46 1.78
      高  High 2 504 9.55 8.27 1.28
    学业成绩  Academic performance 406.69 <0.001
      低  Low 2 743 26.87 23.48 3.39
      中  Middle 6 722 13.82 12.12 1.70
      高  High 3 645 9.05 8.09 0.96
    学业压力 Academic pressure 786.11 <0.001
      低  Low 6 426 7.78 7.05 0.73
      中 Middle 5 334 19.13 16.99 2.14
      高  High 1 350 35.26 29.26 6.00
    睡眠质量  Sleep quality 1 300.00 <0.001
      好 Good 11 622 11.41 10.51 0.90
      差 Bad 1 488 44.96 35.75 9.21
    肥胖情况  Obesity 8.91 0.063
      正常  Normal 10 161 15.58 13.82 1.76
      超重  Overweight 1 627 14.07 11.92 2.15
      肥胖  Obesity 1 322 13.92 11.80 2.12
    吸烟  Smoking 228.68 <0.001
      否 No 12 753 14.47 12.80 1.67
      是  Yes 357 42.29 34.17 8.12
    饮酒  Drinking 210.03 <0.001
      否  No 10 458 13.12 11.85 1.27
      是  Yes 2 652 23.53 19.42 4.11
    性格-外向性  Personality-extroversion 222.21 <0.001
      弱  Weak 10 181 17.72 15.67 2.05
      强  Strong 2 929 6.56 5.43 1.13
    性格-宜人性  Personality-pleasantness 230.71 <0.001
      弱 Weak 10 586 17.54 15.49 2.05
      强  Strong 2 524 5.51 4.52 0.99
    性格-严谨性  Personality-rigor 524.66 <0.001
      弱  Weak 9 050 20.01 17.77 2.24
      强 Strong 4 060 4.56 3.60 0.96
    性格-神经质 Personality-neuroticism 2 000.00 <0.001
      弱 Weak 12 014 11.63 11.03 0.60
      强 Strong 1 096 54.65 39.14 15.51
    性格-开放性  Personality-openness 169.35 <0.001
      弱  Weak 8 992 17.85 15.99 1.86
      强  Strong 4 118 9.49 7.67 1.82
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    表  2  不同家庭特征四年级学生的抑郁检出率

    Table  2.   Detection rates for depression among fourth graders with different family characteristics

    特征  Characteristic 人数  Number of people 抑郁检出率  Depression detection rate/% 轻度抑郁检出率  Mild depression detection rate/% 重度抑郁检出率  Detection rate of major depression/% χ2值 value P值 value
    父亲受教育程度  Father′s educational attainment 90.81 < 0.001
      初中及以下  Junior high school and below 5 361 18.64 16.64 2.00
      高中  High school 3 206 13.51 12.01 1.50
      大专及以上  College degree and above 4 543 12.42 10.50 1.92
    母亲受教育程度  Mother′s educational attainment 87.45 < 0.001
      初中及以下  Junior high school and below 5 718 18.15 16.28 1.87
      高中  High school 3 014 14.66 12.87 1.79
      大专及以上  College degree and above 4 378 11.79 9.94 1.85
    居住情况  Residency 93.76 < 0.001
      与父母双方同住  Living with parents 9 143 13.29 11.78 1.51
      与父母一方同住  Living with one parent 2 659 19.03 16.32 2.71
      不与父母同住 Not live with parents 1 308 21.03 18.58 2.45
    家庭经济状况  Household financial situation 123.10 < 0.001
      困难  difficulty 2 352 22.41 20.28 2.13
      中等  Medium 9 896 13.79 11.96 1.83
      富裕  Wealthy 862 12.07 10.79 1.28
    家庭所在地区-城乡  The area where the home is located-urban and rural 113.38 < 0.001
      城市  City 8 914 13.20 11.41 1.79
      城镇  Town 987 15.20 13.88 1.32
      农村  Rural 3 209 20.85 18.70 2.15
    父亲是否经常醉酒 Whether the father was often drunk 105.96 < 0.001
      否  No 11 365 14.03 12.47 1.56
      是  Yes 1 745 23.03 19.31 3.72
    父母是否经常吵架  Whether the parents often quarrel 340.01 < 0.001
      否  No 11 067 12.76 11.32 1.44
      是  Yes 2 043 28.58 24.52 4.06
    与父母的关系  Relationship with parents 464.22 < 0.001
      好  Good 6 453 10.51 9.27 1.24
      一般  Not so good 3 778 13.81 12.33 1.48
      坏  Bad 2 879 27.65 23.97 3.68
    教养方式  Parenting style 50.07 < 0.001
      放任  Indulge 8 255 16.90 14.96 1.94
      严格  Strict 4 855 12.38 10.69 1.69
    亲子互动评价  Parent-child interaction evaluation 212.64 < 0.001
      好  Good 3 004 11.18 9.82 1.36
      一般  Not so good 6 720 13.20 11.49 1.71
      差  Bad 3 386 22.83 20.29 2.54
    学业期望  Academic expectations 162.53 < 0.001
      本科以下  Bachelor′s degree or below 3 524 21.82 19.21 2.61
      本科及以上 Bachelor′s degree or above 9 586 12.80 11.24 1.56
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    表  3  不同学校与同伴特征四年级学生的抑郁检出率

    Table  3.   Detection rates for depression among fourth graders with different school and peer characteristics

    特征  Characteristic 人数  Number of people 抑郁检出率  Depression detection rate/% 轻度抑郁检出率  Mild depression detection rate/% 重度抑郁检出率  Detection rate of major depression/% χ2值 value P值 value
    学校所在地区  The area where the school is located 94.17 < 0.001
      城市  City 9 442 13.65 11.85 1.80
      乡镇  Township 1 781 16.34 14.43 1.91
      农村  Rural 1 887 22.04 20.03 2.01
    学校排名  School ranking 68.57 < 0.001
      高  High 2 512 10.35 8.64 1.71
      一般  Not so good 6 427 15.62 13.86 1.76
      低  Low 4 171 17.55 15.49 2.06
    是否配备心理咨询室  Whether there is a psychological counseling room 9.09 0.029
      没有  No 1 587 17.08 15.63 1.45
      有  Yes 11 523 14.97 13.07 1.90
    学校氛围  School atmosphere 1 300.00 < 0.001
      好  Good 6 326 6.45 5.64 0.81
      一般  Not so good 5 273 18.08 16.71 1.37
      差  Bad 1 511 42.03 34.15 7.88
    班主任性别  Gender of the class teacher 17.18 0.001
      女性  Female 12 070 14.90 13.02 1.88
      男性  Male 1 040 18.94 17.50 1.44
    与班主任的关系  Relationship with the class teacher 909.90 < 0.001
      好  Good 5 635 6.24 5.48 0.76
      一般  Not so good 5 949 18.48 16.51 1.97
      差  Bad 1 526 35.71 30.34 5.37
    与老师的关系  Relationship with teachers 24.19 < 0.001
      不好  Bad 4 324 17.16 14.71 2.45
      好  Good 8 786 14.27 12.72 1.55
    与同学的关系  Relationships with classmates 170.15 < 0.001
      不好  Bad 7 265 18.89 16.70 2.19
      好  Good 5 845 10.68 9.26 1.42
    好友数量/个  Number of friends/piece 198.45 < 0.001
      没有朋友  No friends 104 43.27 28.85 14.42
      1~5 4 801 18.47 15.87 2.60
      ≥6 8 205 12.96 11.72 1.24
    身体欺凌  Physical bullying 875.04 < 0.001
      没有  No 7 522 7.23 6.47 0.76
      有  Yes 5 588 25.98 22.67 3.31
    言语欺凌  Verbal bullying 575.38 < 0.001
      没有  No 4 801 5.33 4.83 0.50
      有  Yes 8 309 20.94 18.32 2.62
    社交欺凌  Social bullying 1 300.00 < 0.001
      没有  No 8 274 6.72 6.08 0.64
      有  Yes 4 836 29.78 25.87 3.91
    网络欺凌  Cyberbullying 1 400.00 < 0.001
      没有  No 11 626 11.03 9.72 1.31
      有  Yes 1 484 48.11 42.05 6.06
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    表  4  学生抑郁的个人因素logistic回归分析模型分析

    Table  4.   Logistic regression model analysis of individual factors for the risk of depression

    变量 Variable OR值 value (95% CI) P值 value
    性别  Gender
      女  Female 1.00
      男  Male 0.68(0.60~0.77) < 0.001
    认知能力测试水平  Level of cognitive ability testing
      低  Low 1.00
      中  Middle 0.71(0.61~0.83) > < 0.001
      高 High 0.65(0.52~0.81) < 0.001
    学业成绩  Academic performance
      低  Low 1.00
      中  Middle 0.77(0.66~0.88) < 0.001
      高  High 0.61(0.51~0.74) < 0.001
    学业压力  Academic pressure
      低  Low 1.00
      中  Middle 1.33(1.15~1.53) < 0.001
      高  High 1.78(1.47~2.14) < 0.001
    睡眠质量  Sleep quality
      好  Good 1.00
      差  Bad 3.02(2.60~3.50) < 0.001
    吸烟  Smoking
      否  No 1.00
      是  Yes 1.66(1.24~2.23) 0.001
    饮酒  Drinking
      否  No 1.00
      是  Yes 1.20(1.05~1.39) 0.009
    性格-外向性  Personality-extroversion
      弱  Weak 1.00
      强  Strong 0.70(0.57~0.86) 0.001
    性格-宜人性  Personality-pleasantness
      弱  Weak 1.00
      强  Strong 0.70(0.56~0.88) 0.002
    性格-严谨性  Personality-rigor
      弱  Weak 1.00
      强  Strong 0.45(0.36~0.55) < 0.001
    性格-神经质  Personality-neuroticism
      弱  Weak 1.00
      强  Strong 8.63(7.26~10.26) < 0.001
    性格-开放性  Personality-openness
      弱  Weak 1.00
      强 Strong 0.79(0.67~0.94) 0.009
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    表  5  学生抑郁的家庭因素logistic回归分析模型分析

    Table  5.   Logistic regression model analysis of family factors for the risk of depression

    变量 Variable OR值 value (95% CI) P值 value
    父母是否经常吵架  Whether the parents often quarrel
      否  No 1.00
      是  Yes 1.34(1.16~1.55) <0.001
    与父母的关系  Relationship with parents
      好  Good 1.00
      一般  Not so good 1.00(0.86~1.17) 0.955
      坏  Bad 1.53(1.32~1.78) <0.001
    亲子互动评价  Parent-child interaction evaluation
      好  Good 1.00
      一般  Not so good 1.11(0.94~1.32) 0.213
      差  Bad 1.19(1.00~1.43) 0.052
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    表  6  学生抑郁的学校和同伴因素logistic回归分析模型分析

    Table  6.   Logistic regression model analysis of school and peer factors for the risk of depression

    变量  Variable OR值  value (95% CI) P值 value
    学校氛围  School atmosphere
      好  Good 1.00
      一般  Not so good 1.58(1.36~1.85) < 0.001
      差  Bad 2.43(1.99~2.96) < 0.001
    与班主任的关系  Relationship with the class teacher
      好  Good 1.00
      一般  Not so good 1.40(1.20~1.65) < 0.001
      差 Bad 1.94(1.57~2.39) < 0.001
    与老师的关系  Relationship with teachers
      不好  Bad 1.00
      好  Good 0.81(0.71~0.93) 0.002
    与同学的关系  Relationships with classmates
      不好  Bad 1.00
      好  Good 0.78(0.68~0.89) < 0.001
    身体欺凌  Physical bullying
      没有  No 1.00
      有  Yes 1.42(1.23~1.63) < 0.001
    社交欺凌  Social bullying
      没有  No 1.00
      有  Yes 2.49(2.17~2.85) < 0.001
    网络欺凌  Cyberbullying
      没有  No 1.00
      有  Yes 2.86(2.46~3.33) < 0.001
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  • 收稿日期:  2024-01-17
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