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叶盛 杨月 卢雪蕾 刘辉 李俊同 刘黎

叶盛, 杨月, 卢雪蕾, 刘辉, 李俊同, 刘黎. Logistic回归与决策树模型在青少年抑郁焦虑症状共病影响因素中的应用[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(8): 909-916. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.007
引用本文: 叶盛, 杨月, 卢雪蕾, 刘辉, 李俊同, 刘黎. Logistic回归与决策树模型在青少年抑郁焦虑症状共病影响因素中的应用[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(8): 909-916. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.007
YE Sheng, YANG Yue, LU Xuelei, LIU Hui, LI Juntong, LIU Li. Application of logistic regression and decision tree model on influencing factors of the comorbidity of depression and anxiety symptoms in adolescents[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(8): 909-916. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.007
Citation: YE Sheng, YANG Yue, LU Xuelei, LIU Hui, LI Juntong, LIU Li. Application of logistic regression and decision tree model on influencing factors of the comorbidity of depression and anxiety symptoms in adolescents[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(8): 909-916. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.007


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.007

南京市疾病预防控制中心青年人才科研培育团队项目 NPY2304


    刘黎,E-mail : 895047907@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: R181.3

Application of logistic regression and decision tree model on influencing factors of the comorbidity of depression and anxiety symptoms in adolescents


Youth Foundation of Nanjing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention NPY2304

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  应用logistic回归与决策树模型分析青少年抑郁焦虑症状共病的影响因素,为相关干预措施提供依据。  方法  2022年10月,基于立意抽样和分层随机整群抽样法选取南京市8个监测区10 178名青少年作为研究对象,问卷调查青少年抑郁焦虑症状共病及其影响因素。构建logistic回归与决策树模型,应用受试者工作特征(receive operating characteristic, ROC)曲线下面积(area under curve, AUC)评价模型预测效果。  结果  南京市青少年抑郁焦虑症状共病检出率为16.63%。Logistic回归与决策树模型分析结果均显示,自伤行为、学业满意程度、校园欺凌、学段和饮酒史是青少年抑郁焦虑症状共病的重要影响因素(均P < 0.05)。Logistic回归模型AUC大于决策树模型(0.828∶0.787, Z=11.153, P < 0.01)。  结论  Logistic回归模型的预测效果优于决策树模型。应重点关注自伤行为、学业满意程度、校园欺凌对青少年抑郁焦虑症状共病的影响,帮助青少年养成良好的健康行为方式,促进青少年身心健康发展。
  • 图  1  青少年抑郁焦虑症状共病的多因素logistic回归分析

    Figure  1.  Multivariate logistic regression analysis on the comorbidity of depression and anxiety symptoms in adolescents

    图  2  青少年抑郁焦虑症状共病影响因素的决策树树形图

    Figure  2.  Decision tree of the factors influencing comorbidity of depression and anxiety symptoms in adolescents

    图  3  Logistic回归模型和决策树模型的ROC曲线图


    Figure  3.  ROC curves of decision tree model and logistic regression model

    ROC: receive operating characteristic.

    表  1  不同个人特征青少年抑郁症状、焦虑症状及抑郁焦虑症状共病检出率

    Table  1.   Risk rates for depression symptoms, anxiety symptoms and the comorbidity of depression and anxiety symptoms among adolescents with different personal characteristics

    变量 Variable 人数 Total (n=10 178) 抑郁症状 Depression symptoms 焦虑症状 Anxiety symptoms 抑郁焦虑症状共病 The comorbidity of depression and anxiety symptoms
    检出人数 Number of cases (n=2 109) χ2值 value 检出人数 Number of cases (n=2 828) χ2值 value 检出人数 Number of cases (n=1 693) χ2值 value
    性别 Gender
      男 Male 5 412 1 011(18.68) 29.292 1 390(25.68) 25.444 788(14.56) 35.840
      女 Female 4 766 1098(23.04) 1 438(30.17) 905(18.99)
    学段 Phase of studying
      小学 Primary school 3 889 469(12.06) 363.375 732(18.82) 369.747 359(9.23) 327.903
      初中 Junior high school 3 588 797(22.21) 1 005(28.01) 631(17.59)
      高中 Senior high school 2 701 843(31.21) 1 091(40.39) 703(26.03)
    地区 District
      城区 Urban 5 500 916(16.65) 120.465 1 294(23.53) 108.135 726(13.20) 101.756
      郊县 Suburban 4 678 1 193(25.50) 1 534(32.79) 967(20.67)
    家庭结构 Family structure
      核心家庭 Core family 5 510 1 084(19.67) 6.831 1 503(27.28) 1.278 872(15.83) 4.617
      非核心家庭 Non-core family 4 392 958(21.81) 1 243(28.30) 766(17.44)
    父亲文化程度 Education level of father
      小学及以下 Elementary school or below 439 134(30.52) 117.162 158(35.99) 90.357 111(25.28) 92.828
      初中/中专/高中 Junior high school/technical secondary school/high school 6 064 1 414(23.32) 1 848(30.47) 1 132(18.67)
      大学及以上 University or above 3 675 561(15.27) 822(22.37) 450(12.24)
    母亲文化程度 Education level of mother
      小学及以下 Elementary school or below 843 249(29.54) 137.805 336(39.86) 146.727 206(24.44) 120.773
      初中/中专/高中 Junior high school/technical secondary school/high school 5 964 1 371(22.99) 1 778(29.81) 1 105(18.53)
      大学及以上 University or above 3 371 489(14.51) 714(21.18) 382(11.33)
    家庭经济条件 Family economic status
      差 Poor 580 232(40.00) 144.307 265(45.69) 106.819 202(34.83) 154.747
      中等 Moderate 7 584 1 507(19.87) 2 070(27.29) 1 207(15.92)
      好 Good 1 614 284(17.60) 383(23.73) 214(13.26)
      不清楚 Unclear 400 86(21.50) 110(27.50) 70(17.50)
    超重肥胖 Overweight and obesity
      否 No 6 167 1 276(20.69) 0.009 1 718(27.86) 0.041 1 024(16.60) 0.010
      是 Yes 4 011 833(20.77) 1 110(27.67) 669(16.68)
    学业满意程度 Degree of academic satisfaction
      不满意 Dissatisfaction 2 771 1 044(37.68) 808.094 1 210(43.67) 648.330 863(31.14) 689.221
      一般 General satisfaction 3 758 748(19.90) 1 072(28.53) 590(15.70)
      满意 Satisfaction 3 649 317(8.69) 546(14.96) 240(6.58)
    中高强度活动 Moderate-to-vigorous intensity activity/(d·w-1)
      7 1 486 228(15.34) 30.636 307(20.66) 44.035 172(11.57) 32.118
      < 7 8 692 1 881(21.64) 2 521(29.00) 1 521(17.50)
    屏幕使用时间 Screen time/(h·d-1)
      ≤2 3 737 645(17.26) 43.067 810(21.68) 109.878 489(13.09) 53.623
      >2 6 441 1 464(22.73) 2 018(31.33) 1 204(18.69)
    睡眠时间 Sleep duration
      不足 Inadequate 8 289 1 877(22.64) 100.568 2 512(30.31) 141.327 1 525(18.40) 100.214
      充足 Adequate 1 889 232(12.28) 316(16.73) 168(8.89)
    遭受校园欺凌 School bullying
      否 No 9 790 1 854(18.94) 497.250 2 556(26.11) 360.009 1 460(14.91) 548.352
      是 Yes 388 255(65.72) 272(70.10) 233(60.05)
    自伤行为 Self-injury
      无 No 9 071 1 399(15.42) 1 425.233 2 081(22.94) 975.368 1 070(11.80) 1 407.773
      有 Yes 1 107 710(64.14) 747(67.48) 623(56.28)
    吸烟史History of smoking
      无 No 9 772 1 896(19.40) 259.358 2 593(26.53) 190.893 1 506(15.41) 264.034
      有 Yes 406 213(52.46) 235(57.88) 187(46.06)
    饮酒史 History of drinking
      无 No 8 598 1 399(16.27) 667.635 2 024(23.54) 497.426 1 092(12.70) 617.917
      有 Yes 1 580 710(44.94) 804(50.89) 601(38.04)
    ①以人数(占比/%)表示; ②P < 0.05。
    Note: The option primary school in phase of studying variable was for grades 4 to 6 only;There were missing data for the family structure variable.
    ①Number of people (proportion/%); ②P < 0.05.
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