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郭瑞 张丙银 徐春晓 董静 任杰 刘丹茹 鹿子龙 郭晓雷

郭瑞, 张丙银, 徐春晓, 董静, 任杰, 刘丹茹, 鹿子龙, 郭晓雷. 山东省居民尿钠钾水平及其与血压的相关性研究[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(8): 929-936. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.010
引用本文: 郭瑞, 张丙银, 徐春晓, 董静, 任杰, 刘丹茹, 鹿子龙, 郭晓雷. 山东省居民尿钠钾水平及其与血压的相关性研究[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(8): 929-936. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.010
GUO Rui, ZHANG Bingyin, XU Chunxiao, DONG Jing, REN Jie, LIU Danru, LU Zilong, GUO Xiaolei. Association between urinary sodium and potassium excretion and blood pressure among adults in Shandong Province, China[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(8): 929-936. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.010
Citation: GUO Rui, ZHANG Bingyin, XU Chunxiao, DONG Jing, REN Jie, LIU Danru, LU Zilong, GUO Xiaolei. Association between urinary sodium and potassium excretion and blood pressure among adults in Shandong Province, China[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(8): 929-936. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.010


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.010
基金项目: 国家卫生健康委山东省人民政府联合三减控三高项目(2019)

    郭晓雷,E-mail : guoxiaolei@126.com

  • 中图分类号: R181.2+3

Association between urinary sodium and potassium excretion and blood pressure among adults in Shandong Province, China

Funds: Fund program: Joint Three Reduction and Three High Control Project of the National Health Commission and Shandong Provincial People′s Government (2019)
More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  分析山东省居民尿钠钾水平与高血压患病风险及血压水平的关系。  方法  2019年在山东省选取18~69岁居民进行问卷调查、体格测量及随机点尿采集。通过Tanaka公式以点尿估计24 h尿钠钾水平,采用限制性立方样条、logistic回归分析模型和线性回归分析模型分析24 h尿钠钾水平与高血压患病风险及血压水平的剂量-反应关系及关联模式,并按年龄、性别和是否服用降压药进行亚组分析。  结果  共纳入3 280人,24 h尿钠、尿钾及尿钠钾比为(4.12±0.95)g/d、(1.70±0.39)g/d和(2.51±0.69)。24 h尿钠升高1 g/d,收缩压升高1.221 mmHg(95% CI:0.611~1.830, P < 0.001)、舒张压升高0.612 mmHg(95% CI:0.201~1.023, P=0.004),24 h尿钾升高1 g/d,收缩压降低2.297 mmHg(95% CI:-3.797~-0.796, P=0.003)、舒张压降低1.159 mmHg(95% CI:-2.171~-0.147, P=0.025)。与尿钠钾比 < 2.0组相比,≥2.9组高血压患病风险增加37%(95% CI:1.062~1.769, P=0.015),收缩压升高3.047 mmHg(95% CI:1.470~4.624, P < 0.001),舒张压升高1.796 mmHg(95% CI:0.734~2.859, P=0.001)。除性别和尿钾与收缩压的关联存在相乘交互作用(P=0.015),其他指标无交互作用。  结论  随尿钠升高、尿钾降低,高血压患病风险、收缩压和舒张压均呈上升趋势,随机点尿用于大型流行病学调查中评估高血压患病风险具有一定科学性。
  • 图  1  24 h尿钠钾排泄水平与高血压患病风险及收缩压和舒张压的剂量-反应关系

    模型调整年龄、性别、教育程度、体力活动、吸烟、饮酒、BMI、糖尿病、血脂异常和食用低钠盐; A:24 h尿钠排泄水平与高血压患病风险的剂量-反应关系;B:24 h尿钠排泄水平与收缩压的剂量-反应关系;C:24 h尿钠排泄水平与舒张压的剂量-反应关系;D:24 h尿钾排泄水平与高血压患病风险的剂量-反应关系;E:24 h尿钾排泄水平与收缩压的剂量-反应关系;F:24 h尿钾排泄水平与舒张压的剂量-反应关系;G:24 h尿钠钾比水平与高血压患病风险的剂量-反应关系;H:24 h尿钠钾比水平与收缩压的剂量-反应关系;I:24 h尿钠钾比水平与舒张压的剂量-反应关系。

    Figure  1.  The dose-response relationship between 24-hour urinary sodium and potassium excretion and the risk of hypertension, as well as systolic and diastolic blood pressure

    Models adjusted for age, sex, education, physical activity, smoking, drinking, BMI, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and consumption of low-sodium salt; A: The dose-response relationship between 24-hour urinary sodium excretion and the risk of hypertension; B: The dose-response relationship between 24-hour urinary sodium excretion and systolic blood pressure; C: The dose-response relationship between 24-hour urinary sodium excretion and diastolic blood pressure; D: The dose-response relationship between 24-hour urinary potassium excretion and the risk of hypertension; E: The dose-response relationship between 24-hour urinary potassium excretion and systolic blood pressure; F: The dose-response relationship between 24-hour urinary potassium excretion and diastolic blood pressure; G: The dose-response relationship between 24-hour urinary sodium-to-potassium ratio and the risk of hypertension; H: The dose-response relationship between 24-hour urinary; I: The dose-response relationship between 24-hour urine sodium-potassium ratio level and diastolic blood pressure.

    图  2  24 h尿钠钾排泄水平与高血压患病风险及血压水平的关联的年龄、性别及服用药物情况亚组分析

    模型调整年龄、性别、教育程度、体力活动、吸烟、饮酒、BMI、糖尿病、血脂异常和食用低钠盐;“-”表示为数据无法获得; 箭头表示OR值未完全展示。

    Figure  2.  The correlation between 24-hour urinary sodium and potassium excretion and the risk of hypertension as well as blood pressure levels: ages, genders, and antihypertensive drug usage subgroup analysis

    Models adjusted for age, sex, education, physical activity, smoking, drinking, BMI, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and consumption of low-sodium salt; "-" indicates that the data is not available; An arrow indicates that the OR value is not fully displayed.

    表  1  研究对象的基本特征

    Table  1.   Characteristics of study participants

    变量  Variable 总人群  Total population (n=3 280) 高血压患者  Hypertensive patients (n=875) 非高血压者  Non-hypertensive patients (n=2 405) χ2/t/H值  value P值  value
    年龄/岁Age/years 44.36±13.91 52.10±11.39 41.54±13.68 -22.185 < 0.001
    性别  Gender 24.068 < 0.001
      男性  Male 1 437(43.8) 445(50.9) 992(41.2)
      女性  Female 1 843(56.2) 430(49.1) 1 413(58.8)
    教育程度  Education -10.570 < 0.001
      小学及以下  Primary and below 1 076(32.8) 398(45.5) 678(28.2)
      初中  Junior High School 1 353(41.2) 335(38.3) 1 018(42.3)
      高中  High School 566(17.3) 119(13.6) 447(18.6)
      大专及以上  College and above 285(8.7) 23(2.6) 262(10.9)
    体力活动  Physical activity -0.370 0.711
      低水平  Low level 2 134(65.1) 571(65.3) 1 563(65.0)
      中水平  Medium level 241(7.3) 46(5.3) 195(8.1)
      高水平  High level 905(27.6) 258(29.5) 647(26.9)
    吸烟  Smoking 5.827 0.018
      否  No 2 450(74.7) 627(71.7) 1823(75.8)
      是  Yes 830(25.3) 248(28.3) 582(24.2)
    饮酒  Drinking 5.917 0.017
      否  No 1 716(52.3) 427(48.8) 1 289(53.6)
      是  Yes 1 564(47.7) 448(51.2) 1 116(46.4)
    糖尿病  Diabetes 93.064 < 0.001
      否  No 2 896(88.3) 694(79.3) 2 202(91.6)
      是  Yes 384(11.7) 181(20.7) 203(8.4)
    血脂异常  Dyslipidemia 120.477 < 0.001
      否  No 2 179(66.4) 450(51.4) 1 729(71.9)
      是  Yes 1 101(33.6) 425(48.6) 676(28.1)
    食用低钠盐  Low-sodium salt 11.189 0.001
      否 No 2 512(76.6) 706(80.7) 1 806(75.1)
      是  Yes 768(23.4) 169(19.3) 599(24.9)
    BMI/(kg·m-2) 25.28±4.76 27.41±5.85 24.51±4.03 -13.535 < 0.001
    SBP/mmHg 125.53±18.60 147.72±16.38 117.46±11.41 -50.343 < 0.001
    DBP/mmHg 76.06±12.10 88.45±11.90 71.56±8.48 -38.571 < 0.001
    点尿钠  Spot urine sodium/(mmol·L-1) 152.89±76.84 150.19±75.33 153.87±77.37 1.228 0.225
    点尿钾 Spot urine potassium/(mmol·L-1) 45.01±28.26 43.44±27.46 45.58±28.54 1.954 0.055
    24 h尿钠估计值  24 h urine sodium estimate/(g·d-1) 4.12±0.95 4.22±1.00 4.08±0.93 -3.629 < 0.001
    24 h尿钾估计值  24 h urine potassium estimate/(g·d-1) 1.70±0.39 1.72±0.38 1.69±0.39 -1.914 0.060
    24 h尿钠钾比  24 h urine sodium-to-potassium ratio 2.51±0.69 2.54±0.72 2.50±0.68 -1.347 0.168
    Note: SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure.
    ① Number of people (proportion/%) or (x±s); ② Wilcoxon rank-sum test.
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    表  2  24 h尿钠钾排泄水平与高血压患病风险及血压水平的相关性

    Table  2.   The correlation between 24 hour urinary sodium and potassium excretion and the risk of hypertension as well as blood pressure levels

    变量/结局  Variable/outcome 高血压患病风险  Risk of hypertension OR值  value(95% CI) 收缩压  Systolic blood pressure β值  value(95% CI) 舒张压  Diastolic blood pressure β值  value(95% CI)
    粗模型  Crude model 调整模型  Adjusted model 粗模型  Crude model 调整模型  Adjusted model 粗模型  Crude model 调整模型  Adjusted model
    24 h尿钠估计值
    24 h urine sodium estimate/(g·d-1)
      连续变量 Continuous variable 1.166(1.076~1.264) 1.115(1.012~1.229) 2.148(1.484~2.812) 1.221(0.611~1.830) 1.314(0.882~1.745) 0.612(0.201~1.023)
      分类变量  Categorical variable
        Q1(< 3.5)
        Q2(3.5~ < 4.1) 1.091(0.870~1.368) 1.109(0.859~1.434) 1.699(-0.093~3.492) 1.477(-0.061~3.015) 0.977(-0.188~2.142) 0.719(-0.318~1.757)
        Q3(4.1~ < 4.7) 1.177(0.942~1.475) 1.131(0.875~1.463) 2.700(0.909~4.492) 1.627(0.070~3.185) 1.538(0.374~2.702) 0.682(-0.368~1.732)
        Q4(≥4.7) 1.538(1.237~1.915) 1.454(1.131~1.898) 5.904(4.112~7.696) 3.975(2.359~5.591) 3.732(2.567~4.896) 2.197(1.107~3.287)
    24 h尿钾估计值  24 h urine potassium estimate/(g·d-1)
      连续变量  Continuous variable 1.207(0.992~1.468) 0.768(0.602~0.977) 1.771(0.140~3.402) -2.297(-3.797~-0.796) 0.891(-0.169~1.951) -1.159(-2.171~-0.147)
      分类变量  Categorical variable
        Q1(< 1.4)
        Q2(1.4~ < 1.7) 1.261(1.009~1.576) 0.940(0.728~1.215) 1.538(-0.265~3.341) -0.972(-2.528~0.585) 0.320(-0.852~1.492) -0.975(-2.024~0.074)
        Q3(1.7~ < 1.9) 1.307(1.047~1.633) 0.878(0.679~1.135) 2.361(0.559~4.164) -1.163(-2.739~0.413) 1.238(0.067~2.410) -0.553(-1.615~0.510)
        Q4(≥1.9) 1.215(0.972~1.520) 0.787(0.602~1.029) 1.530(-0.271~3.332) -2.362(-3.998~-0.727) 0.432(-0.739~1.603) -1.621(-2.723~-0.518)
    24 h尿钠钾比 24 h urine sodium-to-potassium ratio
      连续变量 Continuous variable 1.081(0.967~1.208) 1.192(1.046~1.359) 1.518(0.598~2.438) 1.631(0.823~2.439) 1.054(0.456~1.652) 0.831(0.286~1.376)
      分类变量  Categorical variable
        Q1(< 2.0)
        Q2(2.0~ < 2.4) 0.981(0.786~1.225) 1.037(0.806~1.332) 1.442(-0.359~3.243) 1.514(-0.029~3.056) 1.287(0.118~2.457) 1.190(0.151~2.230)
        Q3(2.4~ < 2.9) 1.058(0.849~1.319) 1.084(0.844~1.394) 2.472(0.671~4.272) 1.933(0.383~3.484) 1.934(0.765~3.103) 1.353(0.309~2.398)
        Q4(≥2.9) 1.146(0.921~1.425) 1.370(1.062~1.769) 2.825(1.023~4.626) 3.047(1.470~4.624) 2.148(0.978~3.317) 1.796(0.734~2.859)
    Note: ①The crude model did not adjust for any variables; ②the adjusted model adjusted for age, sex, education, physical activity, smoking, drinking, BMI, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and consumption of low-sodium salt; "―" indicates that the Q1 group is used as a control.
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