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魏琮菡 梁力中 曾志嵘

魏琮菡, 梁力中, 曾志嵘. 慢性病共病轨迹方法学研究进展[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(8): 969-975. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.016
引用本文: 魏琮菡, 梁力中, 曾志嵘. 慢性病共病轨迹方法学研究进展[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(8): 969-975. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.016
WEI Conghan, LIANG Lizhong, ZENG Zhirong. Methodological research progress on the trajectory of chronic disease multimorbidity[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(8): 969-975. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.016
Citation: WEI Conghan, LIANG Lizhong, ZENG Zhirong. Methodological research progress on the trajectory of chronic disease multimorbidity[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(8): 969-975. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.016


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.08.016


  • 中图分类号: R181.2

Methodological research progress on the trajectory of chronic disease multimorbidity

More Information
  • 摘要: 随着人口老龄化加剧和人群疾病谱变化,慢性病共病日趋复杂,明确共病时间序列上的进展规律,将为更深入的研究提供切入点。本研究通过对慢性病共病轨迹相关概念进行分析,采用文献可视化系统梳理和以变量为中心、以个体为中心、以疾病诊断为中心3种研究视角对其方法学进展及研究发现具体总结。慢性病共病轨迹研究的开展,将为提早发现疾病风险并实施干预、延缓、控制疾病进展提供证据支持,对找出共病发生机制和优化卫生资源配置具有重要参考意义。
  • 图  1  慢性病共病轨迹相关概念

    Figure  1.  Related concepts of chronic disease multimorbidity trajectories

    图  2  慢性病共病轨迹研究国家(地区)合作网络图谱

    Figure  2.  Mapping of national (regional) cooperation networks for research on chronic disease multimorbidity trajectories

    图  3  慢性病共病轨迹研究关键词时序图

    Figure  3.  Keyword timing diagram for research on chronic disease multimorbidity trajectories

    表  1  慢性病共病轨迹3种研究视角

    Table  1.   Three research perspectives of chronic disease multimorbidity trajectories

    项目Program 以变量为中心
    Disease diagnosis-centered
    目的Objective 探讨变量间关系
    Exploring the relationship between variables
    Identifying Homogeneous Individuals
    Diseases causality inference
    假设Hypothesis 样本和总体间有同质性
    Homogeneity between sample and population
    样本存在异质性, 考虑变量综合作用
    There is heterogeneity in the sample, considering the combined effect of variables
    Diagnostic correlation between diseases
    方法Methods 描述性、相关性、回归和生存分析
    Descriptives, correlations, regression and survival analysis
    Cluster, sequence analysis, latent class trajectory modeling
    Probabilistic, graph algorithms
    优势Strengths 变量相对独立, 模型可解释性较高
    Relative independence of variables and high interpretability of the model
    Integration of patient characteristics for group comparisons
    Integration of diagnostic and relevant influencing factors
    不足Weaknesses 变量有限且缺乏交互作用;统计推断泛化性较差
    Limited variables and lack of interactions; poor generalisation of statistical inference
    亚组较多且依赖模型寻找潜在特征, 可解释性相对较差
    Interpretability is relatively poor with more subgroups and reliance on the model to find underlying features
    Stronger association of common diseases; bias in diagnosis and time
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