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陈瑶 陈炜 孙朋 陈沁怡 马瑞 刘文娟 叶冬青 范引光

陈瑶, 陈炜, 孙朋, 陈沁怡, 马瑞, 刘文娟, 叶冬青, 范引光. 不同年份安徽省60~69岁老年人体质特征对比分析[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(9): 1015-1022. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.09.005
引用本文: 陈瑶, 陈炜, 孙朋, 陈沁怡, 马瑞, 刘文娟, 叶冬青, 范引光. 不同年份安徽省60~69岁老年人体质特征对比分析[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(9): 1015-1022. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.09.005
CHEN Yao, CHEN Wei, SUN Peng, CHEN Qinyi, MA Rui, LIU Wenjuan, YE Dongqing, FAN Yinguang. Comparative analysis of physical fitness of 60-69 years old people in Anhui Province in different years[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(9): 1015-1022. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.09.005
Citation: CHEN Yao, CHEN Wei, SUN Peng, CHEN Qinyi, MA Rui, LIU Wenjuan, YE Dongqing, FAN Yinguang. Comparative analysis of physical fitness of 60-69 years old people in Anhui Province in different years[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(9): 1015-1022. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.09.005


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.09.005

国家重点研发计划 2022YFC3600302

安徽省体育科学技术研究所研究项目 K2023114



  • 中图分类号: R181

Comparative analysis of physical fitness of 60-69 years old people in Anhui Province in different years


National Key Research and Development Program Projects 2022YFC3600302

Research Project of Anhui Sports Science and Technology Institute K2023114

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  通过对比分析2014年和2020年安徽省60~69岁老年人体质特征的差异,为安徽省老年人体质干预提供基础数据和理论依据。  方法  采用多阶段抽样方法于2014年和2020年分别从安徽省16个地级市抽取6 168和5 462名60~69岁老年人,结合国民体质监测,在社区卫生服务中心对研究对象进行问卷调查和体质测试,采用多元线性回归分析控制混杂因素后,比较两个年份间指标变化。  结果  安徽省60~69岁老年人身体形态、身体机能和身体素质指标在性别、年龄、地区分布、城乡间差异均有统计学意义(均P < 0.05)。多元线性回归分析显示,相对于2014年,2020年安徽省老年人的握力(β=-0.677, 95% CI: -0.946~-0.411)有所下降,身高(β=1.278, 95% CI: 1.053~1.504)、体重(β=2.012, 95% CI: 1.697~2.354)、BMI(β=0.416, 95% CI: 0.295~0.538)、腰围(β=2.529, 95% CI: 2.172~2.885)、臀围(β=1.147, 95% CI: 0.856~1.438)、腰臀比(β=0.016, 95% CI: 0.014~0.019)、体脂率(β=0.423, 95% CI: 0.301~0.545)、闭眼单脚站立时长(β=0.157, 95% CI: 0.147~0.168)和选择反应时(β=0.031, 95% CI: 0.020~0.042)等在2020年均增加(均P < 0.001)。  结论  安徽省60~69岁老年人肥胖问题和神经冲动的传导速度及反应能力下降日趋严重,应开展有针对性的饮食和体育锻炼的指导,以减少老年人肥胖,提升其综合身体素质。
  • 表  1  2014年和2020年安徽省老年人体质监测的一般情况

    Table  1.   Baseline characteristics of the elderly in the Anhui Provincial physical fitness surveillance, 2014 and 2020

    (n=6 168)
    (n=5 462)
    性别Gender 6.630 0.010
      男性Male 3 070(49.77) 2 588(47.38)
      女性Female 3 098(50.23) 2 874(52.62)
    年龄组/岁Age group/years 2.886 0.089
      60~ < 65 3 310(53.66) 3 017(55.24)
      65~69 2 858(46.34) 2 445(44.76)
    地区Region 5.181 0.075
      皖北North of Anhui Province 2 410(39.07) 2 033(37.22)
      皖中Middle of Anhui Province 2 332(37.81) 2 089(38.25)
      皖南South of Anhui Province 1 426(23.12) 1 340(24.53)
    城乡Urban and rural 6.021 0.014
      乡村Rural 2 929(47.49) 2 197(45.14)
      城镇Urban 3 239(55.51) 2 670(54.86)
    Note: ① Number of people (proportion/%).
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    表  2  2014年和2020年不同性别的老年人体质特征

    Table  2.   Physical characteristics of the elderly by gender in 2014 and 2020

    2014年year (n=6 168) 2020年year (n=5 462) t1/Z1
    (n=3 070)
    (n=3 098)
    (n=2 588)
    (n=2 874)
    形态指标Morphological indicator
      身高Height/cm 165.42±5.97 155.12±5.64 166.40±6.09 156.20±6.42 6.067 < 0.001 6.866 < 0.001
      体重Weight/kg 65.85±9.47 59.05±8.57 68.47±9.38 60.32±8.57 10.390 < 0.001 8.702 < 0.001
    BMI/(kg·m-2) 24.03±2.96 24.53±3.24 24.72±3.11 24.76±3.43 8.540 < 0.001 2.671 0.008
      腰围Waist circumference/cm 86.93±8.78 85.71±9.12 90.53±9.54 87.35±9.99 14.642 < 0.001 6.597 < 0.001
      臀围Hip circumference/cm 94.81±6.92 95.15±6.84 97.04±8.42 95.30±8.35 10.707 < 0.001 0.729 0.462
      腰臀比Waist-to-hip ratio 0.92±0.06 0.90±0.07 0.93±0.07 0.92±0.08 9.839 < 0.001 8.910 < 0.001
      体脂率Body fat percentage/% 21.09±7.68 39.99±8.66 23.37±6.17 31.01±6.59 12.318 < 0.001 45.259 < 0.001
    机能指标Functionality indicator
      肺活量Vital capacity/mL 2 410.92±721.49 1 797.20±550.18 2 320.27±668.76 1 932.95±546.20 4.879 < 0.001 2.500 0.012
    素质指标Quality indicator
      握力Grip strength/kg 36.17±8.15 23.24±5.38 33.72±8.16 24.06±5.90 11.251 < 0.001 5.580 < 0.001
      坐位体前屈Sit and reach/cm 2.00(-3.00, 7.00) 6.70(1.50, 12.25) 4.90(0.40, 10.20) 7.10(2.40, 12.70) 14.769 < 0.001 3.732 < 0.001
      闭眼单脚站立时长Duration of one-leg standing with eyes closed/s 5.10(4.00, 9.00) 5.00(3.00, 8.00) 8.70(5.80, 12.30) 8.10(5.40, 12.10) 21.357 < 0.001 25.953 < 0.001
      选择反应时Choice reaction time/s 0.74±0.32 0.78±0.33 0.79±0.23 0.81±0.25 6.480 < 0.001 3.094 0.002
    ①以x±sM(P25, P75)表示。
    Note: t1/Z1, indices of male compared between 2014 and 2020; t2/Z2, indices of female compared between 2014 and 2020.
    x±s or M(P25, P75).
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    表  3  2014年和2020年不同年龄组的老年人体质特征

    Table  3.   Physical characteristics of the elderly by age in 2014 and 2020

    2014年year (n=6 168) 2020年year (n=5 462) t1/Z1
      60~ < 65岁years
    (n=3 310)
    (n=2 858)
    60~ < 65岁years
    (n=3 017)
    (n=1 445)
    形态指标Morphological indicator
      身高Height/cm 161.57±7.69 159.89±7.83 161.37±8.07 160.60±7.06 4.087 < 0.001 3.278 0.001
      体重Weight/kg 62.79±9.54 62.03±9.77 64.01±9.91 64.40±9.76 4.980 < 0.001 8.796 < 0.001
      BMI/(kg·m-2) 24.32±3.08 24.23±3.16 24.57±3.29 24.95±3.27 3.044 0.002 8.215 < 0.001
      腰围Waist circumference/cm 86.29±8.86 86.35±9.10 88.26±10.03 89.59±9.71 8.287 < 0.001 12.435 < 0.001
      臀围Hip circumference/cm 95.21±6.69 94.72±7.08 95.82±8.39 96.49±8.46 3.179 0.001 8.159 < 0.001
      腰臀比Waist-to-hip ratio 0.90±0.06 0.91±0.07 0.92±0.08 0.93±0.07 8.870 < 0.001 9.458 < 0.001
      体脂率Body fat percentage/% 30.42±12.21 30.79±12.84 27.27±7.44 27.57±7.44 12.487 < 0.001 11.331 < 0.001
    机能指标Functionality indicator
      肺活量Vital capacity/mL 2 123.63±712.07 2 078.33±708.66 2 104.55±664.21 2 016.28±639.20 1.098 0.272 3.330 0.001
    素质指标Quality indicator
      握力Grip strength/kg 30.13±9.59 29.15±9.27 29.14±8.69 28.09±8.36 4.318 < 0.001 4.337 < 0.001
      坐位体前屈Sit and reach/cm 4.10(-1.00, 10.30) 4.00(-0.80, 9.50) 6.10(1.40, 11.50) 6.00(1.30, 11.40) 9.458 < 0.001 9.629 < 0.001
      闭眼单脚站立时长Duration of one-leg standing with eyes closed/s 5.10(4.00, 9.00) 5.00(3.00, 8.00) 8.60(5.70, 12.40) 8.20(5.40, 12.00) 24.431 < 0.001 22.518 < 0.001
      选择反应时Choice reaction time/s 0.75±0.32 0.77±0.33 0.78±0.23 0.82±0.26 3.821 < 0.001 6.058 < 0.001
    注:t1/Z1,2014年和2020年60~ < 65岁人群指标间比较;t2/Z2,2014年和2020年65~69岁人群指标间比较。
    ①以x±sM(P25, P75)表示。
    Note: t1/Z1, indices of male compared between 2014 and 2020; t2/Z2, indices of female compared between 2014 and 2020.
    x±s or M(P25, P75).
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    表  4  2014年和2020年不同地区的老年人体质特征

    Table  4.   Physical characteristics of the elderly by different regions in 2014 and 2020

    2014年year(n=6 168)
    North of Anhui Province
    (n=2 410)
    Middle of Anhui Province
    (n=2 332)
    South of Anhui Province
    (n=1 426)
    形态指标Morphological indicator
      身高Height/cm 160.38±7.78 159.70±7.78 160.90±7.64
      体重Weight/kg 62.56±9.49 61.82±10.01 63.24±9.23
      BMI/(kg·m-2) 24.28±3.03 24.20±3.32 24.39±2.91
      腰围Waist circumference/cm 85.25±9.05 86.56±9.26 87.72±8.13
      臀围Hip circumference/cm 94.48±6.90 95.19±7.04 95.49±6.49
      腰臀比Waist-to-hip ratio 0.90±0.07 0.91±0.06 0.92±0.06
      体脂率Body fat percentage/% 29.30±12.06 31.07±13.06 31.99±12.13
    机能指标Functionality indicator
      肺活量Vital capacity/mL 2 120.53±682.41 2 061.68±701.33 2 139.42±768.04
    素质指标Quality indicator
      握力Grip strength/kg 30.61±10.12 28.79±9.24 29.56±8.43
      坐位体前屈Sit and reach/cm 3.30(-1.70, 9.70) 3.80(-1.80, 10.00) 5.10(1.40, 10.70)
      闭眼单脚站立时长Duration of one-leg standing with eyes closed/s 5.00(3.00, 8.00) 5.00(3.00, 9.00) 5.00(3.00, 8.00)
      选择反应时Choice reaction time/s 0.69±0.27 0.82±0.37 0.78±0.31
    2020年year (n=5 462) t1/Z1
    North of Anhui Province
    (n=2 033)
    Middle of Anhui Province
    (n=2 089)
    South of Anhui Province
    (n=1 340)
    形态指标Morphological indicator
      身高Height/cm 160.59±8.39 161.95±7.80 160.26±7.86 0.846 9.558 2.171
      体重Weight/kg 65.09±9.78 64.52±9.96 62.28±9.49 8.722 8.965 2.701
      BMI/(kg·m-2) 25.24±3.34 24.59±3.33 24.21±3.00 9.981 3.840 1.601
      腰围Waist circumference/cm 91.32±9.81 88.64±9.27 85.44±9.97 21.273 7.438 6.571
      臀围Hip circumference/cm 97.54±8.80 96.49±7.77 93.39±8.19 12.740 5.771 7.462
      腰臀比Waist-to-hip ratio 0.94±0.08 0.92±0.07 0.91±0.06 16.125 5.297 1.922
      体脂率Body fat percentage/% 27.88±7.84 26.93±7.44 27.44±6.76 4.717 13.095 12.273
    机能指标Functionality indicator
      肺活量Vital capacity/mL 1 917.07±633.67 2 182.54±570.32 2 104.06±757.42 10.207 6.289 1.214
    素质指标Quality indicator
      握力Grip strength/kg 27.25±8.46 29.21±8.16 29.98±8.99 11.987 1.616 1.271
      坐位体前屈Sit and reach/cm 6.70(2.40, 12.10) 4.50(0.60, 10.40) 6.80(2.00, 11.80) 13.086 5.216 4.450
      闭眼单脚站立时长Duration of one-leg standing with eyes closed/s 7.10(4.30, 11.20) 8.90(6.80, 12.30) 9.15(5.60, 13.30) 12.153 24.090 21.999
      选择反应时Choice reaction time/s 0.92±0.29 0.73±0.18 0.73±0.16 25.968 10.414 5.204
    ①以x±sM(P25, P75)表示;② P < 0.05。
    Note: t1/Z1, indices of participants in the north of Anhui Province compared between 2014 and 2020;t2/Z2, indices of participants in center Anhui Province compared between 2014 and 2020; t2/Z2, indices of participants in the south of Anhui Province compared between 2014 and 2020.
    x±s or M(P25, P75); ② P < 0.05.
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    表  5  2014年和2020年城乡的老年人体质特征

    Table  5.   Physical characteristics of the elderly between rural and urban in 2014 and 2020

    2014年year (n=6 168) 2020年year (n=5 462) t1/Z1
    (n=2 929)
    (n=3 239)
    (n=2 197)
    (n=2 670)
    形态指标Morphological indicator
      身高Height/cm 159.65±7.87 160.78±7.62 159.95±8.18 162.11±7.78 1.314 0.189 6.606 < 0.001
      体重Weight/kg 61.48±9.75 63.30±9.48 63.88±10.05 64.49±9.80 8.591 < 0.001 4.744 < 0.001
      BMI/(kg·m-2) 24.09±3.23 24.45±2.99 24.96±3.43 24.52±3.23 9.212 < 0.001 0.960 0.337
      腰围Waist circumference/cm 86.45±9.30 86.19±8.67 88.50±9.67 89.20±10.30 7.681 < 0.001 11.945 < 0.001
      臀围Hip circumference/cm 94.73±7.23 95.22±6.53 95.17±8.30 96.97±8.81 1.979 0.048 8.524 < 0.001
      腰臀比Waist-to-hip ratio 0.91±0.07 0.90±0.06 0.93±0.07 0.92±0.07 9.328 < 0.001 8.431 < 0.001
      体脂率Body fat percentage/% 31.21±13.29 30.03±11.73 27.80±7.45 26.79±7.51 11.636 < 0.001 12.801 < 0.001
    机能指标Functionality indicator
      肺活量Vital capacity/mL 2 062.23±697.20 2 139.15±721.02 2 048.75±635.51 2 080.31±659.92 0.718 0.473 3.246 0.001
    素质指标Quality indicator
      握力Grip strength/kg 29.18±9.43 30.12±9.46 27.89±7.83 29.21±8.94 5.318 < 0.001 3.762 < 0.001
      坐位体前屈Sit and reach/cm 4.00(-0.98,10.00) 4.10(-1.00,10.80) 6.00(1.50, 11.30) 6.00(1.30, 11.50) 10.719 < 0.001 7.788 < 0.001
      闭眼单脚站立时长Duration of one-leg standing with eyes closed/s 5.00(3.00, 8.00) 5.10(4.00, 9.00) 8.10(5.20, 11.80) 8.70(5.90, 12.20) 21.831 < 0.001 22.815 < 0.001
      选择反应时Choice reaction time/s 0.82±0.35 0.71±0.29 0.82±0.24 0.78±0.23 0.302 0.749 9.951 < 0.001
    ①以x±sM(P25, P75)表示。
    Note: t1/Z1, indices of male compared between 2014 and 2020; t2/Z2, indices of female compared between 2014 and 2020.
    x±s or M(P25, P75).
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    表  6  安徽省老年人不同年份体质特征的单因素和多元线性回归分析

    Table  6.   Univariate and multivariate linear regression analysis of physical fitness characteristics in elderly in Anhui Province across different years

    单因素分析Univariate analysis 多元线性回归分析
    Multivariate linear regression analysis
    (n=6 168)
    (n=4 867)
    (95% CI)
    身高Height/cm 160.23±7.76 161.03±8.07 5.301 < 0.001 1.278(1.053~1.504) < 0.001
    体重Weight/kg 62.44±9.65 24.74±3.28 9.633 < 0.001 2.012(1.697~2.354) < 0.001
    BMI/(kg·m-2) 24.28±3.11 24.74±3.28 7.763 < 0.001 0.416(0.295~0.538) < 0.001
    腰围Waist circumference/cm 86.31±8.97 88.86±9.91 14.378 < 0.001 2.529(2.172~2.885) < 0.001
    臀围Hip circumference/cm 94.98±6.88 96.12±8.43 7.994 < 0.001 1.147(0.856~1.438) < 0.001
    腰臀比Waist-to-hip ratio 0.91±0.07 0.93±0.07 12.811 < 0.001 0.016(0.014~0.019) < 0.001
    体脂率Body fat percentage/% 28.26±6.45 29.14±6.38 7.404 < 0.001 0.423(0.301~0.545) < 0.001
    肺活量Vital capacity/mL 2 102.61±710.79 2 065.23±654.60 2.936 0.003 -16.200(-40.020~7.619) 0.183
    握力Grip strength/kg 29.68±9.46 28.67±8.56 5.991 < 0.001 -0.677(-0.946~-0.411) < 0.001
    坐位体前屈Sit and reach/cm 4.00(-1.00, 10.00) 5.00(3.00, 8.00) 13.480 < 0.001 0.003(-0.015~0.022) 0.779
    闭眼单脚站立时长Duration of one-leg standing with eyes closed/s 6.00(1.40, 11.50) 8.40(5.50, 12.20) 33.326 < 0.001 0.157(0.147~0.168) < 0.001
    选择反应时Choice reaction time/s 0.76±0.33 0.80±0.24 6.676 < 0.001 0.031(0.020~0.042) < 0.001
    注:①以x±sM(P25, P75)表示;②控制性别、年龄、地区分布、城乡4个变量;③对数转换为正态分布后进行多元线性回归分析。
    Note: ① x±s or M(P25, P75); ② Control gender, age, region, urban and rural; ③ Multiple linear regression analysis was performed after the variable log-transformed to normal distribution.
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