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丁宏梅 张明亚 胥小琴 张宏秀

丁宏梅, 张明亚, 胥小琴, 张宏秀. 机器学习和Cox比例风险回归模型预警高危型HPV持续感染[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(9): 1083-1089. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.09.014
引用本文: 丁宏梅, 张明亚, 胥小琴, 张宏秀. 机器学习和Cox比例风险回归模型预警高危型HPV持续感染[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2024, 28(9): 1083-1089. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.09.014
DING Hongmei, ZHANG Mingya, XU Xiaoqin, ZHANG Hongxiu. Machine learning and Cox proportional hazards regression model for warning of persistent infection with high-risk HPV type[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(9): 1083-1089. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.09.014
Citation: DING Hongmei, ZHANG Mingya, XU Xiaoqin, ZHANG Hongxiu. Machine learning and Cox proportional hazards regression model for warning of persistent infection with high-risk HPV type[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2024, 28(9): 1083-1089. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.09.014


doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2024.09.014

江苏省妇幼保健协会科研项目 FYX202345


    张宏秀,E-mail: hongxiuz@njmu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: R737.3

Machine learning and Cox proportional hazards regression model for warning of persistent infection with high-risk HPV type


Scientific Research Project of Jiangsu Maternal and Child Health Care Association FYX202345

More Information
  • 摘要:   目的  建立基于机器学习的人乳头瘤病毒(human papilloma virus, HPV)预测模型,确定与高危型人乳头瘤病毒(high-risk human papilloma virus, HR-HPV)持续感染相关的因素,为早期预警HR-HPV持续感染人群提供帮助。  方法  收集4 407例于2017年9月―2019年9月在泰州市4所卫生机构参与HPV检测,并于2020年9月―2022年9月按照要求参与HPV随访者的临床资料。将队列研究中4 407例研究对象的人口特征作为机器学习模型输入,2次HPV检查结果的变化过程作为输出,建立基于机器学习的预测模型,包括随机森林(random forest, RF)和多层感知机(multilayer perceptron, MLP),预测研究对象的HPV随访结果。采用单因素Cox比例风险回归模型和多因素Cox比例风险回归模型对583例初筛HR-HPV阳性病例进行统计分析,分析HR-HPV持续感染的特征及转归的影响因素。  结果  RF预测模型准确率为84.3%,MLP准确率为80.5%。HR-HPV持续阳性率的前5位病毒型别为HPV58、多重感染、HPV31、HPV33、HPV52。多因素Cox比例风险回归模型研究显示,初中及以下学历人群HR-HPV感染转阴风险是高中及以上学历人群的1.72倍(HR=1.72, 95% CI: 1.03~2.87, P=0.037),未绝经人群HR-HPV感染转阴风险是绝经人群的2.11倍(HR=2.11, 95% CI: 1.10~4.06, P=0.025)。  结论  机器学习和Cox比例风险回归模型可提前预警HR-HPV持续感染人群,对HR-HPV感染女性后续管理和宫颈癌防控有重要的临床价值。
  • 图  1  随机森林和多层感知机训练曲线

    Figure  1.  Random forest and multilayer perceptron training curves

    图  2  同型HR-HPV持续阳性率型别分布


    Figure  2.  Distribution of isotype HR-HPV persistent positive genotypes

    HR-HPV: high-risk human papillomavirus; HPV: human papilloma virus.

    表  1  同型持续性HR-HPV阳性组和HR-HPV转阴组单因素Cox回归分析

    Table  1.   Univariate Cox regression analysis of the isotype persistent HR-HPV positive group and HR-HPV turn-negative group

    Isotype persistent HR-HPV positive group (n=202)
    The HR-HPV turn-negative group (n=381)
    年龄/岁 Age/years 52(48, 56) 49(44, 52) 9.153 0.002
    初筛 TCT Primary screening TCT 0.726 0.394
       阴性 Negative 126(32.2) 265(67.8)
       阳性 Positive 31(38.3) 50(61.7)
       未查 Unchecked 45(40.5) 66(59.5)
    初筛病理 Primary screening pathology 0.713 0.136
       低级别上皮内瘤变 Low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia 31(40.8) 45(59.2)
       高级别上皮内瘤变 High-grade intraepithelial neoplasia 10(27.8) 26(72.2)
       宫颈癌 Cervical carcinoma 0(0) 3(100.0)
       阴性 Negative 19(46.3) 22(53.7)
       未查 Unchecked 142(33.3) 285(66.7)
    职业 Occupational 6.636 0.036
       第一产业 Primary industry 84(38.5) 134(61.5)
       第二产业 Secondary industry 6(37.5) 10(62.5)
       第三产业 Tertiary industry 57(26.3) 160(73.7)
       未知 Unknown 55(41.7) 77(58.3)
    受教育水平 Educational level 0.154 0.013
       初中及以下 Junior high school education and below 175(34.6) 331(65.4)
       高中及以上 High school education and above 27(35.1) 50(64.9)
    BMI/(kg·m-2) 0.003 0.958
       低体重 Low body weight 3(42.9) 4(57.1)
       正常体重 Normal weight 43(30.7) 97(69.3)
       超重及肥胖 Overweight and obesity 48(38.4) 77(61.6)
       未知 Unknown 108(34.7) 203(65.3)
    初潮年龄/岁 Age at menarche/years 16(15, 17) 15(14, 17) 0.009 0.925
    绝经 Menopause 10.462 0.001
       是 Yes 156(40.5) 229(59.5)
       否 No 46(23.2) 152(76.8)
    妊娠次数 Number of pregnancies 5.202 0.074
       0~1 57(39.6) 87(60.4)
       2 62(26.8) 169(73.2)
       ≥3 71(41.8) 99(58.2)
       未知 Unknown 12(31.6) 26(68.4)
    分娩次数 Number of deliveries 0.260 0.610
       0~1 159(33.9) 310(66.1)
       2 27(38.6) 43(61.4)
       ≥3 4(66.7) 2(33.3)
       未知 Unknown 12(31.6) 26(68.4)
    避孕 Contraception 0.483 0.028
       是 Yes 44(29.1) 107(70.9)
       否 No 158(36.6) 274(63.4)
    初产年龄/岁 Age at first birth/years 24(22, 25) 24(22, 26) 5.945 0.015
    疫苗接种情况 Vaccination 0.001 0.978
       是 Yes 3(75.0) 1(25.0)
       否 No 199(34.4) 380(65.6)
    感染形式 Infection form 5.801 0.016
       多重感染 Multiplicities infection 67(48.6) 71(51.4)
       单一感染 Single infection 135(30.3) 310(69.7)
    有无治疗 With or without treatment 0.720 0.396
       是 Yes 13(31.0) 29(69.0)
       否 No 189(34.9) 352(65.1)
    随访时间/月 Follow-up time/months 34.5(33.6, 34.9) 34.6(34.0, 36.6)
    ①以人数(占比/%)或M(P25, P75)表示。
    Note: TCT, thinprep cytologic test; HR-HPV, high-risk human papillomavirus; HPV, human papilloma virus.
    ① Number of people (proportion/%) or M(P25, P75).
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    表  2  同型持续性HR-HPV阳性组和HR-HPV转阴组多因素Cox回归分析

    Table  2.   Multivariate Cox regression analysis of the isotype persistent HR-HPV positive group and HR-HPV turn-negative group

    sx Wald
    HR值 value
    (95% CI)
    年龄/岁 Age/years 0.018 0.027 0.472 0.492 1.02(0.97~1.07)
    职业 Occupational
       第一产业 Primary industry 1.00
       第二产业 Secondary industry -0.398 0.467 0.725 0.394 0.67(0.27~1.68)
       第三产业 Tertiary industry 0.404 0.242 2.770 0.096 1.50(0.93~2.41)
    受教育水平 Educational level
       高中及以上 High school education and above 1.00
       初中及以下 Junior high school education and below 0.544 0.261 4.348 0.037 1.72(1.03~2.87)
    绝经 Whether menopause
       是 Yes 1.00
       否 No 0.747 0.334 4.997 0.025 2.11(1.10~4.06)
    避孕 Whether contraception
       无 No 1.00
       有 Yes -0.001 0.284 0 0.996 1.00(0.57~1.74)
    初产年龄 Primary age -0.072 0.048 2.261 0.133 0.93(0.85~1.02)
    感染形式 Infection form
       多重感染 Multiplicities infection 1.00
       单一感染 Single infection -0.003 0.283 0 0.991 1.00(0.57~1.74)
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